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Beware What You Post on Public Forums

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Goodday all, it has been sometime since I have posted.... I tend to read lots and post little as I only like to post when I feel I have something worth saying. Today is just such a day! This falls into a bit of a sermon so please bear with me. I was browsing Facebook today and came across something that genuinely blew me off my chair. A soldier... a current serving soldier had foolishly written some horrible comments, names and accusations on his Facebook profile with regards to competency of senior NCO's he serve(ed)(s) under, mud slinging at Regiments he has worked for (Including mine and another Brigade Regiment) and comments about the Base these Units are located.

Now.... We all bitch.... It's our right as soldiers, but we generally do it in the confines of our home with family and friends or at work with those of similar status as our own and we know we can trust that our comments will remain within our group. To be blatently foolish enough to post on a Public Forum as easily accessible as Facebook (especially if you belong to a local Network enabling ANYONE in that Network to access your profile) comments and statements that could result with your standing tall in front of the man is just plain.... well.... stupid. To give you a flavour of what I am talking about (This isn't just silly little "I work for big meanies" type of chicken ****) Some excerpts from his profile, and I quote: "I generate and dispense claims to a bunch of annoying mother *******, working for senior NCO's who are unfamiliar with leadership and love to micromanage like everyone else on this ********* Base" and of course my favorite as this is where he was referring to my Regiment "I worked for a bunch of retards and blades, with a completely incompetent Master Corporal, a neo-Nazi as a Petty Officer and a spineless piece of **** for a Warrant Officer".

He doesn't use stars to make omissions, I chose to do the censoring as everone here can figure out what is under the stars.  The point of my post is exercise caution in what you post on forums accessible to anyone. I'm sure if the guys Warrant were to read it, he could make some unpleasant business for the lad despite the fact he doesn't work for him anymore. You never know who is going to read your posts, and who they know, so please do not be as foolish as this misguided soldier.

My final thing.... Should I do anything? I know all the people he is referring to that work at my Regiment and they are good people. This is a moral dilemma..... Speak up or shut up? Thoughts folks?
Actually, ANY Warrant Officer who reads it (amongst other rank levels) can make some "very unpleasant [OFFICIAL] business" for this serving member.

Moral dilemma?? I think your post here indicates that there's a problem with what he's written.

Conduct. 24/7. Professionalism. 24/7. It's a PER point of which he'd be well-aware given that he's an RMS clerk based upon his "processing claims" comment -- he certainly can't claim "ignorance" as an excuse (especially so given his self-professed superior leadership compared to all those around him).

I know what I'd be doing.
I'd bring it up to the individual if I found it on my own.  As one Cpl or whatever to another if I shared his rank and in one of those scary one way conversations if I were not.  After all, who hasn't done something really really stupid in their lifetime?
reccecrewman said:
My final thing.... Should I do anything? I know all the people he is referring to that work at my Regiment and they are good people. This is a moral dilemma..... Speak up or shut up? Thoughts folks?

I'm a civilian, so maybe my take on this will be different then a soldier's perspective.

There is no moral dilemna to me. You didn't write that you know him. He is, from your point of view, grosly misrepresenting your colleagues, superiors,
and friends in a public forum. Make papers proofs of this, in case he change it and report the facts. Beware that as it is Facebook, anybody could have make the profil,
so make trace of facts that he is legitimate, if he look real to you.

If it is his opinion, that he made that public in such a way, what king of job is he doing at the moment ?

Just read ArmyVern : same ring here.

Just read Reccesoldier : I think that it is up to you, reccecrewman, to contact him or not. Would be freindlier, if you want to be friendly to such a person...

Just read your reply reccecrewman : hand him (figuratively speaking )
Reccesoldier said:
I'd bring it up to the individual if I found it on my own.  As one Cpl or whatever to another if I shared his rank and in one of those scary one way conversations if I were not.  After all, who hasn't done something really really stupid in their lifetime?

I've done some stupid things in my career (my profile states that!!)

But, I'm a big girl -- I  took the punishments dealt out to me for my lack of judgement, then carried on. More than once. I'm very OK with that. Sometimes, that punishment did consist of a simple "one way conversation" -- very loud at that, sometimes it was much more.

If he wants to act the big man, and post like one on the internet, then he should be quite capable of acting the big man and accepting whatever that conduct sows.

To me -- it really is that simple.
My Take...
Pick up the phone and call the people named, I believe that's only fair to let them know whats out there.
reccecrewman said:
ANd if it WAS brought up to him and it hasn't changed?  ;)

I'm also a firm believer that under certain circumstances stupidity should be as painful as necessary.  :rules:
reccecrewman said:
ANd if it WAS brought up to him and it hasn't changed?  ;)

Then, obviously, previous attempts at "nice, verbal, unofficial" corrective measures have failed to necessitate the desired effect of instilling an appropriate ethical standard of "professional conduct both on and off duty" into this individual. It's time to get Official about it. If that doesn't work -- we don't need him.

The others should not have to suffer his inability to act professionally and IAW CF regulations.
You publish in a public forum ( not a facebook member so please correct me if I am wrong) or talk to the MSM, the golden rule is "Talk about what you know and don't speculate". His comments well that just goes way overboard.  If i knew the guy who thought I knew where he worked. Stopping by and having a chat would be my first option.  Depending on how the conversation went with him would dictate how my reaction would be.  If I knew those he was referring to but not the soldier, then it would be a post a link to that site to one of those involved. If it happened to someone under my command and I noticed that site big no brain-er, I would do the following ( with a witness present but not let it appear to be a Inquisition
1. Have polite calm conversation to judge how he found his working environment.
2. Smile when I ask him if he enjoys his working conditions and his superiors.
3. Ask him if there was anything that he wanted to share with me about problems at work ( all smiles and sweetness of course)
*If he goes the route of pointing out problems at any time listen and take notes, to fully understand his problems. then go to step 4.
** If he goes the nothing is wrong route ( probably will )
4. Open with both barrels on him about the incredibly stupid thing he is doing with that website pointing out the errors of his way in the most legally allowed fire and brimstone persona. 
5. Judge his reaction / explanation on if he has learned his lesson
* soldier learned and is abashed tell him this will go higher but you will go to bat for him, explain possible repercussions
** Soldier hasn't learned in your opinion tell him " Pending investigation ........... ect ect ,
6. Report through your CoC with your recommendation as to go further with Disciplinary Actions. ( am a fan of following up a charge recommendation with a administrative action. ) Or let your CoC know and recommend that you had a talk with him he was ( and you believe him ) sorry and contrite. 

Either way your CoC needs to be info-ed as sounds like the troops need to be reminded that they are still accountable under the NDA/ QRO for their actions after hours as well.

Some post's pointed out that they might be just being young and stupid, we have all been there. But as Vern said. most of us also paid for it and were or became better persons for it.

My thoughts
helpup said:
You publish in a public forum ( not a facebook member so please correct me if I am wrong) or talk to the MSM, the golden rule is "Talk about what you know and don't speculate". His comments well that just goes way overboard.  If i knew the guy who thought I knew where he worked. Stopping by and having a chat would be my first option.  Depending on how the conversation went with him would dictate how my reaction would be.  If I knew those he was referring to but not the soldier, then it would be a post a link to that site to one of those involved. If it happened to someone under my command and I noticed that site big no brain-er, I would do the following ( with a witness present but not let it appear to be a Inquisition
1. Have polite calm conversation to judge how he found his working environment.
2. Smile when I ask him if he enjoys his working conditions and his superiors.
3. Ask him if there was anything that he wanted to share with me about problems at work ( all smiles and sweetness of course)
*If he goes the route of pointing out problems at any time listen and take notes, to fully understand his problems. then go to step 4.
** If he goes the nothing is wrong route ( probably will )
4. Open with both barrels on him about the incredibly stupid thing he is doing with that website pointing out the errors of his way in the most legally allowed fire and brimstone persona. 
5. Judge his reaction / explanation on if he has learned his lesson
* soldier learned and is abashed tell him this will go higher but you will go to bat for him, explain possible repercussions
** Soldier hasn't learned in your opinion tell him " Pending investigation ........... ect ect ,
6. Report through your CoC with your recommendation as to go further with Disciplinary Actions. ( am a fan of following up a charge recommendation with a administrative action. ) Or let your CoC know and recommend that you had a talk with him he was ( and you believe him ) sorry and contrite. 

Either way your CoC needs to be info-ed as sounds like the troops need to be reminded that they are still accountable under the NDA/ QRO for their actions after hours as well.

Some post's pointed out that they might be just being young and stupid, we have all been there. But as Vern said. most of us also paid for it and were or became better persons for it.

My thoughts

All sounds well and good ... except I don't see any mention of issuing "a caution" to the member during your chat with him ... ergo, if you end up proceeding to Step 6, you'd be in for a battle.

Do it right, keep it legal; else all your best laid "plans" go to waste. Proceed immediately to Step 6 -- allow the CoC to decide what is the most appropriate COA in this instance for they indeed have all the background on this member and are aware if this is a possible recurrance of past behaviour that has been "officially" dealt with ... inform them -- your Duty; dealing with the member at the lowest level deemed appropriate <--- your CoCs duty.
If I'm not mistaken, are we not technically "on duty" 24/7, therefore any comments made publicly should be subject to rules of discipline? I mean bashing your co-workers in private is one thing, but calling them out on a public forum, that's just, well, very uncool.
ok I'll weigh in here with my 2 cents.  Notify his chain of command and provide the link, not only is it unproffessional but insubordinate to boot, this is a command issue and a leadership issue and shouldn't be taken lightly.
UPDATE: The issue has been brought up to the CoC for their handling of the situation. Hopefully, at the end of it all, said soldier will have learned that as a soldier, he is still going to be held accountable for his conduct even if he is on his own time.

We've all made stupid mistakes but this one is pretty dumb. Anything I have been charged or handed extras for (And Lord knows my first year I got beasted by my leadership... it was warranted) I can say I NEVER repeated the mistake again so the punishment was effective.... Hope he gets sorted out.
Sounds like sending it through the CoC had to be done. +1 to you for doing the hard part by speaking up and pointing it out before things became worse in the public eye.
+1 for sending it up the CoC, it was the right thing to do.

  My opinion on the matter is simple. This man swore to Canada. A soldiers job is not like any other job, its a job where you MUST follow orders, and you MUST make good judgments or you WILL be held accountable. Soldiers in all of the CF hold an oath of discipline and this discipline should be shown off and on duty. In my mind disrespecting your Unit, and your superiors is the same thing as disrespecting your mother and father.  As much as you hate them, or dont like them you keep it to your self, sucker up and respect them and get the job done. YOUR A SOLDIER , START ACTING LIKE IT.

Anyway this is personally my opinion on people who post comments like that. I believe comments like that should be kept to your self. Also in all honesty if you do have a problem with your superiors, take it up with your chain of command...but a soldiers job is not to complain, but to make due.
I hope this guy is no longer on your friends list.  :flame:
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