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BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing


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I'm surprised no one's posted this yet (did a search, couldn't find an existing topic).

Thoughts? The RCMP are refusing to call it a terrorist act yet (and I agree with them) and are calling it a criminal act. I'm curious to see who did it (reference is made in the article to threatening letters being sent before the explosion).
The bomb blew off the insulation but not rupture the pipe...  amateurs!    :threat:

There are a lot of people in those areas that are pretty upset about sour gas leaks affecting livestock and the health of the population. Bomb threats and bombings other confrontations are not uncommon.
Of course it is a criminal act, but it is also terrorism.  The Canadian legal definition of terrorism (taken from the Anti-Terrorism Act) is:

an action that takes place either within or outside of Canada that is taken or threatened for political, religious or ideological purposes and threatens the public or national security by killing, seriously harming or endangering a person, causing substantial property damage that is likely to seriously harm people or by interfering with or disrupting an essential service, facility or system.

The letters certainly show an ideological purpose and they threatened to substantial property damage.

Of course the letters threatening to damage this particular pipeline and the attempted bombing may not be linked at all and it could all be a coincidence.  Or maybe the cops are trying to prevent fear mongering by down playing it all.  Personally I think it makes them look like they are not taking it seriously, being disingenuous, and perhaps a bit slow off the mark by not being willing to treat this as what it really is.

I just really dislike stories like this being spun (either way).  Just tell it like it is.  Use the word maybe, be strong is your lack of knowledge.  The cops are going to look a wee bit silly if the perps are prosecuted under anti-terrorism legislation and the some of the first words out of their mouths were:

"We're not categorizing this as terrorism."
What people might be forgetting is how much other vandelism/terrorism has occured just accross the border in Alberta a few years ago.

Well heads being cememented
Pipelines found with drill bits in them
Equipment shacks being shot up
Homemade explosives using shotgun shells found on oil and gas sites

No witnesses, no camera footage, no charges...

Also keep in mind that in the US one of the top targets for the FBI is not Al Quedia but a group known as Earth Liberation Front (ELF) who are self proclaimed "earth liberators".

Any damage in a sour oil and gas field has huge potential to affect not only the workers in the oil patch but the farmers, loggers, tourists, and all other residents in the area.  If you don't know what it is...basically it's a natural product very common in some oil and gas fields.  If you can smell it...you could be exposed to toxic levels...if you smell it and then you can't smell it any more either you've left the pocket or you've hit higher concentrations and you're about to be knocked down and die.

At what point is it violence with intimidation (ala terrorism) for an objective vs. vandelism. 

foresterab said:
At what point is it violence with intimidation (ala terrorism) for an objective vs. vandelism.

When you add in the fact the serious violence is being done for ideal, cause, etc rather than pure profit or idleness.
Remember Wiebo Ludwig in Alberta oh...about 10 years ago? He was allegedley an eco-terrorist or some such thing.
I have a long memory.
PanaEng said:
The bomb blew off the insulation but not rupture the pipe...  amateurs!    :threat:

They must have been, otherwise they would have placed the explosives properly to cut the pipe  8)

Well I think the media made it bigger then it was.  When I seen the picture on the news this morning the crater didn't look like the 400 lbs of TNT that the media calmed was used.
Of course they may have also done it that way on purpose - scare tactic. A breached 30in sour gas pipe could cause a lot of damage to the environment and any nearby humans.

RCMP probe second B.C. gas pipeline explosion
Updated Thu. Oct. 16 2008 1:37 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

The RCMP is investigating a second explosion on a gas pipeline in northern B.C. near Dawson Creek, close to the Alberta border.

Police have only confirmed that the explosion targeted a natural gas pipeline owned by EnCana.

Earlier Thursday, the RCMP confirmed a specialized unit had been called in to investigate a bombing on another EnCana gas pipeline earlier this month.

Police in the town said someone planted an explosive device near a sour gas pipeline operated by EnCana.

The blast left a 2.5-metre-wide and 2-metre-deep crater in the ground. It dented the pipeline, which didn't rupture. Otherwise, police said the explosion could have been much worse, noting that sour gas is toxic.

The Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) is now helping investigators determine who was behind the incident.

According to the RCMP website, "INSET members are better able to track, deter, disrupt and prevent criminal activities (major or minor offences) of terrorist groups or individuals who pose a threat to Canada's national security."

RCMP Sgt. Tim Shields told CTV.ca on Thursday that the unit has been "investigating since day one because it was a direct attack on the infrastructure of British Columbia and that's part of their mandate."

Shields said the investigation is not a terrorism probe, but instead police are treating the incident like an "isolated criminal act."

"There appears to be an agenda involved, but we're not characterizing this as an act of terrorism," he told CTV.ca by phone from Vancouver.

He said police had warned gas and oil companies in the area before the incident about a suspicious letter that was sent to local media outlets on Oct. 10. It told the companies to cease production and leave the area, but did not contain a specific threat.

"We will no longer negotiate with terrorists which you are as you keep endangering our families with crazy expansion of deadly gas wells in our home lands," said the anonymous letter, parts of which were published by the Dawson Creek Daily News, according to The Canadian Press.

Shields said investigators are curious about the timing of the letter, which came just a few days before the Oct. 12 bombing. He said police are making the logical assumption that the letter and explosion are linked.

EnCana spokesman Alan Boras told CP that the company's facilities in northern B.C. haven't been targeted before. He also said the company has good relations with community members.

"It doesn't mean we don't from time to time have concerns. We work very hard to work through them," Boras said.

One area resident also told CP that some landowners have been fighting for more land use rights.

Gwen Johanson, a representative of Custodians of the Peace which represents some of those property owners, says she's never heard anyone make threats against the gas industry.

"We don't want to go that route," she said.

With files from The Canadian Press
Explosion #2. this time it actually damaged the pipe and caused a small leak.

PanaEng said:

Amatures? So too were many bombers on my tour in Iraq.

Whatever they are are, its till a bomb, it still can kill, mame and cause damage to a vital pipe line. In my view, thats terrorism.

HME or stolen HE? They still are getting their message accross. They are still a danger to society and Emergency Services, who might have to de-fuse the next one, or put out a fire caused by one, and at the end of the day, someone has to pay for the damage, and now an ongoing RCMP investigation.

Hope they catch the bastards, and make examples out of them when they do.


foresterab said:
Any damage in a sour oil and gas field has huge potential to affect not only the workers in the oil patch but the farmers, loggers, tourists, and all other residents in the area.  If you don't know what it is...basically it's a natural product very common in some oil and gas fields.  If you can smell it...you could be exposed to toxic levels...if you smell it and then you can't smell it any more either you've left the pocket or you've hit higher concentrations and you're about to be knocked down and die.

We can  call it a "Criminal Act", "Vandalism", "ECO Terrorism", or just "Terrorism".  It all boils down to some sick minds making a threat and carrying it out.  It is all semantics.  To me they are all one and the same.  An act of Terrorism is a Criminal Act.  It is an action that contravenes the laws of the land.

It is interesting that these nut cases call the Companies pumping the Sour Gas Terrorists, when they are the ones who are causing the release of the gas from safe transmission pipes.

Seems that they have one really warped concept of reality.

I hope that the Police capture the guilty parties, now that a second bomb has caused damage, and prosecute them under the new Terrorism Laws.  I know I would never make Jury selection, as I would be going for the reinstatement of the Death Penalty.  These people have not only put the lives of innocent people in great danger, but they are doing possible irreparable damage to the environment and Eco system.
Rifle shots at gas plants.

Phone calls to well operators families saying, "your husband is not coming home tonight"

Flat tires caused by nails on the road.

Wellheads encased in concrete...concrete containing shotgun shells for the poor bastard trying to chip away said concrete.

This is starting like it did some years back and is eerily close to the setting of the last round.

This sort of thing puts many at risk: the general public (years ago one of the pipelines targeted was very close to a highway during peak tourist times), the operators, the firefighters and other emergency response members AND the dumb bastard who decides to do this in the first place. Maybe we'll get lucky in a sense and this idiot or group of idiots will vaporize themselves with one of their "statements" No need for a trial....

And remember Karman http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=M1ARTM0011982

I remember this. Was he ever prosecuted? And people say we have no "terrorists" in Canada. We've got our share for sure.
Eco-terrorism (something this is shaping up to look like) is an interesting and inherently self-contradicting thing, on one hand they claim to want to protect the enviroment but on the other they both try to kill, injure or put at risk some of 'the earth's children' (humans) and often their acts harm the environment after all.

Letting animals out of research labs that are diseased, helpless and do not belong in the local ecosystem is a HUGE problem...bombing pipelines and whaling ships (releasing POL into the environment)...smashing and destroying industrial facilities (again, releasing gases, POL and other contaminants into the environment)...just to name a few.

The earth and animal 'liberation' movements are, despite being beaten quite soundly by LE a number of years ago, still alive and well and DO present a threat to our society. Whether they be a well organised eco-warfare group like Greenpeace (I wouldn't call them terrorists) or radical groups like PETA and the ELF/ALF, they do present a criminal threat but are somehow considered legitimate and are protected due to their seemingly mythical status as defenders of the downtrodden. Essentially, our society justifies their actions the same way say the Irish legitimized the actions of the IRA or the Basques support the ETA.

Are these BC bombings an act by an organised cell-style group like the ELF or something my small-scale and grassroots like a group of local activists? This remains to be seen and I am most interested in how this turns out.
I'm thinking a few years in a Federal Pen might make them see the error of their ways.
AmmoTech90 said:
Squamish Five and the Litton bombing...

They started off bombing BC Hydro substations

foresterab said:
What people might be forgetting is how much other vandelism/terrorism has occured just accross the border in Alberta a few years ago.

Well heads being cememented
Pipelines found with drill bits in them
Equipment shacks being shot up
Homemade explosives using shotgun shells found on oil and gas sites

No witnesses, no camera footage, no charges...

Also keep in mind that in the US one of the top targets for the FBI is not Al Quedia but a group known as Earth Liberation Front (ELF) who are self proclaimed "earth liberators".

Any damage in a sour oil and gas field has huge potential to affect not only the workers in the oil patch but the farmers, loggers, tourists, and all other residents in the area.  If you don't know what it is...basically it's a natural product very common in some oil and gas fields.  If you can smell it...you could be exposed to toxic levels...if you smell it and then you can't smell it any more either you've left the pocket or you've hit higher concentrations and you're about to be knocked down and die.

At what point is it violence with intimidation (ala terrorism) for an objective vs. vandelism. 


Took the words out of my mouth. Exactly its not so much a terrorist cell as most of the general public is going to interpret that little media story, rather eco-terrorists, this is the same group that was known for blowing up SUV's because they were harsh on the environment due to the amounts of gas they burn.

Eco-terrorism as it's know in the environmental industry is not a new concept, it's something that has been going on for years, and just as violent.

S.Stewart said:
Took the words out of my mouth. Exactly its not so much a terrorist cell as most of the general public is going to interpret that little media story, rather eco-terrorists, this is the same group that was known for blowing up SUV's because they were harsh on the environment due to the amounts of gas they burn.

Could I ask you what the difference is between an "ECO Terrorist" blowing up a SUV and say a member of the FLQ or Taliban blowing up a SUV?