During basic, they had some people in from Canadian Defense Community Banking... Its supposed to be a plan designed for military members and based around our needs, so I signed up for it.. But when I got all the info in the mail and actually sat down and read it, it was a farce. Basically they have daily limits that most found unreasonable. For a few of the younger guys who hadn't quite established their credit yet, they were limited to $200 a day total. Not just cash but debit purchases as well, and in order to get more (just for that specific purchase, like if you wanted a computer or TV or whatever) you had to call them the previous day and wait on hold for close to an hour every time to get through to them. Needed to provide a merchant ID for them and everything so it was a huge hassle. I have pretty decent credit and I was limited to $400 a day.
I thought this was ridiculous so I decided to cancel the account and go back to CIBC... What a nightmare that was... I was charged close to $50 just to close my account and have my funds transferred to my current account and it took close to 3 weeks. With my current account I have $1500 daily limit (more then I need, but the fact I can if I want is the point) on purchases and $500 on cash. I found it foolish that your credit score should affect your bank accounts. That is your money no matter how you look at it, and no one should be able to limit your spending by that much. I can understand the need for limits in case of theft, but its dumb the way they did it.
Basically just a heads up, cause I've heard they offer it during all BMQ's.. If you want it, its your choice, just make sure you read everything carefully..