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Can Nalgene Bottles give you cancer?

10 Things to Scratch From Your Worry List

6. Toxic plastic bottles. For years panels of experts repeatedly approved the use of bisphenol-a, or BPA, which is used in polycarbonate bottles and many other plastic products. Yes, it could be harmful if given in huge doses to rodents, but so can the natural chemicals in countless foods we eat every day. Dose makes the poison.
But this year, after a campaign by a few researchers and activists, one federal panel expressed some concern about BPA in baby bottles. Panic ensued. Even though there was zero evidence of harm to humans, Wal-Mart pulled BPA-containing products from its shelves, and politicians began talking about BPA bans. Some experts fear product recalls that could make this the most expensive health scare in history.
Nalgene has already announced that it will take BPA out of its wonderfully sturdy water bottles. Given the publicity, the company probably had no choice. But my old blue-capped Nalgene bottle, the one with BPA that survived glaciers, jungles and deserts, is still sitting right next to me, filled with drinking water. If they ever try recalling it, they’ll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers.
Even the guy who set off the panic later admitted that you'd have to grind up 5 Gal jug and sprinkle it on your rice krispees every day for a year to get enough BPA to harm you.
Kat Stevens said:
Even the guy who set off the panic later admitted that you'd have to grind up 5 Gal jug and sprinkle it on your rice krispees every day for a year to get enough BPA to harm you.

Flippin' 'eck... Remind me to mail that guy a copy of Chicken Little.
If it means one vote, Miller of Moronto or McSquinty of Bantario will have it tabled before you can unscrew the lid. ;) ;D
I poked around when this came out and, from what I read, it was only a major issue for the bottles that had the "recycled 7" stamps on them.

I smoked, used the mess tins, ate roast beef sandwiches from the hay box using hands covered in diesel (timings! timings! timings!), walked thru smoke from the 15 minute pods without a gas mask, played with fire, road a bike without a helmet as a child, parachuted, was an AVGP dvr instr (probably the most dangerous thing in my life to date!), hunted with teenages that had shotguns, ate hot dogs and bologne and kraft dinner, fell out of trees, fell off of snowmobiles, out of Iltis', off of MLVWs, and been Throwing Bay NCO on the grenade range with some people that shouldn' tbe allowed to skip rocks much less throw live frags.

If some little plastic bottle I use at the gym is goin' to do me in, I accept my fate at this point.
Totally irrelevant, but had to add it anyway, after EITS post.

I've smoked dope, chewed rope, danced, French romanced, fucked, farted, fought, shot the moon and drove big trucks.  I've been to Janesville Maine, Spain, Spokane and Fort Wayne, seen three world fairs, been around the world twice,
looked danger in the face and seen goats fuck in the marketplace;

But I ain't never seen no shit like the shit that goes on around this place!!!
A couple weeks ago I picked up a SIGG 1.0L bottle with neoprene cover and sport cap. It is be far the nicest bottle I've owned.


In fact I enjoy it so much I bought my spouse a 0.6L one!

I use my SIGG strictly for water so I have kept my older Nalgene bottles for mixing.
Or, you could save a few dozen bucks and just pick up one of these old reliables. Yes, you can boil water in it too!:


The PSP staff at CFB Petawawa gives out those Bisphenol-A #7 Recycled Cancer bottles as part of a package for those who sign up for the Butt Out program. Go figure. ;D

And on that note, I've quit for 3 weeks so far. Yay me!
Wonderbread said:

And on that note, I've quit for 3 weeks so far. Yay me!

Congratulations, and well done.....

On another note, what's it like to go through life as a quitter???  ;D  >:D 
daftandbarmy said:
Or, you could save a few dozen bucks and just pick up one of these old reliables. Yes, you can boil water in it too!:


Yep that is true, SIGG is defiantly not the cheapest bottle on the market but then again it is like anything else you spend money on.