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Cadpat Overboard?

well after 6-12 months you should have saved $900-$1800 assuming you didn't buy any new kit.  if that isn't enough to replace your kit, I'm sure the allowance could be increased for deployments to $200 or $250.  or you could dip into some of that tax-free tour money to cover the difference :)
48Highlander said:
well after 6-12 months you should have saved $900-$1800 assuming you didn't buy any new kit.  if that isn't enough to replace your kit, I'm sure the allowance could be increased for deployments to $200 or $250.  or you could dip into some of that tax-free tour money to cover the difference :)

true, plus not every thing would be trashed, and could probly last long enough to your next pay
Here's my prediction. The little squeeze-tubes of cam paint we have will be scrapped for ones with little square and rectangle applicator sponges. You frantically poke it all over your face, varying colours, until your face resembles CADPAT. Then you get jacked up on course because the squares aren't all parallel and aligned properly.  ;D

Or should I stop giving them ideas?
I think we will be moving away from cam paint in the next few years with the new doctrine.
Move away from campaint? :o Noooo! How will the new kids get confidence?!
NL_engineer said:
I think we will be moving away from cam paint in the next few years with the new doctrine.

Why would this be? Please elaborate.
I THINK that he means that since we are going to do more Urban Ops that we won't use cam paint. I'm sure it still will be around and used when needed but we don't use it doing urban ops? could someone confirm that?
that makes alot of scense.. Why would you get all camedd up then walk down the middle of a street on a presense patrol? but they will keep it around, we just won't hardly ever use it
All I am saying on is what I was told on ARCON. When dealing with the general public at home or over seas you can intimidate them by wearing cam. Also what I have been told is that you do not cam up for desert opps. I do not think cam paint will be gone forever, but I think that we will be using it less and less seeing we are no longer waiting for the "Russian Tank Charge".
If we are training in the woods or operating in a woodland'ish/jungle area chances are cam paint will still be used.  But yea, cam paint in  a city is pretty useless. Some guys in Iraq did it, but that was more for sh*ts 'n giggles an/or too look intimidating.

The reason why you don't see troops who are on peacekeeping missions all cam'd up is because... thay are supposed to be seen, an not look to imtimidating, etc.

Lerch, please stay out of the "grown up" threads if you have nothing relevent to add.
Here is your CADPAT C7...

NL_engineer said:
I think we will be moving away from cam paint in the next few years with the new doctrine.
NL_engineer said:
All I am saying on is what I was told on ARCON. When dealing with the general public at home or over seas you can intimidate them by wearing cam. Also what I have been told is that you do not cam up for desert opps. I do not think cam paint will be gone forever, but I think that we will be using it less and less seeing we are no longer waiting for the "Russian Tank Charge".
There is not "new doctrine" that makes campaint irrelevant, and we have new enemies that will kill you if given the chance (and not being seen is one way to deny them that chance).  Maybe the three standard colours we have are not suited to all enviroments, but should that mean that we abandon the campaint or should we get colours fit for where we are fighting?  There should probably be a tan/sand colour for pers with darker skin.

Piper said:
A CADPAT dingy?
No.  A recce boat with a CADPAT pers camnet on the front.  That photo has been posted to these boards a few times.
Lerch said:
Move away from campaint? :o Noooo! How will the new kids get confidence?!

Listen buddy, I'm sorry to say this, but you are a new kid.

As for the cam paint issue, I still see it as a part of our equipment in the near future, as, ultimately, we are expected to defend Canada. Canada is largely woods (south of the treeline, anyhow). No matter how urbanized we are, woodland combat is going to play a role in our national defence.

It would be great if they found some permanent and viable replacement for the old cam sticks, though, the tubes get used up fast and are another logisitical burden.
I guess if you really wanted to replace cam sticks one option might be a balaclava made of a light, breathable material (so you wouldn't overheat). Hey, you could even make it cadpat (what's stopping you really). Only thing is it would make the lot of us look like criminals/terrorists :D
Well thank god they gave up the idea of a cadpat barret.  The way I see it.  If you have it issued.  And it's green.  It just might end up Cadpat. 

yeah what if we go to take a crap and they are able to pick me out from our plain green undies! The horror!