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Artillery Day 2019

Old Sweat

Army.ca Fixture
Fallen Comrade
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May 26 is the birthday of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery. It seems appropriate to quote from Kipling's 1903 poem "Unique" as it sums up quite nicely what we do.

Ubique means that warnin’ grunt the perished linesman knows,
When o’er ’is strung an’ sufferin’ front the shrapnel sprays ’is foes;
An’ as their firin’ dies away the ’usky whisper runs
From lips that ’ave n’t drunk all day: “The Guns! Thank Gawd, the Guns!”

As the OC Charles Company told the D Battery troop in situ with her company, "when we get a report of incoming, we run to the bunkers, but you run to your guns".

Old Sweat said:
May 26 is the birthday of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery.


RCA said:
We celebrate Artillery Day because:

Artillery Day is the 26th of May each year. On that day in 1716, King George I issued a Royal Warrant forming the first regular artillery force in Britain. The Royal Regiment of Artillery (RA) therefore acknowledges May 26 as their birthday.

In 1952, the then Col Comdt, MGen H.O.N. Brownfield, sought and received permission to adopt the Royal Artillery birthdate as Artillery Day for The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery

From Today in Military History,

May 26

The Royal Artillery is formed. This day is observed in the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery as Artillery Day. (The origins of the RCA are too diverse for them to agree on one regimental birthday.)
