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BMQ - 24 Hour Pass


My boyfriend just left this morning and I miss him terrible already. So I just want to get this straight...after the 4th week I am able to actually go and see him as long as he is good and does what he is told?
Thanks Jenn
Apparently so. 

I am waiting until after week 5 to go and see my husband just in case they mess up the first weekend off.  I have already booked my hotel and have the babysitter, dog sitter and travel arrangements in order.  I can't wait 11 days left.  WHO HOO.

ArmyGirlfriend I have added you to my MSN so if you are feeling loney and want to talk just log in in the evenings.  I found that the first two weeks were really rough wih alot of emotional rollercoastering going on.  The third week was a little better.  I can eat again yeah.  So basically if you need someone to talk I am here and I am going through the exact same thing as you.


Thanks so much, yeah I also am having trouble eating. I will take you up on the offer and log in at night. And going on the fifth weekisa better idea thanks Jenn
Keep in mind that they will be confined to base until the whole platoon does well, not particular individuals.  Your significant other may be doing excellently and excelling at everything but if the whole of the group is not they will all be treated the same and not get out.  Teamwork remember??
Cpl Bloggins said:
We were confined to base the entire 8 weeks of my basic...yeah, good times that was.

Oh yeah, and the base was Shilo.  ;D

Holy crap.. you poor bastard  :o
Unfortunatley I can't wait to see if he is going to be allowed out.  It is going to take me approx. 12 hours to drive there as I am coming from Halifax, NS.  I will just have to sit and pray that he gets this leave as we both need it badly.
Someone might want to help me with this...but could Shadow Cat's husband put in a memo ahead of time officially requesting leave for that weekend stating that his wife is coming to St.Jean from Halifax, incurrung travel costs and babysitting etc?
I know that memo's and leave can be denied for many reasons and at any time, but could it possibly help?
I'm greatly doubting that it would be well received but perhaps some others with more info could input some wisdom here.
I was just wondering what base Shadow Cats husband was going to... i also live in halifax and if i have to drive 12 hours for my BMQ... well i guess thats just one of the bonuses they dont mention! Keep up the good work Shadow Cat, and i hope he gets home soon :salute:
Right now my husband is in St. Jean for his Basic training. 

When my husband went to leave for his basic he was not allowed to bring his car.  He so badly wanted to as he wanted to be able to meet me half way on his weekends off but it was a no go.  Dont worry though the military sets up and pays for you fly to Montreal with everyone from down here that will be going with you to Basic.  They will also reimbruse your travel expenses to get to the airport as well. 

When are you leaving for Basic?  Do you have a spouse or significant other that you are leaving behind?
Right now im leaving as of the end of school in june. Im only grade 10, so this is a pretty big deal for me. I am leaving a girlfriend behind which really sucks, but since ill be home weekends maybe it wont be so bad :).
Yea, I left a girlfriend behind for almost 10 weeks straight while I did my SQ and trade course last summer....it was pretty hard but boy did she jump on me when I got off the train back home   ;D
Well it is only two days till I leave to see my honey and I can't wait.  He is going to look so differnt since the last time that I seen him.  He even has glasses now.  WOWZERS! 

Upon someones suggestion, sorry can't remeber who, my husband put a memo in requesting the time off just in case they are denied leave this weekend.  Yesterday the Sergeant pulled him aside and said that as long as less than 20% of the platoon mess up he will be giving permission to leave.  YEAH!!!  So here is for hoping that the Platoon  does good this week.

Wow, that is exciting Shadow Cat!
Drive carefully...no speeding!
Sunny and high of 17 in Montreal this weekend...doubt you will see any of it though  ;)
Being away from family is difficult, at least however if you are from somewhere on the mainland part of canada you can go on weekends and see each other. I'm returning to the reg force this year and will have to do basic again in St.Jean, my wife will not get to see me until graduation. We are from NFLD and the travel cost's and logistics are stupifying. So at least you'll get to see your family somewhat, take advantage of it whenever you can.  8)
I just found out some information about their pay so I am not necessarily sure that we can afford to do both this weekend and the graduation.    Oh well.   If I have to eat mac'n'cheese everynight I will.  
You don't actually get paid what you are supposed to.  They give you a flat rate and than give you what is owing to you at the end of the training or when you report to your next location.  If you are entitled to separation pay than you will recieve $800 on the 15th and the end of the month.  If you are single and not entitled than you will recieve $600 on the 15th and the end of the month.

My husband is going to double check on this on Monday at the admin office.  This is what his sergeant told him.  I know for a fact thought that someone that is a few weeks ahead of my husband has only been receiving the $800.
Shadow Cat,
I have an update on the pay information I gave you. Contact me on MSN if you like.
Shadow Cat,

As I am sure you already know I am also going up to see my BF in a little less then 2 weeks I already have everything booked and everynight I am crossing my fingers that the plantoon will not screw up. i just read message about your husband talking to whoever for the time off do you suggest that I do the same. And if so could you maybe tell me who I should have him talk too...thanks Jenn