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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

The discussion of taking your PMV or not is a perfect example of "the blind leading the blind."

I've made my life and have my ties to the East Coast. Throughout my career, I've been posted to 6 provinces and I have had to deal with that part of military life.

From Borden it takes about 18 hours of safe driving under "normal" conditions to arrive in the Halifax area.

If your car (PMV) is in good working order, winter tires and you have experience with winter driving conditions,
you may be safe enough to make the drive to BMQ.

Five people on this discussion are taking the safe option.....who has a car when you finally have a weekend off?

Another benefit that has been misunderstood in this discusson, is the return to home.
If you drive to training, you will have a benefit to drive home.
No, the CAF benefit never covers your all costs, but that is the personal choice (and luxury of driving).

These are things that experience and knowledge you would have wished you asked for earlier, if you had of known.
Nothing I mention has not already been posted many times before on this site. You need to know what to ask and search for to learn the answers that are important enough to you to know.
kratz said:
The discussion of taking your PMV or not is a perfect example of "the blind leading the blind."

I've made my life and have my ties to the East Coast. Throughout my career, I've been posted to 6 provinces and I have had to deal with that part of military life.

From Borden it takes about 18 hours of safe driving under "normal" conditions to arrive in the Halifax area.

If your car (PMV) is in good working order, winter tires and you have experience with winter driving conditions,
you may be safe enough to make the drive to BMQ.

Five people on this discussion are taking the safe option.....who has a car when you finally have a weekend off?

Another benefit that has been misunderstood in this discusson, is the return to home.
If you drive to training, you will have a benefit to drive home.
No, the CAF benefit never covers your all costs, but that is the personal choice (and luxury of driving).

These are things that experience and knowledge you would have wished you asked for earlier, if you had of known.
Nothing I mention has not already been posted many times before on this site. You need to know what to ask and search for to learn the answers that are important enough to you to know.

Thanks for the advice Kratz. I didn't think about it that way.
I start on the the 16th as well and I'm sworn in on the 11th in kingston, my platoon is 0087E. I am an ATIS Tech. Can I get an invite to the FB group please.
trudeau15 said:
I start on the the 16th as well and I'm sworn in on the 11th in kingston, my platoon is 0087E. I am an ATIS Tech. Can I get an invite to the FB group please.
What is your fb handle
Your platoon comes in your email after you say yes to the recruiter, its the attachment CAF offer letter. I sent you a message with my FB.
trudeau15 said:
Your platoon comes in your email after you say yes to the recruiter, its the attachment CAF offer letter. I sent you a message with my FB.
I don't have my platoon number yet. I double checked my email. Add me on fb and I'll send you the invite
kratz said:
The discussion of taking your PMV or not is a perfect example of "the blind leading the blind."

I've made my life and have my ties to the East Coast. Throughout my career, I've been posted to 6 provinces and I have had to deal with that part of military life.

From Borden it takes about 18 hours of safe driving under "normal" conditions to arrive in the Halifax area.

If your car (PMV) is in good working order, winter tires and you have experience with winter driving conditions,
you may be safe enough to make the drive to BMQ.

Five people on this discussion are taking the safe option.....who has a car when you finally have a weekend off?

Another benefit that has been misunderstood in this discusson, is the return to home.
If you drive to training, you will have a benefit to drive home.
No, the CAF benefit never covers your all costs, but that is the personal choice (and luxury of driving).

These are things that experience and knowledge you would have wished you asked for earlier, if you had of known.
Nothing I mention has not already been posted many times before on this site. You need to know what to ask and search for to learn the answers that are important enough to you to know.

I took the full amount of time to think about it, I've decided to fly as the recruiter said once I'm in borden, due to the length of my course they would transport my car or give me time to get it. I think honestly my buddy is going to drive it out and spend a few days once im settled in. I would have liked to have a car once indoc period is done but I'm sure it will be fine. The car was checked in the shop and is maintained very well ( i drag race it in the summer and its usually parked in the winter lol) Winter tires and mad driving skills but with how we've been hit with snow the last few weeks I don't want to risk it.

Thank you for the advice kratz, really appreciate it.
Today is my second day at CFLRS. Don't be the first guy to show up on Saturday at a crazy time like 9AM when everyone is getting in around 5PM unless you want to be Course Senior. Also, if you're driving then ask your staff for a vehicle registration sheet if they didn't provide you with one or you will be towed.
Moore said:
Today is my second day at CFLRS. Don't be the first guy to show up on Saturday at a crazy time like 9AM when everyone is getting in around 5PM unless you want to be Course Senior. Also, if you're driving then ask your staff for a vehicle registration sheet if they didn't provide you with one or you will be towed.

So were you the first person to show up then?
Offstar1029 said:
So were you the first person to show up then?

Nope someone on my platoon was and got screwed because of it haha.
I thought I saw somewhere it was one per week, but I could be way off. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I would imagine they cycle from time to time to evaluate people. Who here is getting excited/nervous? Just finished my autobiography and paper work, enrollment is wednesday then I imagine it will all sink in! My envelope with paper work said R0088E if anybody else is in that platoon let me know.

I'm assuming that being 2nd day at CFLRS and you are posting on here that they did not confiscate your phones yet lol?