AGAIN - if we want to have a serious discussion about Defense issues then our first issue is to prosecute those who are found to be complicit in China's alleged interference in our elections. THAT is critical - for if China gets a real foothold our military will be further emasculated.
Certainly it is critical to adddress China’s continued interference in our elections as well as their economic espionage. Unfortunately, it’s going to take a lot more than that to really deal adequately with defence issues. The general public seems largely unaware of the need for Canada to increase its defence profile. Some of that is due to complacency over the Americans taking over much of our basic defence; after all, why pay for all those expensive and dangerous weapons when we can freeload off our neighbours to the south and let them spill their blood if necessary? But it’s not just the public that needs to change their attitudes…it’s the media that has helped shape those attitudes. Until the media really and truly get behind having Canada as an independent country that requires a robust military to protect it, then the battle for public opinion will be an uphill one.
As for China, Canadians are shocked and angry over what has happened internally in Canada and want that problem taken care of. Unfortunately, few Canadians realize just how dangerous the international scene is militarily and that the Americans will not be able to handle China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and possibly others by itself. Without other nations, including Canada, beefing up their military and lending assistance when and where needed, all of us could end up being in deep trouble. Quite honestly, I see it as the end of western civilization. It is THAT serious.
IMHO, what needs to be stepped up first is a huge effort by all concerned citizens to convince the media how serious this is. Although much of the mainstream media is slightly left of centre (some even more so), the media loves a good story. Something that will grab the attention of a particular media’s base. Since the problem is systemic and has gone on for decades, it’s not going to be an easy fix. The general public needs to be consistently made aware of our inadequacies and how dangerously exposed we are, especially in the Arctic.
Until the public changes its attitudes, the politicians are going to be afraid to be wholly on the side of a strong defence. Still I do send emails or letters to politicians such as my local MP, the prime minister, deputy prime minister, foreign minister and DND minister to voice my opinions and think others should as well.
For years it seems my wife preferred that the military be out of sight and out of mind…in other words tolerated. Those are my words, not hers. But, finally, she is beginning to see that the state of world affairs is so dangerous that the west needs to seriously re-arm and that Canada needs to do a lot more. I figure if she can be convinced then hope is not lost. I know all this sounds somewhat corny and clichéd but the more you can talk to people about all this, both in generalities and specifics, taking to people who are not necessarily thinking the same way you do, the greater the chances are of seeing things turn around. In essence, most of you you and I are basically of like minds and agree on the importance of a strong defence for Canada. But it’s those who are either uninformed or of a different opinion that we need to reach. Otherwise, we’re merely preaching to the converted.
Canada's Prime minister Justin Trudeau talks with soldiers during a visit of the Adazi military base, north east of Riga, Latvia, on March 8, 2022. PHOTO BY TOMS NORDE /AFP via Getty Images
The Department of National Defence believes Canada’s military needs to reflect on “white fragility,” according to Blacklock’s Reporter. (Paywall)
“Racism and discrimination still manifests in our workplaces through bias, privilege, policies and power dynamics,” said a companion Guide To Courageous Conversations On Racism And Discrimination, according to Blacklock’s. “The defence team must put compassionate effort into practice to actively become an anti-racist organization. We all have to do the work in shifting mindsets and promoting an inclusive workplace, and acknowledge that together we’re different.
Those in the military must “ask racially and culturally grounded questions about yourself to increase awareness of seen (consciously known), unseen (unknown) and unforeseen (anticipated) issues,” the guide added.
“Consider how history and politics shape or influence your personal experiences and that of colleagues within your organization,” it advised. “Engaging in dialogue is the first step to understanding one another. The goal of these conversations is to raise awareness and consciousness, with hopes that a deeper understanding and empathy will lead to a commitment to shift mindsets and behaviours.”
The military in a 2017 set quotas for recruitment of visible minorities. Military targets state by 2026 the quota must increase from eight to 12%. But the Royal Canadian Air Force Journal in a 2020 commentary said the higher quota was “almost impossible to achieve” due to lack of interest in military careers by minority groups.
Guide for holding respectful conversations about racism and racial discrimination with practical advice on starting, having and closing discussions.
Guide to courageous conversations on racism and discrimination
Racism and discrimination still manifests in our workplaces through bias, privilege, policies and power dynamics. The Defence Team must put compassionate effort into practice to actively become an anti-racist organization. We all have to do the work in shifting mindsets and promoting an inclusive workplace and acknowledge that together, we're different.
Use this guide to hold conversations on racism and discrimination that are considerate of all participants, whether or not they belong to a racialized group. It can be consulted to prepare for an initial conversation or ongoing conversations. Committing to a series of conversations from the outset will allow for the time and space to develop a meaningful understanding of issues and concerns.
In January 2021, the Clerk of the Privy Council Office issued a Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion which made clear to all federal government departments and agencies that anti-racism is now a public service priority. The time to act to advance anti-racism, equity and inclusion in our organization is now.
So, now what? We need to talk, but not just talk. The time is now for us to have the difficult conversations, talk about the issues, listen to those with lived experiences about what is working and what has not worked. We are in a critical time and this is a business imperative to ensure continued success of our people and our organization.
In planning these courageous conversations, it is important to first acknowledge that there are very real challenges associated with planning a successful discussion on racism. We are all learning and this is a lifelong process. Be prepared to dig deep and think about how you contribute to and whether you challenge racism and discrimination.
Purpose of guide
This resource is meant to increase self-awareness and situational awareness in order to raise and address difficult/uncomfortable issues, and can be used to:
become more aware of the diversity around you
create a positive and respectful work environment
examine your beliefs and experiences related to systemic racism and racial discrimination
This guide offers the Defence Team opportunities to take small steps in creating open dialogue and turning them into meaningful action.
Listen: hold spaces for colleagues to share their experiences
Engage: connect and learn from our Defence Team Advisory Groups and Networks
Acknowledge: recognize your own actions and seek out feedback
Do the work: challenge behaviours, practices and policies that reinforce racism
Understanding the terminology
Even the most frequently used words in any discussion on race can easily cause confusion, which can lead to controversy and hostility. It is essential to achieve some degree of shared understanding, particularly when using the most common terms. In this way, the quality of dialogue on race can be enhanced.
Below is a list of some commonly used terms to get started with.
Equal treatment that brings about an equality of results and that may, in some instances, require different treatment. For example, to give all students equal treatment in entering a building, it may be necessary to provide a ramp for a student who uses a wheelchair.
Equality in access and outcomes and a distinct process of recognizing differences within groups of individuals, and using this understanding to achieve substantive equality in all aspects of a person's life.
Systemic Barrier
A barrier embedded in the social or administrative structures of an organization, including the physical accessibility of an organization, organizational policies, practices and decision-making processes, or the culture of an organization.
Appreciating and using our unique differences – strengths, talents, weaknesses and frailties – in a way that shows respect for the individual and ultimately creates a dynamic multi-dimensional organization.
Benefitting from unearned power, benefits, advantages, access and/or opportunities based on membership or perceived membership in a dominant group.
A subjective opinion, preference, prejudice, or inclination, often formed without reasonable justification, which influences the ability of an individual or group to evaluate a particular situation objectively or accurately. Biases (particularly implicit biases) are built into and perpetuated by societal structures. These biases might be against others’ race, gender, weight, disability, sexuality, skin-tone, age, culture or religion.
You can refer to the anti-racism lexicon for a comprehensive set of terms and definitions.
Preparing for a conversation
Before you begin, consider the following factors before embarking on initial discussions or conversations.
What is my level of readiness to hold space for this type of discussion?
Have I taken the time to assess my own biases, prejudices and privilege?
Have I taken the mandatory training and other training available?
Am I aware of the past and present history of racism and racial discrimination in the organization? In this country?
What is the goal of this conversation?
When we consider our own layers, check our assumptions and ask about inclusion, we can create change and guide our conversations with positive intentions.
Consider layersCheck assumptionsAsk about inclusionReflect
Starting a conversation
Engaging in dialogue is the first step to understanding one another. The goal of these conversations is to raise awareness and consciousness with hopes that a deeper understanding and empathy will lead to a commitment to shift mindsets and behaviours.
Steps to consider when engaging in discussion on racism and discrimination:
Be clear and open about the purpose of the conversation before inviting people and during the conversation
Set ground rules for respectful conversation
Active listening is a must
Remain open, with curiosity modeled by responding with questions before responding with your own interpretation or explanation of impact in regards to someone else’s comments
Recognize and acknowledge people’s experiences; the person/people you are in conversation with are bringing their own perspective, shaped by their own experiences (culture, history, practices and upbringing)
Be mindful to take breaks to re-centre when conversations feel uncomfortable or too wrought with conflict to be productive. Build in moments for deep breathing, pauses to reflect and re-centre, and moments to be aware of mind, body, and emotional alignment
Everyone has agency, and, regardless of agreement and alignment, everyone is worthy of being valued in the dignity of their humanity
Don’t assume intent: do centre impact over intent
Dismantling racism is not a checklist, a meeting, or a one-time commitment; make small, realistic, challenging commitments to grow, learn and evolveFootnote2
BRAVE framework
Creating change through meaningful conversations and choosing to be honest, open and transparent can provide a path forward to building trust and understanding. To help facilitate workplace conversations, this guide will discuss the BRAVE Framework developed by Dr. Enrica N. Rugg and Dr. Derek Avery as an approach to framing conversations about racism and racial discrimination.
BRAVE is an acronym for Build, Respect, Acknowledge, Validate and Emphasize. The BRAVE Framework is a useful tool that guides methods, processes and strategies when having courageous conversations with management and employees at all levels of an organization.
Before you open the conversation, establish why these types of conversations are in everybody's best interest and the importance of assessing/acknowledging where things stand within the workplace.
For example, you could say, "I didn't realize how much I didn't know about race" or "I would like to engage you in a conversation about race in a real and honest way." These kinds of opening statements can set the stage for the kind of dialogue you want to have with your team.Footnote3
Build the intention, focus, and safety needed to have honest conversations about race.
The result? Don't let a planned conversation derail into a general discussion on diversity and inclusion without touching on concerns specific to race, like psychological safety, loss of employment opportunities.
Reinforce the purpose of the conversation, which should be to explore, to listen and to learn
Determine the scope of the conversation: Is this an introductory gloss or a deep dive?
Determine who takes part in the conversation, whether attendance is mandatory or voluntary, and what questions will be asked
Provide ground rules to encourage dialogue, active listening and mutual respect. Be sure to write them down and make them visible. Examples include:
practice active listening
don't interrupt
assume good intentions
Respect the sensitivity of the topic while challenging people to go beyond the superficial. Employees need to respect other people's boundaries.
The definition of respect can be very personal. Find out what respect means for the group, perhaps through an icebreaker activity
Encourage follow-up questions rather than jumping on first impressions; make it a standard practice for participants to pause before responding
Examples include: "I've never thought of that before – could you explain why you think that?"
Recognize that people with good intentions can make statements that hurt or offend; letting others know how their words affect you is useful
Examples include: "I feel frustrated (or I feel disrespected) when people say…because…"
Establish strategies for everyone to participate and be heard
Put in place a strategy for pausing the conversation should it become unproductive
Acknowledge the uncomfortable realities of the past and the present.
Take the time to discuss those parts of Canadian history that are in stark contrast to Canada's multicultural brand. For example, slavery, residential schools and the Japanese internment, and the legacy of that history on the political, economic and health outcomes of Indigenous, Black and other racialized groups today.
It's equally important to keep in mind that some people can get uncomfortable thinking about their role in upholding systems of oppression and inequality in the world and in the workplace, but we need to talk about these things for progress to be made.
Talk about the systemic obstacles to equal opportunity and equal justice
When we're hoping to show the existence of discrimination or racism by pointing out racially unequal conditions, it's particularly important to tell a full story that links cause (history) and effect (outcome); without this important link, some audiences can walk away believing that our health care, criminal justice or educational systems work fine and therefore, differing outcomes exist because Indigenous, Black and other racialized groups are doing something wrongFootnote4
Know the counter narratives. Some themes consistently emerge in conversations about race, particularly from those who do not want to talk about unequal opportunity or the existence of racismFootnote5
While we all probably feel like we know these narratives inside out, it's still important to examine them and particularly to watch how they evolve and change
The point in doing this is not to argue against each theme, point by point, but to understand what stories are happening in people's heads when we try to start a productive conversation
A few common themes include:
Racism is "largely" over or dying out over time
People of colour are obsessed with race
Alleging discrimination is itself racist and divisive
Claiming discrimination is "playing the race card," or that it's opportunistic
If we can address class inequality, racial inequity will take care of itself
Validate and accept the experiences of your racially marginalized colleagues. Productive conversation requires acknowledging the reality of racism and racial discrimination.
Ensure recognition and affirmation of people and their experiences
Emphasize how your organization is prioritizing goals and metrics around racial equity. Conversations should lead somewhere.
BRAVE conversations should include explicit steps for moving toward racial equity:
Demonstrate your commitment to anti-racism work by explaining the DM Commitments on Diversity and Inclusion and how that impacts your own performance management agreement
Incorporate various initiatives from your Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plans in your everyday work
Network, engage and consult with Defence Advisory Groups and Networks
Closing a conversation
As you reach a point where you feel it is time to close the conversationFootnote6, consider doing any of the following:
Extend gratitude to everyone for their courage and willingness to participate
As the host, share how the experience impacted you and offer space for others to as well. It can be as simple as sharing one word to summarize their feelings about the experience
Encourage group members to follow up with training and potential mental health resources for self-care
Some people on the team may be interested in continuing the dialogue one on one outside the scheduled/facilitated discussion: be sure to emphasize, prior to the close of the meeting, that there is a time and place for these conversations and unplanned discussions may not be welcome by team members. It is necessary to ask permission before engaging in these conversations in order to give people an option; this gives everyone, but specifically racialized team members, time to mentally and emotionally prepare as the discussion can be traumatic
Ask people to share what they learned about themselves or what is their one takeaway from the conversation
Un-fucking-believable. The more they prattle on about this bullshit, the more it will appear to be a "major problem". Its like a child with a cut on their finger over analyzing it and imagining how horrible it is and thinking how much it hurts.
Yes, I did just compare DND to a child, because this to me is huge political distraction, nothing else.
It sometimes makes me wonder, not so much that the people who created this crap are well intentioned (but misguided), but that they secretly want to destroy the CAF.
This is using a Public Service template to fix a CAF problem. We don't have the time or resources to facilitate this kind of training at the scale they want. It's disheartening.
Un-fucking-believable. The more they prattle on about this bullshit, the more it will appear to be a "major problem". Its like a child with a cut on their finger over analyzing it and imagining how horrible it is and thinking how much it hurts.
Yes, I did just compare DND to a child, because this to me is huge political distraction, nothing else.
It seems to me that Justin is carrying on Daddy's mission - to destroy the CAF and cede Canada to China. His continued refusal to answer questions in Parliament and when facing the press are a problem. IF he tried this in a court of law I am sure he would be cited for contempt of court.
The emasculation of the CAF seems to be a priority here.
In January 2021, the Clerk of the Privy Council Office issued a Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion which made clear to all federal government departments and agencies that anti-racism is now a public service priority. The time to act to advance anti-racism, equity and inclusion in our organization is now.
Interesting that the Canadian policy/paper takes an implied accusatory perspective where other organizations/industry/etc. take a positive perspective.
Canadian Government: Anti-racism, Equity and Inclusion. (AEI)
Everyone else: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)
Seems the Canadian perspective favors negative labeling and shaming, as opposed to positive participatory focus. Perhaps they want Canadians to experience things differently than others?
I fail to understand how it’s so hard to simply have a very simple ethics policy and enforce it. Treat people equal and equitably, and merit according to performance with adherence to standards and rules.
I would posit that our ethics policy exists, yes; but the application of that in the past has been"selective" to say the least. We had mechanisms to police this kind of crap, but they weren't being g used effectively.
Now...well... Big Brother intervenes and we get to play their game because of the failures of those long since removed from the service.
I would posit that our ethics policy exists, yes; but the application of that in the past has been"selective" to say the least. We had mechanisms to police this kind of crap, but they weren't being g used effectively.
Now...well... Big Brother intervenes and we get to play their game because of the failures of those long since removed from the service.
I fail to understand how it’s so hard to simply have a very simple ethics policy and enforce it. Treat people equal and equitably, and merit according to performance with adherence to standards and rules.
Looking at the language, though, diversity as a font of policy might inspire more inane approaches, and resulting bitterness and complaint, than anti-racism. The E and I are more critical either way: an equitable and inclusive workplace will attract and retain a diverse workforce, and will be anti-racist in its culture.
I'll throw this out there to start discussions, UK is proposing as a way to cut budget costs, mothballing HMS Prince of Wales. If they are crazy enough to do it, maybe it's a opportunity for us? Yes we don't have the crew right now, but having a carrier could play to recruiting pretty well.
I'll throw this out there to start discussions, UK is proposing as a way to cut budget costs, mothballing HMS Prince of Wales. If they are crazy enough to do it, maybe it's a opportunity for us? Yes we don't have the crew right now, but having a carrier could play to recruiting pretty well.
I sometimes wonder if the best way to basically kill off the CAF is to simply bleed it dry of personnel despite making it seem as if you want to expand recruitment levels. I’m a strong believer that a nation of Canada’s geographic size, location and economic size should have a navy of no fewer than 60-70 ships. That would include at least one carrier, amphibious ships and subs…the whole naval ball of wax. But it ain’t gonna happen.
Too many of the powers that be are against having a carrier. First of all, a carrier would need jets to put on it. Expensive jets. Secondly, other types of ships are needed much more at this point by the RCN. I have a sneaking suspicion we may not even get new subs. And thirdly, a carrier projects military power and military power is anathema to the LPC.
Mind you I’ve been wrong before (as my wife would be glad to tell you) but I would be very surprised if such a thing were to happen. Pigs flying and all that.
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