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British Military Fitness Evaluations


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I am currently looking for information on British military fitness evaluations.  I would like to know basic requirements as well as any specific tests for various branches (Para, Royal Marine, SAS, SBS, etc.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Two parts to the Brit fitness program:

The Battle Fitness Test  (BFT) and a Combat Fitness Test (CFT).

The BFT is the basic fitness test 1.5mile (2.4km)  in under 10:30 if you are under 30 (as a best individual effort) .  It used to be a 3 miler, the first 1.5 miles taking 15 min’s in a group.  These days the BFT also includes sit-ups and push ups (again best effort) not sure of min numbers.

The CFT is a 8 mile long TAB (Tactical Advance into Battle) carrying 44 lbs, weapon and helmet which must be completed in 2 hours.  The CFT used to have special to arm component which seems to have been dropped.

I last served with the Brits in 06 so things may have changed.
For the CFT it has to be done in between 1:55 and 2:00, so it is a squadded march.  There is a difference between an Infantry CFT and an All-arms CFT in the weight carried, I believe it is 25kg for infantry and goes down from there to 15kg at a minimum.

The BFT (also referred to a BPFA (basic physical fitness assessment)) is the 1.5mile, push-up, sit-up assessment.  The 1.5 miler is actually 2.0 miles.  The first half mile is run squadded in 5 minutes with the pace set by a PTI, this is the warm up.  At the release point it become best individual effort.  I am not 100% sure of the times by ages, but 35 to 39 was 11:30, and 30 to 34 was 11:00.  There is a chart here, http://www.arrse.co.uk/health-fitness/54385-standards-military-fitness-4.html#post1779548 that looks around right for when I last did it (2007).  The push-ups and sit-ups from that time were:
Press Ups

Number of press ups to be achieved in 2 minutes.

Under 30 - Male 44 - Female 21
30-34 - Male 41 - Female 19
35-39 -Male 39 - Female 16
40-44 - Male 35 - Female 15

Sit Ups

Number of sit ups to be achieved in 2 minutes

Under 30 - Male & Female 50
30-34 - Male & Female 46
35-39 - Male & Female 43
40-44 - Male & Female 37

The requirements were a member had to pass two BFTs per year and one CFT.  I believe the BFTs could be conducted with very little notice (24 hours), I'm not sure of the surprise factor for CFTs.  The unit I was at usually offered around 3 weeks of twice weekly marches to work up to it.

Edit to add this link (a PT guide for potential Sandhurst pers with their minimums on page 5): http://www.army.mod.uk/documents/general/ptbooklet.pdf
Here's the only article I've ever been able to sneak past the editors (ages ago) that gives some background on the Paras and Marines. I'd also suggest YouTube under 'P Company' and 'Commando Course' if you'd like some further discouragement in technocolour and 'shout-o-vision'.
A 5 day fitness test! We find it hard to get everyone through the 13km every year. Imagine taking a FULL week away from outlook express, veh maintance, and canada wide taskings??!! At least twice a year to fit in those who couldnt do it!

impressed they can organise such a feat. Cause I'm sure we couldnt.
daftandbarmy said:
Dare I ask, why?

I'm involved in Military and police fitness and am curious to find out what is done outside of Canada.
Chilme said:
I'm involved in Military and police fitness and am curious to find out what is done outside of Canada.

When you're done with your survey you might want to post it on here so we can all bask in our contributions to your work! Seriously, you'll get some interest....
The following links may be of some interest to you:



Both are targeted at potential recruits, thus expresses a good baseline requirement.
