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Boeing pitches OV10X for USAF light attack role


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Boeing pitches OV-10X Bronco for USAF light attack


Boeing confirms it has proposed building new OV-10s with upgraded avionics and weapons for the US Air Force light attack contract.

Subscription-only Inside the Air Force broke the news this morning.

Boeing provided the photo above, providing a glimpse of the new OV-10 concept. The image will surely be embraced by the Bronco's devoted following, who remember the aircraft's notably effective service in the Vietnam War.

The OV-10 could face competition from other Vietnam-era light attack aircraft, such as the Piper Aircraft PA-48 Enforcer. A new class of turboprop fighter-trainers, such as the AT-6 and the Embraer Super Tucano are also vying for the contract. Alenia, meanwhile, plans to offer the jet-powered M346 trainer.

Boeing inherits the OV-10 Bronco's design rights from its purchase in the 1980s of North American Rockwell, the aircraft's original manufacturer.

I'm not an aviator, so I don't know what advantages a prop plane has over a jet plane.  In a low-threat environment (eg: no enemy air force) this would work well, no?
Speaking as a GA pilot...the OV-10 brought excellent observation for the crew, good loiter time, and a decent weapons load. It's been suggested by CASR (I know, I know...hacks), that the AT-6 Texan II would be suitable as well.
Field a few squadrons, train up Afghans and slowly let them take over the aircraft and missions. I suspect that as an addition they will help, but not to replace anything. What was their loss rate in Vietnam? I suspect the ground threat profile would be similar.

VIDEO: Super Tucano's case to become USAF's next fighter

In Fort Lauderdale on Monday, Embraer and new partner Sierra Nevada showed off a Super Tucano that had just completed flight demonstrations for the US Air Force. The light-strike turboprop is bidding for the light air support (LAS) contract against the Lockheed Martin/Hawker Beechcraft AT-6. This particular Super Tucano was on loan to the manufacturer from an unidentified African country (which I believe is probably Burkina Faso), and features an unusually soft paint scheme.

The big news is that Sierra Nevada is Embraer's prime contractor for the bid. Under the US Army's medium altitude reconnaissance and surveillance system (MARSS) contract, Sierra Nevada delivered the aerial surveillance version of the King Air 350s to the Iraqi Air Force. The goals of the LAS program are similar, but the light strike fighters will be delivered to the Afghan Air Force. Contract award for LAS is scheduled in June.

Meanwhile, Sierra Nevada pilot Chris Brayman spoke to reporters about the light strike mission, and why he thinks the Super Tucano is a good fit. See below...

I thought the SF had already leased a few of these for Afghanistan already? Also there is the Cessna Caravan and hellfire option.