"If the $550 odd a month is going to be such a hardship, I highly recommend that he ask the staff for an appointment with SISIP, who will help him in sorting out an appropriate budget for his family."
- Pte 1 pay is now $2750 or so. 7 years ago when I was in BMQ as a single guy Pte 1 pay was $2484. I had 82 dollars per month deducted for quarters and 397 for rations. After those deductions and taxes my pays were $678 twice a month. Drawing up a Sisip budget is not going to change the fact that there is likely, if he has kids, more money going out then coming in. I really hope that students and pats are not forced into 3 meal per day 30 days per month rations like I was when in Borden. A friend living in shacks now (post training) says the now "mandatory for living in plan" works well for him on the 1/2 rations plan. He's never there on the weekends and eats cereal/oatmeal type things for breakfast and brown bags a lunch. Commuting to Toronto a lot on weekends while in Borden and buying cereal for my room made me wish we had other options back then. As I was certainly not utilizing $397.00 per month of rations. Luckily Shearwater let me delink entirely while living there for an 8 month course.
- Pte 1 pay is now $2750 or so. 7 years ago when I was in BMQ as a single guy Pte 1 pay was $2484. I had 82 dollars per month deducted for quarters and 397 for rations. After those deductions and taxes my pays were $678 twice a month. Drawing up a Sisip budget is not going to change the fact that there is likely, if he has kids, more money going out then coming in. I really hope that students and pats are not forced into 3 meal per day 30 days per month rations like I was when in Borden. A friend living in shacks now (post training) says the now "mandatory for living in plan" works well for him on the 1/2 rations plan. He's never there on the weekends and eats cereal/oatmeal type things for breakfast and brown bags a lunch. Commuting to Toronto a lot on weekends while in Borden and buying cereal for my room made me wish we had other options back then. As I was certainly not utilizing $397.00 per month of rations. Luckily Shearwater let me delink entirely while living there for an 8 month course.