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Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

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the Cadet Unit CO can't say whether a person can join the reserves or not, it is the individual's choice. It is up to the Cadet Unit CO to either allow this person to stay in cadets, or remove them accordingly.

the CO can't just say "No you're not joining the reserves"
Agreed. The CO does run the Corps, so I guess he can accept, deny, or discharge any cadet he so chooses, but it must be within reason, and joining the militia is never a valid reason unless it's taking from your cadet training, in which case he might have reason for it.
McFarlane said:
I told my cadet CO of this, and he congratulated me, so he has no problems with it.   He made me promise that I would stay in cadets until i age out (Dec 14, 2006), and that I would attend cadet exercises when reserves and cadets overlap.  

IMO the cadet CO should be reminded of QR&O Vol 1 Art 20.04 which states No officer or non-commissioned member shall use any drug.....

A couple of points on this.

Your cadet CO must realize that by joining the reserves you are on your way out.   Quite frankly, he has absolutely no business asking you to place cadets ahead of reserves.   Furthermore he is asking you to be disloyal to the service he is commissioned in.   Trust me on this, your cadet CO is doing you a disservice.   If he tries pressuring you, quit.

Your cadet CO is a Capt or Maj and your reserve CO who is a LCol will require you to attend training not only to meet his aim but in order to train you as a soldier.   In my world LCol's outrank Capt's and Maj's of any stripe.

As a reservist you can by subjected to administrative action for failing to attend training and or parades.   Annual assessments will be less than stellar if you choose cadets over your new unit.   Cadets can't do a thing to you.   You are ending one stage of your life (youth) and embarking on another (manhood).   Don't step off on the wrong foot by clinging to the past and dilly-dallying in your future.   First impressions mean allot.   Being a cadet in the PRes is not going to help that.  

As a member of the CF you take an oath which you should consider as binding.   You have taken no such oath in cadets.   It is unlawful to serve in two militaries or units at the same time.   Personally I think that that should extend to Cadets too.  

By rights, once you are sworn into the CF the CO of the Reserve Unit owns you.   At that time you should advise your chain of command that you are still in cadets and are also attending their training.   There are probably above board solutions to this that will be of benefit to the cadets and the reserves.

2332Piper said:
And by the way Harding299, I suggest you pack your internet bags and bugger of of this site and over to cadet-world, you'll find people there who think more like you and *shudder* type like you too.

Say what you like about Cadet World, of course, but the staff do a very good job of maintaining a high level of civility there.
cheeky_monkey said:
I've already asked my CO whether he would let me join the reserves, and he said no.

Who stopped your CO from joining the reserves?  Unless your CO is also your parent or guardian he is not in the application process.  A letter of reference from him is a nice to have but in reality recruiters will put allot more stock in the aptitude test and interview than the feelings of your cadet CO. 

If you want to join the reserves, just do it.
A'ye, and I personally would never give up cadets for the militia. Many would, many wouldn't, and some do both: it's all in preference, and like you said, this preference has no cadet CO bearing whatsoever. :)
I told my cadet CO of this, and he congratulated me, so he has no problems with it.  He made me promise that I would stay in cadets until i age out (Dec 14, 2006), and that I would attend cadet exercises when reserves and cadets overlap.

This CO and the cadet in question should both have a chat with the reserve unit's Adjudant so that he/she may explain the basics of the CF. The CF takes priority, NOT cadets and if you cannot make that distinction that don't let the door wack you on the way out, or quit cadets. One of the two.

In the rest of my post, I said that my CO is a former Reg Captain, so he knows the basics of the CF.  I was in no way saying I agreed with this decision and sat around and let it happen.  I will have yet another talk with my CO, explaining once again how the PRes will take priority, or I will no longer be a part of the cadet corps.  My attention will be fully put towards the reserves, whether I am in cadets as well or not.  Whenever there is a conflict concerning scheduling between the reserves and cadets, the solution is easy to figure out, as the PRes will take full priority.

Just clarifying that that quotes is not all that I had posted.
I have to agree with what 2332Piper has been saying.  It's all about your personal priorities.  Right now, you're a teenager with a whole future ahead of you.  You can only stay in Cadets until 19... then you can join the Reserves if you like.  If you're so hardcore for Cadets right now, then wait the few more years for the Reserves.  Bottom line is that if you're in both, the CF definitely takes priority over the Cadets... no matter what your CO says.
Kyle Burrows said:
Your CO is a fool.
c4th said:
Who stopped your CO from joining the reserves?   Unless your CO is also your parent or guardian he is not in the application process.   A letter of reference from him is a nice to have but in reality recruiters will put allot more stock in the aptitude test and interview than the feelings of your cadet CO.  

If you want to join the reserves, just do it.
ouyin2000 said:
the Cadet Unit CO can't say whether a person can join the reserves or not, it is the individual's choice. It is up to the Cadet Unit CO to either allow this person to stay in cadets, or remove them accordingly.

the CO can't just say "No you're not joining the reserves"

To quote #1, my CO is not a fool, I understand why he wont let me. To #2... I don't really understand what your trying to say.... To #3 : My CO cant say "Your not joining the reserves", but he can remove me from my corps, with my parents assistance. But that also brings up whether my parents want me to do both, and might prevent my CO from "kicking" me out. Whether he has the power to kick me out or not, I dont know.
cheeky_monkey said:
To #2... I don't really understand what your trying to say....

It's this simple:  If you are under 17 the only person who can stop you from joining the army is your legal guardian.  Anyone who seeks to stop you from trying to serve your country is not your friend, or mentor, or worth the time of day.

Make the snap!  Realize that this is not the hardest or most important decision you are ever going to make and by the sounds of it you have already made it.  As soon as you are ready, I'm sure you will get on with it.
cheeky_monkey said:
To #3 : My CO cant say "Your not joining the reserves", but he can remove me from my corps, with my parents assistance. But that also brings up whether my parents want me to do both, and might prevent my CO from "kicking" me out. Whether he has the power to kick me out or not, I dont know.
what i'm saying is that your Cadet unit CO does NOT have any say as to if you can join the reserves or not. That is a decision you make on your own. The cadet CO can by all means dissagree with your decision, and has the power to remove you with just cause.
condor888000 said:
Or is concerned about the difficulties of being a cadet/reservist. Give the guy some credit.
NOT! As far as I am concerened I find attitudes like this CO has selfish, and seriously putting his opinion ahead of a cadet's progression in life, in this case joining the PRes when of age. To halt/block/hinder or whatever you may call it, a young person from a paying job, and into the CF as a Reservist is just not on, and when/if I reached the age of enlistment, I'd be leaving that Corps with a complaint in wriiting if not sooner, finding another Corps that has a CO with better work ethics.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'd likely be doing the same thing. However, the CO is likely looking out for what he/she feels to be in the best intrests of the unit. Do I agree with the way that it was presented? Not necessarily. Do I understand what the CO is likely trying to do? I think so. As many have said, it strikes me as likely to be better in the long run if the person in question chose one and give it 100% as opposed to giving each 50%.
Whats all this?? The recruiter at my unit told me that it is mandatory to quit cadets in order to even join the reserves?? is he lying bcuz i doubt he would be misinformed since that is his job  ???

I just wonder how someone reconciles being a cadet RSM with being a reserve boot?  You're King Krap of Turd Island on Monday  and Wednesday night, and the lowest life form on the planet on Thursday and Saturday........

Lost_52 said:
Whats all this?? The recruiter at my unit told me that it is mandatory to quit cadets in order to even join the reserves?? is he lying bcuz i doubt he would be misinformed since that is his job   ???

He's lying one hundred percent.
is this true?? because the recruiter at my unit for reserves told me it woud be mandatory for me to quit cadets to be able to join the reserves. So is he lying becuz i doublt he would be misinformed becuz that is indeed his job, he is a recruiter. thnx

Cheers  :salute:
Lost_52 said:
is this true?? because the recruiter at my unit for reserves told me it woud be mandatory for me to quit cadets to be able to join the reserves. So is he lying becuz i doublt he would be misinformed becuz that is indeed his job, he is a recruiter. thnx

Cheers  :salute:

Misinformed... in the army.... ALL THE TIME

What does he have to gain from lying to you..... 

I knew someone who did both 10 years ago (cadets and res) and was told it was not allowed.

But he did it anyways.  Whatever...  If you want to, then do it.  But... get paid for one, not for the other.

I am still in Cadets as well as my Affiliated Unit. It's a good situation because one night I am at the top, the next night I am at the bottom.
Lost_52 said:
Whats all this?? The recruiter at my unit told me that it is mandatory to quit cadets in order to even join the reserves?? is he lying bcuz i doubt he would be misinformed since that is his job   ???

I don't think he is lying as this indicates dishonesty, he is more than likely misinformed by one of his superiors. There is a difference.