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Bystanders watch as 91 year old American vet beaten

retiredgrunt45 said:
What the hell is happening to our society, very sad indeed, when people just watch as someone gets hurt. Very, very sad...

As for the punk, he should be put in with some nice home boys in prison, then we'll see how tough he really is when Leroy uses him for a punching bag, among other recreational purposes...

F that, he should be slowly skinned alive. Dam punks these days that do this crap should be sent to war zones. If nothing else than to see how long it takes em to shit their pants.

Dodger1967 said:
F that, he should be slowly skinned alive. Dam punks these days that do this crap should be sent to war zones. If nothing else than to see how long it takes em to shit their pants.


Right!  And when they commit a "Crime against Humanity" in a War Zone, what do you say?  One of our finest?  An embarrassment to the nation and CF.  Exactly what we need.
I forgot to add sans weapons, right out in front just like the old Soviet Penal Battalions.

Many apologies.

Dodger1967 said:
F that, he should be slowly skinned alive. Dam punks these days that do this crap should be sent to war zones. If nothing else than to see how long it takes em to crap their pants.


Dodger what part of the comment by a staff member posted below did you fail to understand?

The Librarian said:
Moderator Warning

This thread is very quickly being inundated with some some unprofessional posts. Cease and desist, lest the Milnet.ca Warning System catch up with you.

The Librarian
Milnet.ca Staff

You're assuming I'd seen that post !

Which I hadn't !

Now that I have, I'll tone it down some.

I have no intention of debating this with you.

It was three posts above your's.  Do you not read threads before jumping in?

Dodger1967 said:

You're assuming I'd seen that post !

Which I hadn't !

Now that I have, I'll tone it down some.



Regardless of whether you saw my nice "warning" here or not; this conduct is, quite simply, not acceptable. You have indeed previously had occasion to placed on the Army.ca Warning System for posting in the exact same inappropriate matter that you have used here, yet again.

You have incoming.

The Librarian
The Milnet.ca Staff
Unfortunately, instances of like this are not uncommon. I seem to remember that recently a young guy got knifed to death on a bus in Ottawa and none of the passengers came to his aid. In some cases people are afraid of retaliation from the thugs. Especially, when the thugs are usually out on bail in no time flat. This is not helped (in my view) by the government more or less outlawing a citizens right of self-defence.  I also place some of the blame on the authorities. How many times have you heard of an incident somewhere in Canada and the police and/or politicians stand-up and say "Don't get involved. Let the professionals [police] handle the situation." You hear that enough times and when something does happen, no one does anything.

Like I said just my personal views.
Every now and then these low lifes pick on the "wrong" little old man.

Awww, poor robber  ;). Seriously though, at least this man had a chance to fight back as opposed to the other victim who was pinned to a car by a door. 
disgusting, utterly disgusting.

what goes through peoples heads (or doesnt?) to even do that to somebody, let alone an elderly man, and what kinda person would just stand there and no do anything? makes me mad just typing it.
