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BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing

One can only hope one of their bombs go off prematurely, ie when they are putting it together in their factory. I hope that no kids or innocent people are around when and if it does go off.
Let's see now!  Playing with explosives.  Now playing with guns.  Still being called "vandals".  We truly are a peaceful, naive nation.


Vandals target another B.C. gas pipeline

Vandals have targeted another set of natural gas well sites in northeastern British Columbia, but authorities aren't immediately linking the latest attacks to three earlier bombings to EnCana pipelines in October.

18/12/2008 11:21:03 AM


Police say valves were tampered with and shots were fired at well sites operated by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (TSX:CNQ) and Iteration Energy (TSX:ITX).

RCMP describe the incidents as mischief and say the attacks appear to have happened up to one week ago on wells operated by the two Alberta-based exploration and resource extraction companies.

The well sites are located in rural areas northeast of Fort St. John, not far from the B.C. Alberta border. There are no homes nearby.

Members of the Fort St. John serious crimes unit are investigating and say there is no evidence suggesting the incidents are related to the recent targeted attacks on EnCana well sites.

Fort St. John is located roughly 75 kilometres away from Dawson Creek, the location of the last pipeline bombing.

Hundreds of large and small pipeline and well site construction companies have holdings within the city.

Previous bombings

Three bombings in October aimed at Calgary-based energy giant EnCana's natural gas operations near Dawson Creek are still being investigated by RCMP.

Earlier this month, police identified and ruled out three people seen on a surveillance tape at a Shoppers Drug Mart postal outlet on Oct. 7 -- the same day a letter threatening the northern B.C. oil and gas sector was sent.

Sgt. Tim Shields said investigators believe EnCana was specifically targeted.

No one was injured in the blasts -- which occurred on Oct. 12, 16 and 31 -- but two pipelines were damaged and there was a small leak of toxic sour gas at a wellhead.

The blasts put a spotlight on local concerns over the rapid growth of the industry in the region, particularly projects containing sour gas.

The gas contains hydrogen sulphide, which can be lethal if breathed even in small amounts.

A booming industry

B.C. has more than 4,000 producing oil and gas wells, all in the northeastern part of the province, and the industry has seen massive expansion.

In 1996, it was worth about $370 million in revenues to the province. By 2006, that figure had jumped to $2.5 billion, mostly related to natural gas projects.

With files from The Canadian Press
Shared with the usual caveats:


RCMP have EnCana Bomber in custody; reports
Friday, January 8, 2010

UPDATE : AS OF 10:59 a.m.  Unconfirmed reports state the RCMP are currently raiding Wiebo Ludwig's property in Hythe, Alberta.

There are several reports today that the RCMP have a man in custody regarding the EnCana bombings.

RCMP members from E and K Divisions led by the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) are currently conducting a criminal code search warrant on a large rural property located  near Hythe, Alberta to search for evidence relating to the Dawson Creek bombings.  It is not known how long investigators will remain on the property.

In a statement issued today by the  RCMP, Supt. Lloyd Plante, Assistant Criminal Operations Officer for the RCMP's National Security Program in British Columbia, says  "We cannot say what we are looking for specifically, or what information led us to the location, but we have followed a trail of evidence that ultimately led to the execution of the search warrant."

One male associated with the property has been taken into custody.  His name cannot be released since he has not been formally charged.

RCMP Spokesperson Tim Shields says a man in his 50s or 60s was taken into custody around 8 a.m. this morning on the farm about 25 kilometres east of the B.C.-Alberta boundary.

About a dozen officers are now searching the property.

Criminal charges have not been laid, and investigators have a significant amount of work ahead of them.

The $1,000,000 reward being offered by EnCana has not been claimed.  Anyone with additional information is asked to call the dedicated tip line at 1-866-994-7473.

There have been six pipeline bombings in the Tomslake area since October 2008 targeting Calgary-based Encana.

More information will be posted as it becomes available.

Weibo. Surprise, surprise. Hope they nail him and his ilk to the wall this time. Remember Karman.


Arrest made in B.C. pipeline bombings

Canwest News Service, Edmonton Journal January 8, 2010 1:24 PM

HYTHE, Alta. — RCMP have anti-oil industry activist Wiebo Ludwig in custody in connection with a string of bombings that targeted EnCana Corp. pipelines and wellheads in northeastern British Columbia.

"We believe he's been arrested," said Richard Boonstra, a family friend who lives on the same property. "That's all we know. We're in the dark here."

RCMP were searching a large rural property located near Hythe, Alta. believed to be owned by Ludwig, town officials said. RCMP confirmed a man in his 50s or 60s was taken into custody early Friday, but his name was not released.

The arrest follows a 15-month investigation into six bomb attacks that targeted remote EnCana pipelines and wellheads.

The attacks came after an anonymous letter was sent to local papers warning the energy giant to cease its operations in the area south of Dawson Creek.

Dawson Creek is about 600 kilometres northwest of Edmonton.

A second letter sent in mid-July said the oil and gas company had three months to persuade residents it would cease its local operations or "things get a lot worse."

The bombings, which RCMP have called "domestic terrorism," have exposed the ongoing resentment some area residents feel toward the oil and gas development taking place near their communities.

The investigation itself has been controversial, with some residents claiming they've been harassed by RCMP investigators and police suggesting some locals are holding back information about the bomber's identity.

In September, convicted oilpatch bomber Ludwig entered the fray, writing an open letter to the EnCana bomber that urged a peaceful solution to the situation, but nonetheless expressed admiration for his or her actions.

Ludwig is a longtime activist who claimed sour-gas wells adversely affected human health, including that of his family members. He was released from prison in 2001 after serving two-thirds of a 28-month sentence for five charges related to oilpatch bombing and vandalism.

EnCana offered a $1-million reward for information about the bomber, but no arrests have been made.

The reward was the highest in Canada since a $1 million sum was offered in connection with the Air India bombing that killed 329 people in 1985.

© Copyright (c) Canwest News Service

*Bolding is mine.

Wow. Wiebo really thinks the rest of us are stupid, eh? He was "helping" the RCMP try to identify the bomber and he also made an appeal to the bomber to stop  ::) I hope he gets thrown ina  dark hole, not a minimum security place, for a long, long time. Fucking asshole.
Scott said:
I hope he gets thrown ina  dark hole, not a minimum security place, for a long, long time. Fucking asshole.

Are you kidding?  He could get caught red handed blowing up a well and he'd get a mischief under (actually, I have no idea what the pipes are worth.  More than $5000?) and a weapons charge.  Three years probation, ordered restitution and a lifetime weapons prohibition.  Probably would get show caused on his arrest and then he'd get time served.  Oh, sorry, plus a day so that the media fracks off and he can get let out with less attention. 
Why nobody in that community hasn't put a 30-06 slug through his forehead is beyond me.  Surely, there are more than enough hunters in the region?  I would think the RCMP would put all the effort into solving the crime that it would deserve....