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C3 Howitzer Replacement

I see the Navy similar to the army as to a RegF and ResF ratio. There needs to be enough RegF to keep, let's say, rotationally keep 30-50% our existing ships at sea during peacetime and to man the training system and hold a core in place to surge the rest of the ships together with ResF augmentees. I think there is not the same need for additional ResF because the attrition rate will lose both crews and ships at the same rate and ship replacement is not really in the cards.
Think there might still be significant need for ResF RCN (and seagoing others) to keep crew rotations happening, especially if the conflict is one that wears on crews but doesn't attrit vessels.
I totally agree. I've said over and over again that the size of the Canadian army as it is (RegF and ResF combined) is sufficient to create two full divisions which can be logically grouped into a primarily ResF expeditionary one and a primarily RegF one for homeland defence and as the backbone for generating sustainment forces for the first one. What is needed is 1) equipment to round out missing capabilities; 2) a reorganization; 3) a viable training system for both RegF and ResF that matches the required throughput; and 4) a defence industry that continuously supplies the requisite equipment, munitions and other supplies needed.

You envision the expeditionary wing of the Army to be ARes ? Am I reading that right ?