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Borden vs St. Jean

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To Reply to what Jinpa had to say earlier in the form about the pilot course in 2005, i was in the first platoon on that pilot started September 26th 2005 , and during the 2nd week of course i got injured, and since we we're the first, they didnt have like a PAT or anykind of PAR platoon set up yet, and i didnt know what my options could have been, so after being on course a few more days not being able to attend drill or PT or any sort of activity, I ended up VR'ing not knowing my options like PAT platoon that i know is now established in Borden.

I VR'd not knowing what i know now, and i thought i might get released from the Army due to injry. So I just quit. Then 2 two years later i re-inlisted, and was sent to St. Jean , and soon as i got there, i noticed a major diference. I ended up having to leave before my course started with a Family Incident coming up right after i left which kind of was unfortunate for myself.

But with regards to the training and the instructors, my instructors in Borden did kind of establish a kind relationship with the recruits but on the other they chewed us out whenever we screwed up or made a mistake they would take it out on us like any instructor would.  But when i got to St. Jean the 2nd you walked through them doors to the Green Desk, they we're all over you like white on rice, and when you first start marching, they know you dont know anything about it, they chew you out non-stop just cause they can...Borden instructors did when needed, and i know getting yelled at and all that Jazz is part of BMQ, but i found St. Jean instructors did it when they wanted just cause they could.

I never made it far enough in either course to say anything about the training from either CFLRS Det. But I would say without a doubt, Fort St. Jean is a tougher place to do your BMQ, but Borden as Jinpa said is only just getting started 3 years in, St. Jean has been around since 1969, they got it down pat. so we'll just have to see how borden can inprove in the next couple of years.

And thats my 0.02  if its worth anything.
You hit the nail on the head... Borden was just getting it's act together, it's personnel were not prepared to deal with raw recruits and without some set rules and SOPs, things might have appeared more personal .  Being a new organisation it was also small - so they could tailor things to the recruit's needs.

the MEGA at St Jean (NOT Fort St Jean - a very different establishment) can deal with something like 32 Platoons at any one given time.  Very different...

You will find that Borden is probably a lot more like St jean by now - routine and structure will do that.

Ummm... You bailes a second time?

WTF - Why would you do something like that?
Compassionate leave exists - being recoursed is possible.
Bailing out?    Cheez!
I know, the bail the 2nd time was a bad choice....but currently i am in the process of getting back in, getting my head on straight....i was unsure of my future, now i know what i want. and i will succed when i go back...i have a goal of proposing to my GF at my graduation and giving us a life. no bull anymore...
Yeah Rugby, make sure you got your act together this time, I heard that 3 strikes and you're out (from a friend who has done that).

Maybe we'll be in the same BMQ if you get in...and if it's in either Borden or St Jean it doesn't matter as long as I reach the goal of getting my trade. I've done Basic before so I have a small idea of what's done ;)
Ya i know....thanks for the support RTaylor....so what part of the application process are you in now? and what CFRC Det are you at?
Im done everything at Halifax. I was in the reserves over 5yrs ago so Im still waiting for my med docs to arrive before they can send it all off for me to get my offer.

Taken almost a year so far  :o
yah......same with me, waiting for my Med Docs from ottawa, took them like 4 - 5 months, the 1st time , cause i was out for 2 years....5 years out wow....might take em awhile...hopefully they get them in soon for you.
They told me after 6 weeks they put out some RUSH on them and label it uber important. Keep that in mind Rugby, and keep on them about getting your VFS (Verification of Former Service) prior to anything. If they don't get that then they can't order your medical.
yah, thats a good idea...but i didnt seem to have any problems before....and i was out for 2 years, this time i was only out for 7 months....so we'll see what happens, if i dont hear anything by the end of April , then ill call and see whats going on with it, bug them for the infamous updates.
  I did my basic in St. Jean, and now I'm in Borden doing training.  One big thing that I notice with the BMQ'ers here, is that they never seem to be in a rush.  I'm sure the St. Jeaners will agree....many many lunches were spend shoving food down your throat as fast as humanly possible, because of your next timing.  Here in Borden they come in at lunch....joke around in the lineup...grab lots of food, and go have a nice relaxing meal.  At least thats how my coursemates and I see it.
CHeers :cdn:
When you feed up to 32 platoons in St Jean, you have very little choice WRT pushing them thru the kitchen...
I was a section commander in Borden...I had a great experience there. I am one of the old school SNCO's. When I joined up I went through CFB Cornwallis. Borden basic training was as close as you could get to Cornwallis. Cornwallis was harder though as it was a different Military back then.

I have never been to St Jean but would go if I was needed.

I think St Jeans biggest down fall is that unless your an instructor, being outside on a regular basis won't happen. Almost all training is conducted in One super plex.

In my opinion being able to March or walk to classes or your barracks getting fresh air...outdoors is the way to go. St. Jean is like a prison...I heard it was meant to be or was a prison that was converted.

Borden in my opinion hands down is the better system....all amenities were right at our finger tips...the instructors were top notch and trained the same as St. Jean.

It was a sad day for recruits and instructors when they felt that it was no longer needed. Borden was the best! There is also another benefit that saved a bit of money....Trade training for a lot of the Trades is done in Borden....you finished your course and if you were lucky you moved to a different building on the footprint and continued your training....no flight or bus necessary!
csrpiper said:
I was a section commander in Borden...
csrpiper said:
As a former Instructor at NRTD I completely agree!


You join the site and immediately post in a thread that's been dormant for 5 1/2 years.......and then post again to agree with yourself?!

csrpiper said:
...I heard it was meant to be or was a prison that was converted.

You heard wrong.

PS.  A vast majority of Recruit School graduates DO NOT go to Borden for their Trades training.
csrpiper said:
I was a section commander in Borden...I had a great experience there. I am one of the old school SNCO's. When I joined up I went through CFB Cornwallis. Borden basic training was as close as you could get to Cornwallis. Cornwallis was harder though as it was a different Military back then.

I have never been to St Jean but would go if I was needed.

I think St Jeans biggest down fall is that unless your an instructor, being outside on a regular basis won't happen. Almost all training is conducted in One super plex.

In my opinion being able to March or walk to classes or your barracks getting fresh air...outdoors is the way to go. St. Jean is like a prison...I heard it was meant to be or was a prison that was converted.

Borden in my opinion hands down is the better system....all amenities were right at our finger tips...the instructors were top notch and trained the same as St. Jean.

It was a sad day for recruits and instructors when they felt that it was no longer needed. Borden was the best! There is also another benefit that saved a bit of money....Trade training for a lot of the Trades is done in Borden....you finished your course and if you were lucky you moved to a different building on the footprint and continued your training....no flight or bus necessary!

I too did Cornwallis and did a stint at CFLRS St-Jean in the bullpen.  I don't agree with most of the 'Cornwallis was harder!" stuff.  Maybe it was different but things change over decades.  Different doesn't always equal easy.

For never being in St-Jean, how can you be so sure of what it is like?  :Tin-Foil-Hat:

Morning runs, done outside.  Marching to the drill hall down by the back gate, again outside.  Forced marches, outside.  Map and compass ex, etc etc etc. 

I could argue in Cornwallis we wasted a lot of time that could be spend in trg doing the left-right-left. 
