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Benefits Cut...

Crantor said:
I don't think that's what he meant.  The problem with the here and now is that we (today's society and more so for today's young adults) is that we live way more than we can afford.  Debt is easily racked up with the play now pay later attitude.  Plus there are things we can do without.  Some people pay 150$ in cable just to get sports channels, others need the latest i-phone when they have last year's model, others get a new shiny car.  All of a sudden things get tough and and we can't cope.  I have friends that are house poor because they made bad decisions when buying. Do you really need three coffees a day?  Hoppw about cigarette smoking? 

We all have a severance coming to us.  How many are actually going to do something smart with that and how many are going to waste it?  if the public service experience is any indication, my bet is on the people wasting it because it will be accessible money, in the right now.

Not that I can speak for my entire generation - but the lion's share of my "disposable income" goes to my Student Loan. Not that I was particularly lazy in university (Civ U, worked 30 hours a week to pay for rent, food, etc - loans paid for tuition). Things getting rough is only part of the problem; it is hitting even the frugal. I have no other debt then what was needed to obtain my job - and now I'll be keeping the debt a few more years accordingly.

I just spent a few hours with my father on the phone about our particular situations, and the ramifications: He's a MWO with 33.5years in (currently mid 50's) - Family owns a home in Calgary, he's posted to Suffield. He'll be out approx 1300 dollars a month from the changes, but by and large will be fine - Mortgage already paid off, wife that works, etc. This made the decision for him however - he'll be releasing with 35 years in and no longer as it is simply too expensive to maintain both locations. He'd make almost as good retiring completely and be in Calgary with his wife. I'm less then a year in, 2Lt in Gagetown - Wife is back in Vancouver. Wife is currently in school (University) and we live off of my salary. We rent an apartment in Vancouver. I will see a Net difference of around 1000 in pay per month.

Our situations differ in many ways - a MWO and 2Lt pay are not comparable (neither is Pte pay with 2Lt for that matter). Both the New Pte and myself are likely on prohibited postings - even if I wanted to move my wife here (her leaving school undone, etc) I'd still have to pay more in food then we'd ever spend together on just myself. As noted elsewhere - I signed on (and had the wife's blessing) with the understanding that the separation would mean she could finish school - a much more difficult task now.

Do I feel like I am being treated unfairly? Mixed opinion - I still have an amazing job with good benefits. In a few years time I reasonably expect to make a Captain's Salary, etc. Am I put out that I have no other options besides quit in dealing with the immediate present? Yes - I'm finding it hard to explain how I am going to eat 650ish dollars in rations in a month. I'm simply going to break even for a few years rather then get out of debt according to plan. The new Pte coming into the system - well, at least he doesn't have student debt on his shoulders (I hope). I really don't know how it will work for him.

Telling me that I simply need to tighten my belt rings a little hollow as I spent one month in the last 12 at home - a situation that is not even a choice due to the prohibited posting. Have no mortgage, bought no car (sold when I joined), live in a cheap place for Vancouver. Pretty sure my severance will not cover much of anything, actually. Might be best to jump off the soap box for a while.
Tony Manifold said:
After 16 years in the cf, I don't expect much from the establishment. I know individual COs are going to do the best they can but I would really like an official statement to the effect that the cf, as an entity, has a clue just what they have done to a generation of members and that they are working on it.

People need to remember that this is NOT the fault of the CF.  This change was mandated by TSB, of which the CF has no control, so it does no good to go blaming the CoC for this.

Are they working to make the situation better?  From what I've seen and heard on the Edmonton side, the higher ups are trying to find solutions and stop-gaps to make the hits easier as short-term solutions.  I cannot speak for other bases, but I'm sure they're not sitting on their asses.  Perhaps the lack of communication is because they want to wait until they have someone solid to pass on instead of maybes?
Strike said:
People need to remember that this is NOT the fault of the CF.  This change was mandated by TSB, of which the CF has no control, so it does no good to go blaming the CoC for this.

Are they working to make the situation better?  From what I've seen and heard on the Edmonton side, the higher ups are trying to find solutions and stop-gaps to make the hits easier as short-term solutions.  I cannot speak for other bases, but I'm sure they're not sitting on their asses.  Perhaps the lack of communication is because they want to wait until they have someone solid to pass on instead of maybes?

I get that, I really do. However, I would sleep a lot better at night if I knew, officially, uncle Walt and the gang recognized the situation and we're working on it.
Tony Manifold said:
I get that, I really do. However, I would sleep a lot better at night if I knew, officially, uncle Walt and the gang recognized the situation and we're working on it.

+300 milpoints for you! (I know COs and Comds get it). And with that, I am out of this thread.
This thread has made me realize how fortunate I am. I'm only a leading seaman, but luckily (since apparently no woman would have me, but that's another story) I'm single, so I have been able to put a lot of money into savings. (And saving money turns me on, which is better than a girlfriend, but don't tell anyone I said that.) I have been banking about $15K a year on average. This is the best paying job I have ever had and wouldn't be anywhere near as well off in the civy world.

I do agree the Rations are fairly expensive, and it annoys me that you pay the same no matter how much or how little you eat. Last time I lived in shacks I didn't 'buy' rations and bought a $50 microwave and a lot of tuna and Raymen noodles. I recommend to everyone to refuse rations and 'rough it' and feed yourself. The food may suck but the savings are awesome!

This is Stats Canada's average Canadian salary after taxes.
dennmu said:
civi's have nothing to able to write off. 

Aside from the posters who have corrected you on the misconception CF folks get 'write-offs', to say civies don't get any is not true either.  We ALL get the same ones except CF mbrs who deploy to a theatre, but if you want to see some civies who also get 'write-offs', I can tell you I know someone who has a child with a certain medical condition that gives signicant 'tax breaks', I know people who own their own business/small business (everything from a construction business to the lady who does Avon on the side) and they too, also enjoy 'write-offs'.

I am not deployed to a SDA, so I pay the same taxes at the same applic rates as everyone else in NS.
Hrm. I'm a civvy and I have loads of write offs every year. All legal-like and in tact after audits.

Read more, post less.

I could go into detail, but why bother?
Tony Manifold said:
I get that, I really do. However, I would sleep a lot better at night if I knew, officially, uncle Walt and the gang recognized the situation and we're working on it.

Without revealing too much, know that there are several determined individuals working on a plan atleast to address those on BTL or ATL at Schools. We keep referring to the $500/mth for Jr ranks-Keep in mind, ALL Officers and Snr rates are grouped together at a little over $900/mth. For a young SLt(N)/2ndLt who gets paid about the same as a OS/Pvt, that is a true kick in the cookies.

As nice as it would be to know the man in charge is looking in to things, realistically, when has the CDS EVER revealed what he is doing before the end product?

I know this is hitting a lot of people very hard but he's not going to reveal anything to anyone until there is a solution.  Imagine how it would look for him to say he's working on it and then have nothing come out of it, or we get a new CDS and everything has to be started over.
Strike said:
As nice as it would be to know the man in charge is looking in to things, realistically, when has the CDS EVER revealed what he is doing before the end product?

I know this is hitting a lot of people very hard but he's not going to reveal anything to anyone until there is a solution.  Imagine how it would look for him to say he's working on it and then have nothing come out of it, or we get a new CDS and everything has to be started over.

Good point. Fact is though we are getting a new CDS in the next monthish, Uncle Walt is retiring in two weeks.
Does this apply to new recruits that are going to CFLRS? According to their website, no indication about any changes yet. I will be attending of BMQ within next few weeks and i am married. Before i was told i don't have to pay for rations because i have a family and a house to maintain. I am trying to clarify this but the person i called at my local RC yesterday did not have any idea about it.
It seems tough to pay for two places with a recruit's pay.
Donny said:
Does this apply to new recruits that are going to CFLRS? According to their website, no indication about any changes yet. I will be attending of BMQ within next few weeks and i am married. Before i was told i don't have to pay for rations because i have a family and a house to maintain. I am trying to clarify this but the person i called at my local RC yesterday did not have any idea about it.
It seems tough to pay for two places with a recruit's pay.

You will get quarters covered and, more than likely under this new standard, you will pay for rations.

Rations at CFLRS are around $550 per month.  But the good news is that rumour has it,  the line at the Galley will be getting a whole lot smaller really soon.
Have faith in the chain of command and the CF leadership.

NCOs and Officers DO care and are not blind to the plight that many members are in.

You (should) never hear a platoon commander bitching about the CO.  Likewise the senior leadership isn't going to jump on the news and talk shit about this new policy.

It IS nice to hear that the chain of command recognizes the issues and are looking at ways to mitigate it but you (we) need to trust that it is what they are doing regardless. I guarantee my OC and CO are loosing sleep over this.

On another note did I read a post here about new jets for the snowbirds costing 700+ million?  I hope THAT plan gets mothballed.
ObedientiaZelum said:
Have faith in the chain of command and the CF leadership.

NCOs and Officers DO care and are not blind to the plight that many members are in.

You (should) never hear a platoon commander bitching about the CO.  Likewise the senior leadership isn't going to jump on the news and talk crap about this new policy.

It IS nice to hear that the chain of command recognizes the issues and are looking at ways to mitigate it but you (we) need to trust that it is what they are doing regardless. I guarantee my OC and CO are loosing sleep over this.

Agreed, I have had my rants on this thread but now its time to sit back and wait. I believe the leadership in this organization truly cares about its members. Although all is quiet now I am anticipating something coming down the pipe that should help the members most affected. I believe that TB was responsible for this, at least I hope, only because they thought they could get away with it.
"Rations at CFLRS are around $550 per month.  But the good news is that rumour has it,  the line at the Galley will be getting a whole lot smaller really soon."

- Will pers on training, for however long, have the option of 1/2 rations if it's cheaper though? When I last lived in shacks for 8 months I delinked entirely which worked well enough for me. I know they instituted mandatory ration linking a few years ago and people "living in after the training system" have the choice of a reduced plan. When I was in Borden for a year I was never there from 1600 Fri till late Sunday night on any weekend and was more of a "coffee and cereal in my room for breakfast" kind of guy. There was no lesser ration option available despite me only eating there twice a day maybe 4 days a week. (Since you order the odd pizza or go out) I would have appreciated the lesser option as a Pte1 to have a bit more pocket money. I understand recruits would need to pay full price since they are pretty much locked in the building for 3 months. Do all bases now have a reduced ration plan or does it vary base to base?
Strike said:
As nice as it would be to know the man in charge is looking in to things, realistically, when has the CDS EVER revealed what he is doing before the end product?

I know this is hitting a lot of people very hard but he's not going to reveal anything to anyone until there is a solution.  Imagine how it would look for him to say he's working on it and then have nothing come out of it,or we get a new CDS and everything has to be started over.

I have been trying to remember this for a few days. A few years ago, treasury board nixed a benefit that had been put in without proper approval. Within a day or two, a canforgen was out explaining what had happened and that they were working on having it fixed. It may have been TD. Does anyone remember that?
It was several things actually.  The biggest was storage of things like vehicles while deployed.  The CF just went ahead and did it without TB approval over the span of something like ten years.  TB got wise and the CF did some damage control.  I'll try and find a link to it.
Crantor said:
It was several things actually.  The biggest was storage of things like vehicles while deployed.  The CF just went ahead and did it without TB approval over the span of something like ten years.  TB got wise and the CF did some damage control.  I'll try and find a link to it.

This thread may be relevant.

Topic: "DND halts millions in benefits": 
6 pages.