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Armoured Soldier Reservist Q's


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I searched around and never really found much info, or an answer, but what exactly would an armoured reservist do during training with the G-Wagen? I mean, other than learning how to drive it, and learning to operate all of the recce gear that they use, how exactly are these skills put together during the time on the weekends that you spend away? Sorry if this sounds dumb, it's hard to explain what I mean.
There isn't a lot of "Recce" Gear in the Armoured Reserves world.. nothing like the kit the Coyotes have atleast.

Armour Recce guys do a lot of Convoy Escort training since that's what most of them do overseas. Also on a weekend or Brigade Ex they'd do mounted an some dismounted Recce aswell as IBTS.

I'am pretty sure if you search you can find out more info on what they do. Or you could contact the Reserve unit you are thinkin of joining an they can tell you what they specifically do.
hey Skeletor, I appreciate you being a vet of the Army.ca, but lets stick in our lanes, eh?

Armour recce in the reserves does the same thing the reg force do, just a different platform.  True we do not have a cool 25mm chain gun, awesome sensor suite or 8 wheels of death, but we do the same job.

Nax, not too sure if I am getting above your head in Jargon, let me know if I am.

In the armour recce reserve, we do advance to contact, op's, rear area security tasks that do include convoy and VIP escort. We also do foot patrols, prisoner security, CBRN recce, harbor patrols, advanced recce beachheads, etc etc etc.

All in all, Armour Recce has the advantage of being a highly mobile quick reaction force.  We patrol in Gwagons with a mounted MG on the roof, crews of 4 and patrols of 8.  A very dynamic sort of trade.  If you want to find out more, there are 2 armour recce units in your area, I recommend the Queen York Rangers, good unit.

All in all, why carry your kit when your kit can carry you, just use your trucksack.

Good luck
Thank you very much, I was leaning more towards the Queens York Rangers as well, I'll be calling them up later on today but thank you for the quick response. :cdn:

EDIT: Actually, I do have two Q's if you're still around, advanced recce beachhead? I haven't heard that term, what would something like that consist of?
I have some additional questions. I applied to Calgary's Kings Own for a reserve Armored Soldier. I Should hear from them next week now that all they paper work and exams are finished with. Will I be going to St. Jean this summer for BMQ, or do I stick around in Calgary and train on evenings and weekends? Also, I would like to get my full qualification and have an opportunity to go on deployment in the near future. Do reservist go through same training as NCM's? Like, BMQ, SQ, MOPT courses? I want to stick with the reserves for now, if I go on deployment, I want to come back and do a degree, then decide if I want to become an officer in the reg force, for go apply to be an RCMP.
I would like to be a crewmen of a recce team in the Coyote, or be a crewman in a Leopard. Would I have a say in this?
Im done school in april, and I am planning to take a year off from school and pursue my military goals, then go from there.
From what I've read here, and told be other Armoured guys, you don't really have a say in what you'll be operating, I assume you're trained and qualified to use everything during Gagetown, but they'll put you in whatever they need you in.
Just a guess but you will probably do your BMQ/SQ in this summer at Wainwright and your trades course next summer in Gagetown(?).

Don't they run BMQ courses in the summer? Do they not do SQ/MOPT during the non-summer months?
RyGuy009 said:
I have some additional questions. I applied to Calgary's Kings Own for a reserve Armored Soldier. I Should hear from them next week now that all they paper work and exams are finished with. Will I be going to St. Jean this summer for BMQ, or do I stick around in Calgary and train on evenings and weekends? Also, I would like to get my full qualification and have an opportunity to go on deployment in the near future. Do reservist go through same training as NCM's? Like, BMQ, SQ, MOPT courses? I want to stick with the reserves for now, if I go on deployment, I want to come back and do a degree, then decide if I want to become an officer in the reg force, for go apply to be an RCMP.
I would like to be a crewmen of a recce team in the Coyote, or be a crewman in a Leopard. Would I have a say in this?
Im done school in april, and I am planning to take a year off from school and pursue my military goals, then go from there.

It is highly unlikely that you will go to St Jean as a Reservist to do BMQ.  You will probably do that at your local unit and then your SQ during the summer.  For you, you may be able to both, back to back in either Wainwright or Dundurn.  You will probably do your Trades training after you do your SQ.  If you do you BMQ this Spring and a SQ in June, you may be able to get your Armour Trades training this summer as well.  If not, you will likely do that at your unit in Calgary over the Fall and Winter.  For those in LFCA, (Ontario) there are no BMQ crses planned for this summer; SQ only (all subject to change).

Your BMQ and SQ will be fairly much the same as for a Regular Force member, but more condensed.  Your Trades training as an Armour Crewman will follow some of the same training as a Regular Force Armour Crewman, but not all.  You will be trained on the G-Wagen, not the Coyote or Leopard.  Once you have been trained as an Armour Crewman, and have some experience, you can volunteer for a Tour.  If you go on Tour, you may be lucky enough to get to drive or ride in a Coyote or Leopard, but most likely you will have to go Regular Force to do so.  It will depend on timing as to what courses you will get initially, after you have completed your basic Armour Crewman courses.
Thanks for that. It's all 9 coming together. I tried calling 310-ARMY but there's something about the number and its not working. I want to be more than a weekend soldier, you know?
bcbarman said:
hey Skeletor, I appreciate you being a vet of the Army.ca, but lets stick in our lanes, eh?

Fair enough; I'am not a Reserve Armour Recce Soldier; but I think I've seen enough Armour Recce Reservists on Ex(when I was a Reserve); an on tour, an know a few of them, etc to be able to give a general idea of what the trade does. Not like I'am talking about what goes on your DP1 course, etc.  Also; was any of the info I gave out wrong?

bcbarman said:
Armour recce in the reserves does the same thing the reg force do, just a different platform.  True we do not have a cool 25mm chain gun, awesome sensor suite or 8 wheels of death, but we do the same job.

So; I was correct on saying the Reserves don't have the same kit as their Reg Force Counterparts?

Also; where did I say in my original post that you don't do the same job as Reg Force Armour Recce?

RyGuy009 said:
I would like to be a crewmen of a recce team in the Coyote, or be a crewman in a Leopard. Would I have a say in this?
None of the Reservists I know/met got to pick what position they got on tour. Majority went to NSE Convoy Escort; some were Leopard and ARV(?) Drivers an a couple went to BG Sigs Pl as CP/RRB Drivers. There could be other positions for Reservists; but thats all I know for fact; I'am sure one of the guys on the board can add to my list.
RyGuy009 said:
Thanks for that. It's all 9 coming together. I tried calling 310-ARMY but there's something about the number and its not working. I want to be more than a weekend soldier, you know?


That is not what you initially stated.  You said you wanted to be a Reservist, until you finished your education.  Very few Reservists are full time.  Perhaps you should go down to the unit and talk to some people as to what they do.
George Wallace said:

That is not what you initially stated.   You said you wanted to be a Reservist, until you finished your education.   Very few Reservists are full time.  Perhaps you should go down to the unit and talk to some people as to what they do.
Well I would like to train full time when school is done, full time training during summer, and take the rest of the year off, and hopefully sign up for a tour in Afghanistan. I'll call the recruiting centre or see if I can get a hold of Kings Own tomorrow. Thanks.
RyGuy009 said:
full time training during summer, and take the rest of the year off,

Good luck with skipping an entire year's worth of training.
RyGuy009- I would suggest that you contact the unit recruiter ASAP, not the CFRC to verify the facts and get a idea as to what the requirements and obligations are.
CDN Aviator said:
Good luck with skipping an entire year's worth of training.
guess i worded that wrong. If you have read my earlier posts, I said that Im taking a year off of school, and pursue a career with the Forces.
Love793 said:
RyGuy009- I would suggest that you contact the unit recruiter ASAP, not the CFRC to verify the facts and get a idea as to what the requirements and obligations are.
Yes, I'm going to try to get in contact tomorrow. Thanks
My only advice would be to figure out your enrollment/BMQ before worrying about what the other guys are talking about. Just don't count on being tied to a vehicle while you're in the reserves (or army in general) they seem to get stripped from the units periodically ;)
RyGuy009 - you have missed the fall/winter BMQ serials so that will put you in the Summer training Company (STC) serials of BMQ/BMQ(Land) formally known as SQ.  This will be run in Edmonton full time serial July - August as a Western Area Training Centre (WATC) export course.

If the King's Own will participate with South Alberta Light Horse in fall 09 (Sept - Dec) weekends, you might be course loaded on a DP1 Armoured Recce course so you can be considered for Afgan tour.  If the Kings Own don’t want to participate then you’re looking at Summer of 10 for a DP1 course.