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CADPAT & MARPAT (and "did the americans copy off our new desert camo?")

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What do you guys think of the new computer cam coming out? Along with the new kit, ie: load bearing vest, new ruck?
I personally don‘t like the new pattern that much, but we really dont have any choice. However I‘ve tried out all the new kit and for the most part it‘s all good to go. Definitley many steps above the kit that it‘s replacing. It‘s going to be a nightmare when we finally get issued it, because by the time that it becomes the "combat arms" turn to receive the kit, supply will be short the size you need because all the typically garrison types will have already cleaned house. I swear the only time that you get new kit relatively quickly is when you‘re slated to go on tour. And even then half the time their reluctant to issue new kit (tour related) untill they receive a specific message indicating YOU as person on the tour!

Anyway, enough venting.
I have used the new ruck, it‘s very nice. I just wonder if we‘ll be able to use it in a para role(jumpable?) or if we‘ll still use the old 68‘ pattern ruck? Everything else should fit in very nicely.

The pictures are nice....... :) . I agree with Doug, the supply "flow" should be strictly controlled, to get the kit to Cbt Arms first. ( but then this is a "Systemic Problem" ,which is continuosly identified, but rarely corrected).
Apparently when it is used in the field, it cuts down our visibility quite substantially. Even more so that the olive drab combats that are currently being used. With the type of small arms we now have, this will be a great benefit in giving the "combat arms" the concealment they need while facing an enemy at an even closer effective range than our predecessors.

-the patriot-
I think it looks pretty cool actually (from what i‘ve seen on the internet)

I have a question though, the Cbt Arms should be getting it first (infantry units being the front runners for it), what will the rest of the forces use as combats?

It seems they would have to make about 60, 000 combats an kit and send it out all at once.

one other thing, are the boots any diffrent?

Well, we did the trials on the new combats in early 1999 so I‘m used to seeing them around. My wife said they kind of gave her a headache when they were new. They fade quite a bit though. Supposedly when we get these new combats they will be used for the field while the present ones will be used in garrison. If that were the case then the army would be really the only element that actually requires them. We‘ll have to wait and see how that will work out. There is actually a plan for the issue of the new combats, I believe it was in the "Maple Leaf" a couple of issues ago. I think LFCA was to start in Dec 01. The boots are a lot different. They‘re non-insulated, padded collar, gore-tex, with a vibram sole. Made by a company that you know, but they won‘t tell us(look like Danners)

There is a plan (on paper) out there to issue the CADPAT by Area with which area is going on Roto 8 (?) getting them first and then rotating back and forth until appox Nov 2002. (The last units that are suppose to get them are the HQ and trg establisments.) The reserves are getting them sometime in 2002 (between Apr and Aug. (For those of us reservists in the west its Aug) They will totally replace the old combats. The Air Force is trialing there own version from what I understand. As far as I know we are keeping our Mk I black caddys.
lets put it this way, they are the best camo in the market so far and i understand that they look gay close up, but I‘d rather look gay in them and not be seen at 50 meters.

The Marines south of the boarder are considering our version to replace the bdu‘s which are 2nd worse to ours in the field.

Remember troops never judge a book by its cover, every1 forgets that for some reason.
The story now is that Roto 9(Vandoo) will have all the new kit, Lav III included. I can tell you for sure that the only new kit that Roto 8 got was some short thermal underwear.
The atricle that I was talking about was in the Maple Leaf in early Feb, in fact it was the cover story. Inside it listed how all the CADPAT was to be issued, by area and Reg or Res. And the boots are definitly changing. Half the Brigade has already been sized for them and I‘ve got two trial pairs(I did the trial in June 1999)

The combats do look gay close up. Lots of changes too.
As I recall one of the reasons that Cadpat is so efffective is that the eye simply refuses to focus on it.If you stare at it long enoug you‘ll probably end up with a headache.
Now if they can only stop it from fading after a couple of washing ,at whitch point they begin to lose their effectiveness.
The stuff fades? What? So are we supposed to cam up the CADPAT after three washing cycles with Tide?! All those surplus cam sticks can be made some use of now!!! :eek: :confused:
Sincerly, after all the efforts they put into it with the trials and the 80% satisfaction barrier and all that, they could have tought of making the stuff washingproof! :o
Tide has been working on that for years. I think they call their newest schievment "Colour Gaurd." :D

:cool: Yard Ape
Wait for it - we will get "do not wash" instructions, just like we have "do not polish" orders for our boots and "do not press" items for our combats. See who pays attention.

I sincerely hope we don‘t go to war with Germany again; what with the Iltises and Leopards on the battlefield, and now this very Flektar looking camouflage, things could get confusing!
I saw a rather poor colour photo of a SS trooper a few month‘s back. On closer look it turned out to be a Canadian in the new kit. Really poor photo. Ever notice he WWII German-like our helmet looks?

:cool: Yard Ape
yeah they took em on dead german soldiers during world war II haha.Ever wondered what that little hole in the middle of the forehead was?
Actually, it‘s called ‘marpat‘. I saw the marines wearing it when I was in Okinawa, and I thought they were copying us. Canadians can use this stuff? It looks a bit more beige unlike the Canadian florescant mustard pattern.
MARPAT was developed for the marines alongside with DND and CADPAT. They are not copying us, they were in on the whole thing. They have three patterns: Woodland, Desert and Urban.

The US couldn‘t use CADPAT since thats owned by the Govt, so we gave them the technology to develope their own.

Copyrights exist for both CADPAT and MARPAT, so no one can copy them.
Copyrights exist for both CADPAT and MARPAT, so no one can copy them.
Not that the copyright really stops anyone. I‘ve seen knockoff CADPAT and MARPAT on EBay, as well as a few other sites.