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Boy Scouts of America have a 'pedophile epidemic'

RomeoJuliet said:
Nice ‘Google fu’!

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Romeo: If we are looking at some stats the majority of offenders are men.  Women make up a small majority.

This is from an Aus. Gvt site but mirrors some of what a previous British article I posted stated.  It also includes US and Canadian data.

So if we say a ton women then we should state a mega ton of men. 

Caveat though: All the studies indicate under reporting for women stats.  Just like harassment and sexual assault.  So the 90/4 proportion may be a bit wider. 

Although males clearly constitute the majority of perpetrators, a review of the evidence for female sex abusers (McCloskey & Raphael, 2005), suggested that females do abuse in a small proportion of cases. Data from the US National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) showed that males made up 90% of adult child sexual assault perpetrators, while 3.9% of perpetrators were female, with a further 6% classified as “unknown gender” (McCloskey & Raphael, 2005). In a study comparing male and female perpetrated child sexual abuse using data from the 1998 Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (Peter, 2009), 10.7% of child sexual abuse incidents were found to be perpetrated by females. McCloskey and Raphael (2005) argued that female perpetrators of child sexual abuse could be much higher as many cases go under-reported.

And how many people do those percentages represent? 10.7% equals what? 2? 20? 200?
I think part of the issue is that when a woman assaults a young male (ie teacher having sexual encounters with 13 year old kids) a common response is for men to cheer the young or offer a proverbial pat on the back. One need only look in the comment sections when news orgs posts these stories.
Jarnhamar said:
I think part of the issue is that when a woman assaults a young male (ie teacher having sexual encounters with 13 year old kids) a common response is for men to cheer the young or offer a proverbial pat on the back. One need only look in the comment sections when news orgs posts these stories.

Absolutely.  And likely a contributing factor to the under reporting.  As well I am sure when a woman does it it gets more attention which is why’s some people might think that there are tons of women doing this in relation to men.  Nobody is surprised when a male scout leader, hockey coach, teacher or priest gets accused but female gets more attention proportionately.

Jarnhamar said:
I think part of the issue is that when a woman assaults a young male (ie teacher having sexual encounters with 13 year old kids) a common response is for men to cheer the young or offer a proverbial pat on the back. One need only look in the comment sections when news orgs posts these stories.

I'll agree. I wish I'd had some of these teachers, in the article I posted, tutoring me. However, I digress.
Fishbone Jones said:
I'll agree. I wish I'd had some of these teachers, in the article I posted, tutoring me. However, I digress.

Had lots of inmates over the years hooked on something because they were trying to erase being molested young by a female.  We think now we would have wanted it but, it's not usually the hot 27 year old substitute teacher the papers like to publish the picture of.  It's your cat-smelling, missing a few teeth, Aunt  Ether.  The shame of it can eat away at either sex...
Remius said:
Absolutely.  And likely a contributing factor to the under reporting.  As well I am sure when a woman does it it gets more attention which is why’s some people might think that there are tons of women doing this in relation to men.  Nobody is surprised when a male scout leader, hockey coach, teacher or priest gets accused but female gets more attention proportionately.

I never said tons of women, compared to men. I said, tons of women, period. There's a difference, but I'm sure you knew that when you decided to squeeze that in.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Had lots of inmates over the years hooked on something because they were trying to erase being molested young by a female.  We think now we would have wanted it but, it's not usually the hot 27 year old substitute teacher the papers like to publish the picture of.  It's your cat-smelling, missing a few teeth, Aunt  Ether.  The shame of it can eat away at either sex...

I forgot the sarcasm or maybe the wink emoji. Of course you are right.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Had lots of inmates over the years hooked on something because they were trying to erase being molested young by a female.  We think now we would have wanted it but, it's not usually the hot 27 year old substitute teacher the papers like to publish the picture of.  It's your cat-smelling, missing a few teeth, Aunt  Ether.  The shame of it can eat away at either sex...

Even in cases where some teachers were attractive, it could take years for some to realize that they were damaged by the experiences.  Physically and emotionally.
Remius said:
Even in cases where some teachers were attractive, it could take years for some to realize that they were damaged by the experiences. 

We used to call it damaged goods.
mariomike said:
We used to call it damaged goods.

There was a case here not long ago here where a male victim gave an victim impact statement how the woman teacher who had abused him destroyed his ability to make emotional connections in his relationships with other women.
Remius said:
There was a case here not long ago here where a male victim gave an victim impact statement how the woman teacher who had abused him destroyed his ability to make emotional connections in his relationships with other women.

And sued the school board "for an undisclosed amount"?
daftandbarmy said:
Boy Scouts of America have a 'pedophile epidemic' and are hiding hundreds in its ranks, lawyers claim ...
So much so that ...
Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy after sex abuse lawsuits
David Aaro | Fox News

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early Tuesday after decades of sexual abuse claims within one of the country's largest youth organizations.

The petition, filed in Delaware bankruptcy court, halts the hundreds of lawsuits the BSA is facing that allege sexual misconduct by people within the 110-year-old organization over the years.

Sexual abuse settlements had reportedly strained the Boy Scouts' finances, with states passing laws last year so victims from long-ago abuse can sue for damages.

Mike Pfau, an attorney whose firm was representing 300 victims in New York as of last April, said the bankruptcy would be "bigger in scale than any other sex abuse bankruptcy."

“You’re talking about thousands of perpetrators," Seattle-based lawyer Michael Pfau, who has represented more than 300 Boy Scout victims in 34 states, told the New York Daily News. "You’re talking about tens of thousands of victims. This will be the largest bankruptcy the country has ever seen, and likely one of the largest corporate bankruptcies.”

The national organization said they made the move to fairly compensate victims harmed during their time in scouting and to keep the 100-year-old nonprofit running for years to come.

A Victims Compensation Trust will reportedly be set up during the bankruptcy process, which the organization says will provide "equitable compensation to victims." ...
More from The Associated Press, BBC News, Al Jazeera & New York Times.

This from an open letter to victims from the organization ...
Any incident of child abuse is one too many.

As a father, a former Scout, and the National Chair of the Boy Scouts of America, I am truly heartbroken that you were harmed during your time in Scouting and that you carry unfathomable pain.

I am outraged that individuals took advantage of our programs to commit these heinous acts.

I am also outraged that there were times when volunteers and employees ignored our procedures or forgave transgressions that are unforgivable. In some cases, this led to tragic acts of abuse. While those instances were limited, they mean we didn’t do enough to protect the children in our care – to protect you.

On behalf of myself and the entire Scouting community: I am sorry. I am devastated that there were times in the past when we failed the very children we were supposed to protect.

Please know we have worked consistently over many years to implement multilayered policies to keep kids safe. As knowledge on child sexual abuse prevention has advanced, so have our expert-informed policies, including mandatory background checks and trainings, a ban on one-on-one interactions between youth and adults, and mandatory reporting of any suspicion of abuse to law enforcement. Today, we believe the BSA’s youth safety measures are the strongest and most effective policies found in any youth-serving organization.

I regret that these measures weren’t always in place or weren’t always enough. The fact is that predators harmed innocent children in Scouting programs, and for this I am deeply sorry.

The BSA cannot undo what happened to you, but we are committed to supporting you and to doing everything in our power to prevent it from happening to others. It is a social and moral responsibility that I and the entire organization take extremely seriously. We believe that all victims should receive our support and compensation – and we have taken decisive action to make that possible.

Specifically, the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America has initiated a voluntary financial restructuring to ensure we can equitably compensate all victims of past abuse in our programs, through a proposed Victim’s Compensation Trust.

I encourage you, and all victims to come forward and file claims so you can receive compensation from this Trust. We will provide clear notices about how to do so.

I want you to know that we believe you, we believe in compensating you, and we have programs in place to pay for counseling for you and your family by a provider of your choice.

We have also partnered with 1in6, a trusted national resource for male survivors, to expand their services so that you are able to anonymously access vital support from trained advocates when and how you need it. You can access these services at www.1in6.org/BSA.

The abuse you suffered weighs on us all every day. But your courage also motivates us to do more for the children we are entrusted to protect. We will do better – for you, for kids today, and for kids tomorrow.

Yours in Scouting,
Jim Turley, National Chair, Boy Scouts of America
More details in attached BSA news release.

