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Call of Duty: Black Ops

This game is baddass! From what I understand though, the COD developing companies are in court right now. This might be the last Call of Duty game for a while...... :(
they have to fix a lot of issues with black ops in my perspective;

- Hit markers are INSANE, I'll shoot someone in the head at point blank range then they'll just pull the trigger (pointing the other direction) and i'll die

- spawning is dog $hit

- aiming is bad, but then again some people can do it

bah just me complaining because I suck at it.
MPwannabe said:
This game is baddass! From what I understand though, the COD developing companies are in court right now. This might be the last Call of Duty game for a while...... :(

Don't worry.  You'll see one Call of Duty pumped out every year till the end of time.
I've noticed that sniper rifles are damn near useless as well.

How do you guys like zombie's? I'm a fan of it changing from a camping game to a run and shoot'em.
      I am really enjoying this game I love the fact that they do not have those silly heart beat monitors so people would sit and camp all day long .  I got tired and fed up of playing MW2 but I find Black ops actually enjoyable to play expecial after a long day at work  ;D
Agreed ^

The new 'combat training' multiplayer that allows bots to play against you is great too. It lets my girlfriend sit and play against something of her capacity and not get owned online. If she likes the game, it means I get to play more too!
The campaign is pretty cool no big comments there. It's really just MW2 with a different time frame.

Multiplayer is much of the same, but I've come to like "Gun Game" quite a bit.

Zombies is a lot harder and more dynamic... I still prefer the "Nacht der Untoten" map on World at War to the ones on this one.
The Gun Game does kick ass. People can't rely on specific loadouts and own other players. I've played Zombies a bit more now, and I like the mystery story they have going along with each new episode (map).
This is the game (I believe - name is written on a note in my car's glovebox, not here in Edmonton with me) that all the young men in my household (ages 46, 22, 17 & 11 - the 16 year old daughter hasn't asked for it) want as a present this year.

Here's my question, as I do not play games (other than Afghan Ops, backgammon) - these young men have PS3s & XBox360s - does this game come for both those systems? If I buy them each their own (I safely assume that I will never see them again) can they play against each other still? I know they wander around with headsets, but I am clueless when it comes to this stuff.

I detest the thought of buying them each the game, but that is how they want it. I also think that I may be getting shafted if the game doesn't come for both systems ... as that will give 9erD an 'excuse' to go out and buy the 'proper' system too.

Advice?? Thoughts?? My own thought is to tell them all to pound salt.
MPwannabe said:
Yes, it is most definitely available for both systems!

Thank you; that answers that bit. I figured he was trying to scam me somehow ... now I'll have to fess up to him.  :-\
It does come for both systems as well as PC I believe, BUT you can't play on PS3 against someone on Xbox360, not sure if that's what you were asking since you mentioned something about them playing against each other. 

PS3 users can only play against other PS3 users, or have a 2nd controller plugged in, same goes for Xbox360.

I really enjoyed the game, now i'm busy playing online (not right this second NOW) but I thought the campaign was WAY to short...

and as much as I love these games, it would be nice if for once you didn't play as either a brit, a ruskie or a yank...just sayin, lots of other countries have rich histories to use for games, and military/covert ops teams to use for games as well.
Biggoals2bdone said:
It does come for both systems as well as PC I believe, BUT you can't play on PS3 against someone on Xbox360, not sure if that's what you were asking since you mentioned something about them playing against each other. 

I retract my last!!  >:(

9erD has PS3; the other 3 have 360s (the 22 yo has both) ... I see where he's going now - he IS trying to scam me! They want to be able to "play" each other.

Maybe I'll buy a group present instead (& piss them all off) - something like Rock Band so we can all be in 1 room playing together; I'll be the singer.  >:D
That would indeed elicit the piss off response you're looking for, FPS lovers rarely like rock band and the like (at least the ones I know) we abhore those games!  Not cuz of bad singers though ;)
If you have three Xbox 360 in the house the could easily play each other  its not that hard  just have to the others gamer tags and do a private match or go on line as a group and kick but LOL .  But I am almost positive that the PS 3 and 360 are not compatible .
Biggoals2bdone said:
That would indeed elicit the piss off response you're looking for, FPS lovers rarely like rock band and the like (at least the ones I know) we abhore those games!  Not cuz of bad singers though ;)

I love Rockband, and used to play competitively in FPS's (see Nerd thread, haha). But yeah, if they want Call of Duty, and you want to get them angry, buy High School Musical 3 The Game.
PuckChaser said:
I love Rockband, and used to play competitively in FPS's (see Nerd thread, haha). But yeah, if they want Call of Duty, and you want to get them angry, buy High School Musical 3 The Game.

Did you play MLG? I'm currently In MLG:)

sooo nnnerdy
I don't like that you can't shoot your own buddies on the campaign mode and killing civilians means mission end...
Just finished it.
Well sort of, the game locks up during the last cutscenes.

Game was alright (single player). I felt the cutscenes were excessive. Or your playing a mission and before you reach the finishline the game fades to white and your back in the torture room.  Using the older weapons was cooler than I thought it would be, but still prefer modern stuff.

The whole "numbers" thing peeked my interest so I did a search about it. Found some pretty interesting information on real life number stations.  Also "rebirth island" was interesting to read about and youtube.  The Russians really know how to mess up their own country sheesh.