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BMQ Oct 10 to Jan 27 Anyone else going on this date?

LittlePammy said:
Hi Fry,

I think if you click on my profile, you can see when I first registered.   Kind of hard for me to change that.  


Like I said, it only seemed like a coincidence and nothing more. Anywho, back to the thread before it gets "HUBAR"( Hi-Jacked up beyond all recognition.)

Do you guys agree with BMQ being split over Christmas? I agree for more going to BMQ, but not to get to go home for Christmas, then going back to do some more. I think one of the ideas of the 10 weeks is to see if you can do it all while being away from home. That's one small test. Getting to go home and get a big REST doesn't seem quite like basic to me... but congratulations to whoever gets selected.

It's one hell of a rest. I agree. 1 week would be enough. We're probably all going to get fat and lose our good shape in the xmas break. I'm guessing the instructors will make us pay for the rest when we get back.... lots of inspection and drill.

I'm planning on drinking and sleeping 24/7 during those 2 weeks  :salute:
Hugo said:
It's one heck of a rest. I agree. 1 week would be enough. We're probably all going to get fat and lose our good shape in the xmas break. I'm guessing the instructors will make us pay for the rest when we get back.... lots of inspection and drill.

I'm planning on drinking and sleeping 24/7 during those 2 weeks   :salute:

Friggen right buddy! Xmas holidays = boozing with family and friends, lots of sleep, lots of great grubjobs. Presents, get togethers, it's awesome. I love it.

BMQ stretched through Xmas might prove to be a little harder though, like you mentioned. You'll just be getting used to the good ol' civvy routine when you gotta be placed back on base for a few weeks of toughness. Might prove more of a challenge!
Personally, I'm glad we will be done BMQ on Dec 16.  Start off the new year with SQ.  Just think, by summer time I might be able to go the beach without Greenpeace trying to push me back in the water ;D
I agree totally... however I'm thinking well get put in a PAT platoon for a little while at least... well from what I'm reading on this site, most who finish BMQ, go into PAT platoon before SQ, or something like that...
I really really really don't want to waste years in a PAT platoon. I wonder how long I will wait in this heck until I am shipped to Kingston. :crybaby:

Hope the same for all of you (except P.Free)  :P
So from what I gather here, there are 4 of us from this forum who will be attending October 24 to January 27th, is that correct?

Maybe we could PM for "get to know ya" before we go?
For all those upset about a split BMQ thru Christmas, all I have to say to that is SUCK IT UP!!.  With the amount of courses being pushed thru the system right now the CF needs to run them wherever they can. If your Christmas plans consist of getting tanked and stuffing your face for weeks, then when you return and cant keep up, you have no one to blame but yourselves, you need to get your priorities straight, I think a couple weeks at home having time off will be a bigger test for you than 10 weeks without your family. Its all about priorities, If you think that split courses suck wait till you you go on tour for months without family and you dont get to go home for Christmas, and you can only contact family 10 min a week by phone if your lucky, you will look back on your split BMQ course and think to yourself "it was'nt that bad"
Not to mention you all  speack of trying so hard and it taking so long to get in the CF, I would think that you would not want to jeopardize your chances.
Now that I stated my peice remember above all "SOLDIER ON!!"
Hey cool the jets Grayman ;D  The only one talkin' like that is someone who apparently isn't going to be in that BMQ :salute:
Personally, I am glad that there is a break at Christmas.  My kids are glad that I'll be able to get home to see them, and I think from their perspective, they will need to see that I am ok.  As far as gaining weight and everything, we'll just all have to use a little will-power and not pig-out all the time.  It should work........I think....maybe.  ;)

Well time is ticking down. Is everyone ready? How are the nerves? The next week is going to go by so fast it's gonna seem like a minute. I'm starting to get a little nervous....or anxious to get it started. Still training but wondering if it's going to be enough?!? I'm sure I will be rambling on as the week goes by so I beg for forgiveness now ???
l8joiner said:
As far as gaining weight and everything, we'll just all have to use a little will-power and not pig-out all the time.   It should work........I think....maybe.   ;)

There will be little voices still in your head...."No, not more bread!"
Hi ab136
I am as ready as I am ever going to be.  Everything is packed, just a matter of remembering to cancel all the little things (phone, internet ect) Clean out the fridge and unplug everything.  lol  Just trying to fit in visiting with all of my friends to say goodbye, that is the tough part.  How about yourself, are you ready?

Hey ab136 and LittlePammy!  I getting ready slowly but surely.  As long as I can find enough room to pack everything and finish getting the little things, I will be ready by, say Friday night.  I'm with you ab136, I'm a little nervous, anxious and excited.

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go. Just have some odds and ends to tie up. (Clean garage, winterize house).

Very anxious. The week is going by fast already. I'll see everyone there. ;D