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Attack at Glasgow Airport

Now this is the Glasgow I know and (sort of) love. I almost feel sorry for the bad guys now... 


So he's burned and his balls are mush, ha!



I heard he had burns to 90% of his body... if that's the case I doubt he's long for this world.  My little brother suffered burns to 40% and damn near died...
If they're all doctors, shouldn't the authorities just leave them lying there to treat themsleves?

"Physician. Heal thyself!"
Ah, the Daily Record... not quite as trashy as some of the Sun variants in the UK, but always good for a laugh.  Same defense method as used by one of our guys at Pearson airport some years ago...

Some good articles in the Spectator. Canada, look out, this could be us....

The public know how these attacks happen — unlike the politicians

We are up against 20 years of planning
Grey Matter - is the Times mair to your liking? Or the Beeb? Or the CNN report on You Tube?



Here's the tale of Glesca baggage handler John Smeaton that manage tae pit the bit in as weel.  Jus daein' his civic duty tae help the polis like.

Some choice quotes:

"What's the score? I've got to get this sorted."
“You’re nae hitting the Polis mate, there’s nae chance.”
"So I ran straight towards the guy, we're all trying to get a kick-in at him, take a boot to subdue the guy."
"Glasgow doesnae accept this, if you come tae Glasgow, we'll set about you."

One of the more interesting quotes I can't find just now.  When asked to describe the sounds he heard he said the sounded just like the sound of a lit deodorant aerosol can being thrown on a bonfire.  "Anybody that has heard that sound will know what I'm talking about".  Interesting bonfire parties in Glesca.

I wonder about some of the planning of this attack. The use of medical doctors as perps is very interesting, a sort of "shock and awe" effect directed at very deeply held assumptions in Western culture (dating back to classical Greek times) about doctors and the healing arts.

Was this conciously planned? We know that the Jihadi's study our media and understand Western symbolism (9/11, for example), so I wouldn't put it past them.

Hitchens lays it out in clear language, but how many of our "elites" are listening?
From some of the articles Ive read, they sounded more like interns than full-fledged doctors.  However, Ive been a bit busy so havent had a chance to read any articles or newspapers since Thursday. If youve got one saying they were qualified medical physicians, I'll take your word for it.

Commercial break...

I hate CNN - they rarely check their facts and then act like they never get anything wrong.  They used to really annoy us during the Gulf War (Version 1 in 1990) cause they would report a bunch of crap and then in the briefing room an hour later would be questions like "but thats not what CNN said...".  We were then forced to watch CNN first thing in the morning before briefings just to be prepared for the contrary opinions.

Ref my preferred news source, for facts I always go to the BBC first if I can (they also have a better news search program and archive than most other news websites), and if not then Rick Mercer is next to see what he thinks (the man's a genius).

I cant recall the name of the British rag that used to give us such a laugh... Sunday Sport or something like that?  It was far superior (in a low taste sort of way) to the National/Midnight/Evening Star/Enquirer stuff we see in North America. 

Back to your regularily scheduled discussion...
Doctor guilty in UK airport terror case

LONDON, England (AP) -- An explosive-laden Jeep was halted only meters away from airline passengers at Glasgow airport last year when two men attempted a suicide attack as part of a plot to bomb London and Scotland, a prosecutor told a court on Friday. Two men inside the sport utility vehicle, which they had set on fire, hurled petrol bombs and repeatedly attempted to ram their way into an airport terminal during an attempted terrorist strike in June, prosecutor Jonathan Laidlaw said.

Laidlaw said driver Kafeel Ahmed was engulfed in flames as he emerged from the Jeep and attempted to hurl petrol bombs at the terminal. Ahmed later died in hospital from severe burns. Many details of the case were outlined publicly for the first time by Laidlaw after Kafeel's brother, Sabeel Ahmed, pleaded guilty to an offense of withholding information about the attacks from British authorities. The Indian-born doctor will be sentenced later Friday.

Two other men are due to go on trial over the attacks in October.

A day before the attempted attack in Glasgow, two Mercedes packed with gas canisters were discovered in London's entertainment district. Around 500 people were evacuated from a nightclub after one of the cars was discovered outside. Laidlaw said the men attempted the suicide attack at Glasgow's airport after their plot to bomb London failed. He told the Old Bailey criminal court in central London that cell phone detonators in the cars failed, likely because dense fuel vapors caused them to malfunction.

The attacks came in the week British Prime Minister Gordon Brown took office, replacing Tony Blair as leader. "The attack to be conducted at Glasgow was to be a suicide attack likely to result in the loss of both their lives," Laidlaw said. Their attack caused panic within the terminal, Laidlaw said, and some vacationers suffered minor injuries as passengers fled and ran through the building. Laidlaw said Kafeel Ahmed made repeated attempts to drive the blazing Jeep Cherokee through entrance doors to the airport.
"Despite his efforts, the vehicle became trapped," he told the court. "Those who witnessed him described a set and determined face as he stared forward."

Laidlaw said the vehicle came to rest six meters (20 feet) away from passengers lining up at check-in desks. Ahmed's passenger threw a petrol bomb toward a taxi rank as the driver "began to pour and splash fuel from a can on to the area outside the car window," Laidlaw said. The driver "got out of the vehicle and was engulfed in flames that swept around the Jeep and terminal building," he said.

Kafeel sent his brother a text message between the London and Glasgow attacks, which included suggestions on how to mislead investigators in the aftermath of the planned strike, Laidlaw said. "This is a project I was working on for some time now," part of the message read, Laidlaw said. "Everything since last week was executed by me and my team."

Foisted by his own petard :)  Who could have asked for anything better
Doctor found guilty in London-Glasgow bomb plot
LA Times

The Iraqi who worked as a physician in Scotland, Bilal Abdulla, could be sentenced to life in prison for a conspiracy that shocked Britain. Another suspect is acquitted.
By Henry Chu
December 17, 2008
Reporting from London -- An Iraqi doctor who planted car bombs in the heart of London and tried to mount a fiery suicide attack on a Scottish airport last year was found guilty Tuesday of conspiracy to commit murder.

Bilal Abdulla, 29, was convicted for his role in a terrorist plot that shocked Britain because of the involvement of a medical professional trained to save lives and because of the carnage that was only narrowly averted when the homemade bombs failed to explode.

Abdulla, who was born in Britain but raised mostly in Iraq, was found guilty of joining fellow plotter Kafeel Ahmed in trying to commit murder on what prosecutors said was an "indiscriminate and wholesale scale."

The two men were described as members of an Islamist cell that sought to punish the West for perceived injustices to Muslims in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

In the early hours of June 29, 2007, the pair unsuccessfully tried to detonate car bombs at sites outside a crowded London nightclub, close to famed Piccadilly Circus and at a nearby bus stop. After those bombs failed, the men sped north to Glasgow, Scotland, where the next day -- the busiest at the city's international airport so far that year -- they rammed a Jeep packed with containers of gasoline into the glass-fronted terminal.

The vehicle burst into flames but did not explode. In images broadcast around the world, Abdulla was seen trying to fight off police before he and Ahmed, who had apparently set himself on fire, were finally arrested. Ahmed, a 28-year-old engineer from India, died from his burns a few weeks later.

A third man, Jordanian neurologist Mohammed Asha, 28, was accused of having given guidance to the two attackers. However, he was acquitted Tuesday on the charges he faced: conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to cause dangerous explosions.

Abdulla was found guilty of the same charges and is scheduled to be sentenced today. He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.

A doctor for Britain's National Health Service, Abdulla claimed in court that his intent was not to hurt people but merely to frighten them and focus attention on the suffering of Iraqis after the U.S.-led and British-supported overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

"I wanted the public to taste what is going on, for them to have a taste of what the decisions of their democratically elected murderers did to my people," Abdulla testified during his three-month trial.

But jurors rejected his argument that he was planning a harmless publicity stunt. Prosecutors pointed out that the car bombs had been stuffed with nails to inflict maximum damage and that a laptop computer pulled from the burned-out Jeep contained a draft of what appeared to be Abdulla's will, addressed to Osama bin Laden and to militant leaders in Iraq and other Muslim parts of the world.

"If you are planning to scare people, you do not pack cars with petrol, gas and nails. If the cars had blown up, those nails would not only have killed but maimed some people for life," prosecutor Karen Jones said after the verdict against Abdulla was announced. "It was extremely lucky for everyone that night that the bombs failed to go off. Otherwise, it is dreadful to imagine what might have happened."

Police have said that the crudely rigged devices did not explode because of Abdulla's and Ahmed's amateurish bomb-making skills. Cellphones attached to the car bombs in London recorded multiple missed calls, showing that the two men tried repeatedly to detonate the bombs by remote.

The cars' deadly cargo was discovered only by accident, after one of the vehicles was towed away for a parking violation and after paramedics noticed smoke wafting out of the other one.

A house in suburban Glasgow used by Abdulla and Ahmed bore evidence that they intended to make more bombs, police say.

Britons were shocked that doctors who were supposedly dedicated to saving lives were accused of trying to cause a massacre. Abdulla's colleagues testified that he was a caring, committed physician at the Scottish hospital where they worked.
daftandbarmy said:
Good news. He'll have a wonderful time in jail, I'm sure!
Hmm.... maybe the penitentiary service should supply him with a Kilt, in honour of his service in Scotland.
Would make things sooo much more convenient for those "Other" guests of the state - to welcome him to the pen....
geo said:
Hmm.... maybe the penitentiary service should supply him with a Kilt, in honour of his service in Scotland.
Would make things sooo much more convenient for those "Other" guests of the state - to welcome him to the pen....

he'll be living in the lap of luxury, our prisons are way too soft, they got flat screen tvs etc, get everything they want, uk too afriad of the eu human rights act...