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Army.ca Night (Toronto).... No Senators Fans allowed

You can always tell a Leafs fan...but you can't tell them much!  ::)
TMM said:
Any word on the post Bilko's bar?

Absolutely NONE.....

I'm taking suggestions ...  I'm still thinking its a hockey
night and a sports bar... or a pub....  around the Yonge / Eglinton area...
I am supposed ot be out of town this weekend with work....

damn, could you not have asked me on the phone there padre.....

I am 90 - 10 right now...

will keep you posted, I would love free beer and the chance to roll around in piles of garrisson dress, half cranked...



ok  .. well it is Wednesday

if its still just me and Dan  then we
can put it off till next saturday.
Dang im workin that day......or else I might have been able to come.

- Syed
Next Saturday sounds good.

I wouldn't mind putting some faces to "names" before they punt me out to Comox.

Ok I'm getting confused but then I'm an ex grunt who ate out of messtins and went to higher readin and riting skool in Nfld so I get confused easily these days.

When are we doing this and where? KISS


We need to get drunk together in Toronto


Search out free beer at Sgt. Bilko's

and i'm too lazy to finish the SMESC Joke...

Date  April 29th 2006
Loc    Sgt. Bilko's
Time  1700 hrs

    Enemy:  Full bottles of liquid called Booze.

    Friendly:  Sgt Bilko's

    Atts and Dets:  Army.ca Members in Toronto and environs


We need to get drunk together in Toronto


Search out free beer at Sgt. Bilko's

and i'm not too lazy to finish the SMESC Joke...

Coord Instructions

Date         April 29th 2006
Loc of RV    Sgt. Bilko's  ( as per Trace )
Time of RV  1700 hrs
Dress    Casual

Comms:  Tel TBA

Time Check N/A


What do you expect, a former Medic who is now a Padre.....

He will use the excuse that he is giving out cepacol, and blessing people, which is why he was unable to finish..



George you missed the S Smecs

So my question is   Service Support?

Is there any and if so what? (like ohh say car pooling and DD's)


Still wont be there but just some suggestions that might be helpful to people....wish I could make it though.

PS: Finch I grew up in Montreal they are MY Hab's! :D
Hrmmmph.  Fine -- you and Pea can have them.  But they will always be MY Habs!

By the way, all you TO folks -- I have a civilian Board of Directors meeting in Toronton the first weekend in June.  Anyone interested in dinner and drinks on the Friday or Saturday evening?  I will probably be at the Delta Chelsea.
I'm about five minutes form the Delta  and first week of June is doable for me, and at the ate this is getting organised/delayed this will probably be the Padres new date/timings.
HitorMiss said:
PS: Finch I grew up in Montreal they are MY Hab's! :D

i grew up watching them at the Forum and I've been an Habs fan since before you and Pea were born HoM.......run along now and let the adults talk hockey  !!


As for the meet and greet, i am in TO on the 29th but only for a few hours so saddly i cannot attend your boozefest  :-[
Next weekend works better for me too. Are we supposed to bring booze? I have a bottle of Ukie vodka that needs to be put out if it's half full misery :D

Now you aren't all going to be shotting things there are you?
Airforcematters said:
i grew up watching them at the Forum and I've been an Habs fan since before you and Pea were born HoM.......run along now and let the adults talk hockey  !!


I saw many a game at the Forum, heck I was in Montreal for the 86 cup and the 88 cup loss, sadly I was out of Montreal when they won again in 93...

I have Guy Lafluer's retirement sweater signed by the man himself!

PS: I was born in 78 I doubt you were watching them before that so :P LMAO

I don't like being near guns - explosions I can handle though LOL.

HitorMiss said:
PS: I was born in 78 I doubt you were watching them before that so :P LMAO

Born in '78? I feel old now. By then I'd seen the Habs win about 4 more Cups than my team in my entire life.
Okay so Trinity has informed me that this is being rescheduled to next Saturday. If somebody doesn't read this and shows up then I do have liquid courage in stock but if not I will have even more for whomever shows up for the following Saturday. See you all then. P.S Regardless of what team you like you are allowed(better bring dog treats though)