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August BMQ- 2009

It's thursday. I fly out sunday 0630 for BMQ. Course 0275. Checking my list and checking it thrice. Autobiography is complete. After reading about peoples thoughts on ghost kits, I have decided to bring one. That is an extra shave kit, soap and toothbrush kit. Now... when they search our bags and find that I have brought these few extras, I wonder, will this cause strife? Do people get their ghost kits there or do they bring it with them?

Granted, many generations of recruits made do without them, others will say this is part of the 'game'. A way to free up time for other important tasks.

To each there own but I'm not using the ghost kit idea. I'd rather do things the way that were told to do them, it teachs you to get your crap done and do it properly not to learn little ways to get around things. If your in the field and told to do something a specific way are you going to look for a short cut on getting it done and if so what are you compromising for speed? I know its just your kit but I think its still shows your work ethic about taking the easy way but I could be wrong I suppose. Either way good luck on BMQ guys.
Much appreciated Sinah. That was my position exactly before I went through the thread I posted. There are convincing arguments for the ghost in there by those who've been there. Before reading them and making considerations I would've thought that ghost kits were lazy and underhanded. Worth reading, me. Funny too.
That was quite the interesting read. Lots of good points makes me kinda think the opposite to but I'm going to just go the first little while the regular way and if I find its beneficial to have a "ghost kit" and it will help with other stuff then maybe i'll try it out.

anyhoo T-9 days till I fly out.
Best to ya Sinah. Like my father used to say, "What ever gets me the hell outta Sudbury, eh!"
Clove Hitch said:
It's thursday. I fly out sunday 0630 for BMQ. Course 0275. Checking my list and checking it thrice. Autobiography is complete. After reading about peoples thoughts on ghost kits, I have decided to bring one. That is an extra shave kit, soap and toothbrush kit. Now... when they search our bags and find that I have brought these few extras, I wonder, will this cause strife? Do people get their ghost kits there or do they bring it with them?

Granted, many generations of recruits made do without them, others will say this is part of the 'game'. A way to free up time for other important tasks.


I had an extra shave kit on my Basic 20 years ago...*after* a week or so into the course when one of our staff came in on a Saturday to give us some "hints" to help us get out shit together.Ā  I've taught on many BMQs since then and I never once gave a recruit grief over using one...after they learned to hide the other one somewhere.Ā 

As for searching your kit, I can't say what they do now, and each Platoon staff may be different, but when I was staff at CFLRS a few years ago, we didn't physically search people's kit.Ā  What did happen, the Course Second-in-Command (referred to as the 2 I/C) gave a briefing upon arrival, explained what things were not authorized and that when the staff left the room for 5 minutes, each recruit would get rid of ALL unauthorized items into a garbage can.Ā  Then the staff left the room for 5 minutes.Ā  After the 5 minutes, the 2 I/C went back in and told anyone, once again, that those identified items were unauthorized and that anyone caught with them after leaving this room would be subject to disciplinary action.Ā  Recruits were given one more chance to get rid of anything identified as prohibitted.Ā  After that, if you got caught...you just brought the world down on yourself.

As I said, that was a few years ago, and each Platoon or Division Commander may have different directions issued to his subordinates.Ā  If the Joining Instructions say "shall/maybe searched", expect to have your stuff gone thru.

Don't be stupid and get yourself on the staff's radar Day 1 of the course.Ā  It is very hard to get off their radar once you are on it.Ā  If it is a prohibitted item, don't bring it.Ā  It really is just that simple.
Clove Hitch said:
Like my father used to say, "What ever gets me the hell outta Sudbury, eh!"

Best of luck to you, Clove Hitch. Wherever your father is now, I am sure he is very proud of what you have accomplished in heavy construction, and soon will as an Engineer. Incidentally, I took my mother to the AGO very recently. In her words, the construction improvement was "awesome". She must have copied that word from my sister.
Hey Clove hitch were you from Sudbury? I live there now I noticed in your profile it said you live in Thunder Bay but I imagine from your post that maybe your from sudbury?
mariomike said:
Best of luck to you, Clove Hitch. Wherever your father is now, I am sure he is very proud of what you have accomplished in heavy construction, and soon will as an Engineer. Incidentally, I took my mother to the AGO very recently. In her words, the construction improvement was "awesome". She must have copied that word from my sister.

Ah, you've seen my work! That was really something else. Those stair cases that cantilever off the back of the building weigh 17t, the one does and the other is 10t. Some big iron in there. Lovely. Ironworkers did all the rigging and hoisting of the large wooden columns at the front and back of the building too. I'm glad your mother liked it. Mine did.

Sinah said:
Hey Clove hitch I had no idea your from Sudbury to, thats awesome where abouts in the bury to you live?

hehe...uh...yeah. I'm, uh, not from Sudbury. Neither was my father. I did the Inco thing though.
I'm out of Thunder B'eh.
If you've never seen Thunder bay, don't worry about it. hehehe
And like my father used to say...

If anyone is interested in there Grad date here is the list, looks like I am Dec 3 just not sure my Platoon yet.

Basic Military Qualification (recruits)

Platoon Number Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Start Date Ceremony Date

R0274E (R35) & R0275E (R36) August 10, 2009 November 12, 2009
R0276F (R37) & R0277E (R38) August 17, 2009 November 19, 2009
R0278E (L15) & R0279E (L16) August 24, 2009 November 26, 2009
R0280E (L14), R0281F (L17) & R0282E (L18) August 31, 2009 December 3, 2009
Tamchy said:
If anyone is interested in there Grad date here is the list, looks like I am Dec 3 just not sure my Platoon yet.

Basic Military Qualification (recruits)

Platoon Number Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Start Date Ceremony Date

R0274E (R35) & R0275E (R36) August 10, 2009 November 12, 2009
R0276F (R37) & R0277E (R38) August 17, 2009 November 19, 2009
R0278E (L15) & R0279E (L16) August 24, 2009 November 26, 2009
R0280E (L14), R0281F (L17) & R0282E (L18) August 31, 2009 December 3, 2009

Don't mean to be mr. negative. But how did you obtain this information ? I mean sure it's obvious etc. but how?

This website has all the bmq and bmoq start dates and ceremony dates for st jean. from their website
well i think that means im just stupid. Can't believe I didn't see that ahahah. good luck on course Aug 10th mates.
Don't feel stupid. The mods just made a sticky thread with that link added into it. I am sure their are tons of people that had no idea. I am just extremely anxious and nervous waiting for my bmoq start. I have been looking at anything I can and I just randomly came along that two days ago. Went through my join instructions for a second time and noticed a link to their website. I was checking through the site when i came across that but it should help everyone out that has been looking for next training dates as I assume they will be updated regularly their and it would be official.
Anyone flying out of vancouver island on the 28th for St. Jean??
if so PM me
I'm on the Aug 31st BMQ, but I'm on R0281F.
I get sworn in Aug 19th and was told by my case mgr I'll be flying out of Medicine Hat on the 29th.
Feels a lot like hurry up and wait, but then that's military life, right?

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Hey Everyone

I am new to this site and I was just signed my contract and got sworn in today for the Navy and I was wondering if there was anyone flying out of St.Johns NL on the 29 of Aug ? It would be nice to know a few faces before I get up there . Thanks for your time and good luck everyone on their traningĀ  :)