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I was told by my recruiting center today that there is a good chance that I will wind up in Borden this time around.  I was just wondering what the big difference between the two schools are.  For example, in borden, do you still get platoon shirts and do they take pictures in field, like they do at CFLRS?
lost4words said:
.  For example, in borden, do you still get platoon shirts and do they take pictures in field, like they do at CFLRS?

Is this really what you consider a "big difference " ?

Are those things even significant ?
No, to be honest I am confident that regardless of where I go, I be trained well.  I was most curious on the, shall we say perks?  "big Differences" was obviously a wrong choice of words.
Yes you get picture in field, if you want a platoon shirt you have to organize it yourselves.

I did my basic in Borden, one thing from what I heard that is a great perk, building is only two floors in Borden so you either sleep on the first or second, which if you do the math is a lot less stairs then being on the 14th in CFLRS...

Klinkaroo said:
I did my basic in Borden, one thing from what I heard that is a great perk, building is only two floors in Borden so you either sleep on the first or second, which if you do the math is a lot less stairs then being on the 14th in CFLRS...

The differences are in Borden you do PT with the PSP not your instructors, the drill hall and classrooms are outside so you march if you have to go there and there are more air forces, navy and reserve instructors then there are in St Jean. And the room setup is a bit different cause in Borden you share with 4 people and in St Jean you have a cubicle.
The biggest Difference I saw while I made some trips to Borden and to CFLRS was this

In Borden I saw recruits in Canex and in Timmies...a lot, privileges seemed more free as it were, Recruits had less regard for proper military etiquette (Chewing gum in uniform, not paying respects, not wearing their beret outdoors of the canex, etc etc) and a serious lack of the recruit fear I saw in St Jean. I am not sure why it is that way but those were my visual impressions....

On a side note .... the Royal in me damn near had a brain aneurysm and often did some impromptu sorting out in a very polite and tactful manner, knowing that I was not an instructor and thus had to tread lightly  ;)

EDIT: 9er again and her grasp of the english language (Spelling, Grammar etc etc)
you should have grabbed there Station Cards which means no Green & Gold :'( or CANEX privileges. You should have also revoked there "pop" privileges.

True story, I saw one of my old instructors from Cornwallis yesterday at the SuperStore here in Sackvegas and I was petrified. I felt that I should come to attention and request to start pumping off push ups.

My wife asks me whats wrong...."Oh Nothing"

Different mentality today or maybe I am just ready to retire.

HFXCrow said:
True story, I saw one of my old instructors from Cornwallis yesterday at the SuperStore here in Sackvegas and I was petrified. I felt that I should come to attention and request to start pumping off push ups.

I had the pleasure of getting to look after my platoon PERI from Cornwallis on sick parade once - should have seen the loo on his face when I said "This just isn't your lucky day"  ;D.

BulletMagnet said:
The biggest Difference I saw while I made some trips to Borden and to CFLRS was this

In Borden I saw recruits in Canex and in Timmies...a lot, privileges seemed more free as it were, Recruits had less regard for proper military etiquette (Chewing gum in uniform, not paying respects, not wearing their beret outdoors of the canex, etc etc) and a serious lack of the recruit fear I saw in St Jean. I am not sure why it is that way but those were my visual impressions....

On a side note .... the Royal in me damn near had a brain aneurysm and often did some impromptu sorting out in a very polite and tactful manner, knowing that I was not an instructor and thus had to tread lightly  ;)

EDIT: 9er again and her grasp of the english language (Spelling, Grammar etc etc)

Holy, that is VERY different then the atmosphere at CFLRS.  :o

Timmies?  Hanging out at the CANEX?  Wtf over!
Eye In The Sky said:
Holy, that is VERY different then the atmosphere at CFLRS.   :o

Timmies?  Hanging out at the CANEX?  Wtf over!

Welcome to the new, gentler, kinder CF.

Eye In The Sky said:
Holy, that is VERY different then the atmosphere at CFLRS.   :o

Timmies?  Hanging out at the CANEX?  Wtf over!

He didn't believe me at first when I told him about all the times I saw the recruits out and about in the evenings. He came down to visit me one week while I was there on my QL3, and he couldn't believe his eyes. Recruits walking down the street to and from Timmies/Canex was a regular occurance each evening. (Walking, not marching... and on week days!) You'd also see them sitting in Pizza hut chowing down.

When I was in BMQ in St. Jean, I was never allowed at the canex/subway on a week day regardless of what week I was in. We were only allowed anywhere on weekends we had off. (and that wasn't very many weekends...) I also wouldn't even think of walking anywhere on base, even in civi's on our weekends off we marched everywhere! My instructors put the fear of god into me, at all times! (and I was very thankful for that upon arrival in Meaford for SQ! Wow, what a place!!) I feel for those Borden recruits who later went on to battle school!  :o
I am surprised to hear that.  I almost took a position in Borden as staff for the BMQ/Wpn Cadre side at NRTD and I am not sure I would have been able to deal with that...err...environment? for people on BMQ.

I totally agree with your last statement.  They get used to the arm-chair army and then have attitudes when they hit real training.

Again, I am fairly shocked to read that about Borden...and I guess I should keep my opinion on 'why' to myself.  CFLRS was run very well when I was (briefly) there in the B Div bullpen, that stuff just never would happen up there (as you can attest to  8))

This brings to mind my life-long beef  in our trng system.  "1 Standard" (or lack thereof).
I'm betting you had a sore neck from all the double-takes you had when you were in Borden the first time...
:-\  Well just to reply to the whole Borden vs CFLRS thing, I mean I think it all depends on the individual, some of the guys that are sent to CFLRS need to be placed there due to attitude to begin with, some of them learn some don't and quite frankly I know guys that have been to both and they don't seem to mind either one.  Petawawa is an awesome place to be later, but there again all depends I think, we all have different personalities.

Recruits are not sent to CFLRS for attitude unless they have failed a previous cycle for attitude and then go to St Jean which is the only place with a Recruit PAT Pl. The place a recruit does BMQ is totally random and even if on PAT in St Jean when they get another shot at BMQ that course is the next available wether it is in CFLRS, Borden, Gagetown or even Wainwright.

Petawawa is not running BMQ for Regs, I know there have been some done in the summer for Res but when talking CFLRS and Borden we are talking Reg BMQ

And and Eye.... My neck was just fine it spent all my time looking at my very good looking 9er, only when the recruits blocked my vision of her did I notice them at all ;D

EDIT: Added to the post

Okay first of all had the post been read properly I think all my buds out there that are Generals whom were and some are would agree that LATER Petawawa is an awesome place and second of all my guy is in Saint-Jean and hasn't failed at nothing so not sure where that's coming from  ::)
littlelizzard said:
Okay first of all had the post been read properly I think all my buds out there that are Generals whom were and some are would agree that LATER Petawawa is an awesome place and second of all my guy is in Saint-Jean and hasn't failed at nothing so not sure where that's coming from  ::)

I hope you aren't planning on driving tonight... ;)
You need to be a little more clear there dude I have no idea what the heck you are trying to say....  ???