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Cadpat Appropriate for Wear in Public?

Do you think that Cadpat/Combats is an appropriate form of dress for CF Members attending public eve

  • Yes, I think that cadpats should be appropriate for wear at all public occasions.

    Votes: 152 52.2%
  • No, I think that DEUs are a better representation of a professional when in the public eye.

    Votes: 139 47.8%

  • Total voters
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CPL said:
I'm Young and i never have got drunk and stupid in uniform maybe you should change it to. Some young soldiers
Young soldiers, like young people everywhere, believe that the world revolves around them, and that every reference relates directly to them specifically.
au contraire, teddy bear. paracowboy was once young and dumb. In fact, he was a very bad young man, who grew into the sort of man who knows exactly how dumb young men can be. He knows what young men full of alcohol can and will do, and he knows that they should not be given the opportunity to do it while in uniform.

He also knows, from first hand experience, how difficult escape and evasion is when decked out in DEU1A. Had he been inebriated, rather than merely accompanying inebriated young men in uniform, he most likely would have been entirely unsuccessful in his attempt.

Had he been wearing cadpat, with it's disruptive pattern, lack of sparkly crap, and freer movement, E&E would have been a breeze. Not to mention the lack of traction found when wearing 'clickers' on ankle boots.
GO!!! said:
Second of all. (and I'll say this as nicely as possible) If you have never worn the uniform, or earned anything for it, you are supremely unqualified to tell me what is and is not appropriate to do in it. Your experiences as a military spouse are just that, and you should not assume that your husband's occupation gives you some special insight or knowledge into what I do or why.
I don't claim to do that. I am telling you what an outside person looking in sees. Unprofessionalism. Like I said prior, it is all about perception. I know that the majority of CF members are very professional. It is ashame that "a few bad apples" can ruin that perception in the public eye.

GO!!! said:
The military, and the cbt arms in paticular, have a long and proud tradition of drinking to celebrate special occasions whilst in uniform. Remembrance day, Mens X-mas dinners, regimental birthday, funerals etc. You are on the outside looking in, and the view can be distorting.

This is what the Legion and mess are for. You wanna get $h!tfaced. Go ahead, no one will stop you. I will go out on a limb and say that I am not the only one that feels that the more appropriate place for that behavior is the mess...traditions are great, mess dinners are just that...but leave the excessive use of alcohol while in uniform in the mess, where people wont make blanket statements about your career or those who work with you.

I may be looking in from the outside, I may not wear the uniform, but that does not mean I can't be proud of what my husband or those he works with does for a living. Pardon me for having pride in what you do, GO!! I just don't want to see a few people ruin the image for others. You all fight too hard to stand back and let that happen. But sometimes you need to put yourself in the "outside" shoes and think about how it looks to others. You don't always have to agree with it, but the perspective can sometimes be eye opening.

I refuse to live my life worrying about what "other people may think".

You are right though, there is a time and place for this type of thing. It's the evening of Nov 11, the mens x-mas dinner, the regimental b-day and the place is wherever the wind takes me. We are all big boys, and will reap what we sow if someone acts up.

So until there is a rule against having a few drinks with the guys I work with in our work uniform...
I refuse to live my life worrying about what "other people may think".

I live exactly the same way. Except that pesky Sergent Major fellow keeps mucking things up for me.....

Point being that when you're in uniform, me and the rest of the gang sort of have a stake in your behaviour too.

(Of course not YOU in particular, but you know what I mean....)
Britney Spears said:
Point being that when you're in uniform, me and the rest of the gang sort of have a stake in your behaviour too.
exactly. You, of all people, who mention on every second thread how badly fat troops make the entire CF look should be able to appreciate that.
On that subject, I saw some rather rotund individuals at the....never mind  >:(

reccecrewman said:
Just my own opinion, but I've always been partial to the U.S Army's old WWII Dress Uniform.   The brown tunic, with a pair of well tailored & pressed tan pants with a service cap looks pretty sharp.   (Not to mention all the shiny bling that adorns a tunic and really grabs the eye)

I'm more partial to the pre-unification Canadian Army dress uniforms... ;)
Have worn those preunification uniforms
TW (TDubs)
Patrol Blues

TWs looked great but they'd wrinkle like hell as soon as you got em on
Blues.... beautiful uniform - everyone should still wear em
Bush - OK... though that flat top hat was a bit of a pain.
Battledress... the older the better....the old RQ did me a favor when he gave me the top & bottoms from an old timer who was clearing out.... let him get the bugs out.

Nah.... the new uniforms are ok
When i see a soldier, in uniform. It says to me that guy/girl is proud of him/herself, and proud, of his/her country. I have tremedous amount for respect of the ppl, in the CF. I can't wait to get into that uniform soon enough. Till then thanks lads, and lassies for defending  :cdn: at all costs  :salute:
RangerRay said:
I'm more partial to the pre-unification Canadian Army dress uniforms... ;)


We should go all the way back, puttees and pithe helmets!

"First rank prone, second rank kneeling, third and fourth ranks standing, Sergeants to the corners, officers in the middle, form square, MARCH!"

GO!!! said:

We should go all the way back, puttees and pithe helmets!

"First rank prone, second rank kneeling, third and fourth ranks standing, Sergeants to the corners, officers in the middle, form square, MARCH!"


To clarify, I just meant the dress uniforms, not the battle dress!
I'm going to have to weigh in on this entire thread, and yes, I know... THREAD RESSURECTION!!!  >:D

Anyways, I was on the bus here in Calgary heading down to Mount Royal College to watch my buddy play some volleyball (U of C Dinos vs MRC Cougars), and at one stop a CF MCpl got on in combats, paid his fare, and as SOON as he turned to walk to a seat, out of nowhere, the entire bus applauded. I swear the guy nearly cried, just from the outpouring of support.

The forces are well loved in Calgary. Show up in your CADPAT here without worry. Hell, we have an entire section of the city where the streets are named after famous WWI and WWII battle sites (Walcharen Road, Vimy Ridge Way, etc) and we have two academies that are named after areas in WWII (Juno Beach Academy being one).

So, what I'm getting at is yes, CADPAT is appropriate for public wearing, because we Calgarians are proud to have a military, so much so that even I, the lowly civilian  ;) have handed in my application for the Armored Corps (or, failing that, the Infantry) as an officer  :salute: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn:

And, once more for good measure...  :cdn: :salute: :army: :salute: :salute:
a CF MCpl got on in combats, paid his fare, and as SOON as he turned to walk to a seat, out of nowhere, the entire bus applauded. I swear the guy nearly cried, just from the outpouring of support.

Reminds me of the time a jet had to wait for some of us soldiers and when we finally got on everyone clapped  :dontpanic:
someone said that the likes the WW2 US Dress uniform..., I actually like the WW2 German officers dress uniform. the Black, Grey and little red trim looks just great i think.

i lived in Brandon Mb, (recently moved   a little south of brandon last year) but that being said, CFB Shilo is very close. its not unusual for me to see someone in they're Cadpat's (?). just as well when the Germans were here it wasn't an unusual sight to see the odd one of them in uniform.

i believe that the Cadpats are just fine for going to get groceries or pick up the kids after work. waring your DEUs would be over kill for something like that. however i think that whenever you travel nationally or internationally on the govt $ you should be in your DEUs. it just looks that much more professional.

i ware my dads old Garrison (sp) jacket all of the time in the summer. once i wore it to a cadet function and i was told to remvoe the chevrons, crossed rifles and mechanics crest, etc... i have an actual Airfarce chicken cannon badge sewn on to the left shoulder and a Maltese cross/ Iron Cross/ whatever else its called on the left Brest above the pocket. no body believes me that it was a Canadian issue uniform... they all say its American... whatever.

oh, i also think that the "Tans" are one of the sharpest looking Can' uniforms made.

all thats just speeking of the green uniforms. not the AF or Navy DEUs.

but hey thats just my opinion, but what do i know? Ive just been waiting 2 years to get in to one aspect of the forces or another.
Guy. E said:
i ware my dads old Garrison (sp) jacket all of the time in the summer. once i wore it to a cadet function and i was told to remvoe the chevrons, crossed rifles and mechanics crest, etc

As a cadet you should have known that wearing someone else jacket with rank and qualifications on isn't right. WHy would your dad let you wear part of his uniform anyway?
... because it was no longer in issue, and hadn't been for SEVERAL years....
... i was an lac at the time and thought it would be cool, i removed the rank and badges as asked/ required...
... because i wanted something more to ware on our little "Exercises" then the standard old combats you could buy at any surplus store...

yea, thats basically it.
piper... wearing the Garrison jacket is not the problem
it the trooping around with someone else's ranks & trade without having qualified for them.
I would not wear my Gramps medals or rank... and should not wear the other shiny stuff either.
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