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Canada could see terror attacks, Cellucci warns

I wouild gladly give up some of my civil rights to ensure my country is a safer place for us all. But the snivel libertarians see it differrently, and hence there can be a hesitation to pass better and stronger laws to protect the public, such as powers of arrest, and detaining for questioning, etc.

I dont mind if my flight is delayed to to more security, or if I have to report in earlier. better late than vapourised.

here in Australia to mail a parcel overseas, you must present picture ID, and that is entered on a giant hard drive. the parcel is given a bar code, and it all matches to you. 100% of all mail parcels are inspected on incoming and outgoing.

All this to make it more safe for us all. Is Canada screening its parcels like this too? do you fell its an envasion of ones rights? I don‘t, and it also stops other contraband from coming and going too.

Personally Canada, along with Australia are prime easy targets for AQ supported groups.

Sadly one day, its us who is going to be on CNN or FOX news,a s the world watches our sorrow in horror. I sure hope I am wrong.


Bloody helll! Excuse my spelling mistakes. sheesh, how I ewver got out of High Scholl, I‘ll never know.

Originally posted by Infanteer:
[qb] Thank you. We all really needed the seasoned political observation of a 15 year old cadet. [/qb]
1st, thanks for not insulting me, always nice to know I‘m welcome here.
2nd, I‘m entitled to an opinion, you may not like it because I‘m a moron cadet who, (in your mind) thinks he‘s better than you. I may not have your superior training as a soldier but I can still be informed as an individual, and I don‘t know about the rest of the topic but in this post all you did was bash me and contribute nothing to the discussion and cause this whole defense. What a waste of bandwidth.
Originally posted by corporal-cam:
Originally posted by Infanteer:
[qb] Thank you. We all really needed the seasoned political observation of a 15 year old cadet. [/qb]
1st, thanks for not insulting me, always nice to know I‘m welcome here.
2nd, I‘m entitled to an opinion, you may not like it because I‘m a moron cadet who, (in your mind) thinks he‘s better than you. I may not have your superior training as a soldier but I can still be informed as an individual, and I don‘t know about the rest of the topic but in this post all you did was bash me and contribute nothing to the discussion and cause this whole defense. What a waste of bandwidth. [/qb]
Not to worry, lad; Infanteer was the unfortunate result of thalidomide poisoning.
Its not what I think its what the MASS thinks. Its my rant on how the recruiting system is completely foolish and appeals to the ones who think they have no choice BUT becoming a Truck Driver. Now your not thinking of the respect factor.. *sigh* Any Psychologist‘s here to help me with this. The military needs to start strengthoning there image at the roots. If they want to recurit more men into this military they need to fight that psychological war with the kids who WILL run the country one day. Out of 10 people 9 of them will ask if im crazy for joining the Canadian Army. They say... Why not the United States Army. You see how there fancy commercials have helped them.

Dang Franko, you put this 16 yr old back in his place. Good Job! To Cam. Dont worry about them I doubt arse‘s like them are really in the military. Ive met some WICKED people in the army. True soldiers you kno the ones who will educate you, and respect you as you respect them instead of put you down. Those guys (Franko) obviously arnt them. Im sorry I listen to hip- hop music and speak the future english language. Wait no... I really aint. Theres a reason why we dont speak Old English anymore. Dont see me makin fun of your hic/ let the bodies hit the floor music. I dont believe i said "Yo" or "dwag" once. *sigh* you obviously werent breast fed.
Originally posted by scm77:
[qb] WOW! What a relief. Okay people shows over, no need to worry. The crackpot "terrorist spokesman" didn‘t mention Canada in the list so there is no need to be alarmed.

If you see a arabic person paking a truck next to a nuclear plant and then running away, he‘s probably just making a delivery. No need to worry.

I‘ll sleep better tonight. [/qb]
In an interesting case of double standards, had the "crackpot terrorist spokesperson" actually mentioned Canada, you‘d be using it to your advantage.

And Travis, you should try being a janitor...it‘s really rather educational. For instance, in my house, whenever there was "stuff" underneath the seat, people would automatically assume it was me, as I was the only guy. Turns out that women can get "stuff" under there too, and they‘re 100x messier than guys too.

This conversation was getting silly, I had to try and kill it.

EDIT: And if I see a white guy parking a truck next to a nuclear plant, I should just assume (based on your racial stereotypes) that he‘s using the truck to block the view of his cousin-father Jim-Jim and nephew-son in law Billy-Ray lynchin‘ blacks and makin‘ burr. Right?
*Applauds nULL‘s last statement* Although we must admit that it is more likely to be someone of Arab decent.
Sorry troops, Travis convinced me....STAT

Good Lord... without naming names, I must say there really are some less then bright people posting allot on this thread..

Perhaps some of then should realize that Just because a post has allot of rambling words in it. Does not mean it is a good argument...

By the way, for a couple of you... when I worked as a janitor for the school boards I started at 17 bucks an hour.. It goes up to about 22 after a few years. And Civie Truckers can make some pretty good money as well.. As can security guards, if they are higher up and doing something like Close Protection, or the like.

Now as to the subject of this thread. Canada is not immune to terror, and it never will be. So rather then playing Ostrich, those who feel that we are invisible to terrorists should take their heads OUT of the sand, and start figuring out how we can protect our country, and our continent from any further attacks. Let me ask you a hypothetical question. How would you feel if Canada did get attacked and your Wife, girlfriend, mother, father, husband, etc.. was killed... I bet the first question you would probably ask, is "Why didn't we see this coming?"
Oh that's right.. Because we live in Canada, and everybody loves Canadians.. So we didn't have to worry about getting hit... No matter what argument you present to us, it doesn't matter, the bottom line in the debate is that Canada is at risk, and Does have to prepare as best it can to prepare, prevent, and react to a terrorist attack. Since 9/11 the game has changed, we‘re no longer fighting big bad nazis or evil commies in Europe.. We're fighting an enemy we can barely see. This enemy doesn't play by any sort of rules nor does it care who it kills. It will use any means necessary to achieve its goals, and will stop at nothing until they are (achieved). A terrorist would just as willingly blow up a bus of nuns and orphans as they would an LAV III full of soldiers. In fact, given the choice, they would take the bus as its easier to hit, and will be more effective at furthering their sick cause.

Bottom Line. We need to prepare. And I pray to God, that when it does happen, I‘ll be fortunate enough to not loose any of my loved ones. Because I don't believe its a matter of "if" anymore. It's a Matter of "When"...

*Edit: My Appologies for the Long post. but i needed to get that off my chest. <end rant>*
Finally, the voice of reason! Well said, Thompson, I like your style.
Ok so we know we‘re not immuned to terror, it‘s all around us.. we know that we are at risk, we know that we need to prepare, we know that we need to protect our country, so now what? March the steps of Parliament Hill? It‘s all about the $$$.
Being prepared is one thing, but to be like to US is another. **** I was home in Jan for a week. I couldn‘t even cross the boarder. It was backup for miles. Then when I did get to cross the **** US Customs Storm Troopers gave me a hard time because I had a NB license and driving a Ont Car.I guess my Military ID, DL, and BC. Couldn‘t prove I was who we were. A55holes.
By the way, dogs don‘t s456 in their kennel.
Well Im just going to add my thoughts here. As much of you said Canada is in no condition to really compete with the world, and despite how well our men and women are trained for whatever we would not stand a chance in anything.

Realistically we 100% rely on the protection and support of United States, and Britain. Without them we would crumble military wise. Ask yourself the question, could Canada have gone to Iraq as the United States did without the backing of any countries initially? No, not at all. I seriously think Iraq would have crushed us unless we sent every last troop we had over there and hoped they ran out of ammo or something.

Canada is never going to change on its own power if you ask me, and its going to take further hassle and complaints from UN misitry and US ministry before it gets any attention. Even then its going to take a devistating attack on something like downtown Toronto, Parliment buildings, TSE buildings.. before any real amount of civi‘s want to do anything about it. Canada has the yearly money to do it, we really could, but we need to set our priorities to what it really matters. People arent going to want to put military on the agenda, or want to fight for more troops until its to late, until we are being attacked or we have lost 1000‘s of people. Even then people will find a way to reverse it all. Everywhere I go, everyone says " Its America‘s fault, its America‘s war!" but really if it werent for them we would be toast. No matter what you say we owe our position to them. They do what they need to defend their allies, their country, their people and they do it by all means. Sometimes its not a decision that best suits everyone but it is often needed.

A little off topic here but Canada‘s main priority is obviously healthcare, right? What I dont understand is, despite it being our number one priority its still horribly flawed and junked in alot of areas. Sure it beats alot of places but for it being a #1 priority of a country with that much money I would hope for something ALOT better. United States, who does not have free health care, does not have it as a top priority - probably around the equivalent to military importance in an election, has more nurses, more doctors, better pay? How does that make sense, for a country that has something at a less priority they sure do have alot of spare cash to waiste on it, and they can afford to double the pay of our doctors here.

What Im getting at is we need to straighten our policies out and really target as to what we need. Our health care money is spent wrong, waisted in alot of cases, and our military funding is not only lowish but spent in horrible areas. We need a politician who is fresh from the CF, much like it is in the United States ( Bush and many other leaders served military time I believe ) and someone who understands the situation within.

Personally, I would much rather have the money spent on health care on military, and the military funding on health care but of it could and would never happen.
In Australia two tiers of heath care, public and private. Public is free, and not the best. Private costs about $60/mo for a single, plus a one off $500 excess if one goes in the hospital valid for that callender yr. The ADF covers soldiers anyways, but I often wonder what they are capable of, and the quality of care, etc.


I don‘t like the message that Celluci is passing on, or at least how he is going about delivering it. Canada should do this, Canada should do that. Canada should, can, and will do what IT thinks is right regardless of the consequences. The people of Canada feel that we are not at risk and that we have other more important priorities.

While I am inclined to believe that we are at risk, and that we should not wait until something has happened before we act, I don‘t think the only solutions include arming ourselves to the teeth, chanting the national anthem in a cult-like manner, and going on invading other sovereign states with our MVP the United States, on their whim. We can condemn terrorist tactics, groups and individuals, we can search for them without invading other countries, we can contribute to the war on terror by trying to be the best people and country that we can be within the international community and taking care of our responsibilities at home, and ‘doing good‘ abroad. Contributing to UN interventions to prevent attrocities, peacekeeping, helping the developing world and helping other countries will help us. We can also try to strengthen internatioanl institutions such as INTERPOL, the new International Criminal Court, and also to try and improve cooperation between respective national security agencies not just between us and US, but between many others too. (I am not ignoring the funding or recruiting deficiencies of our military, just stating how else we can contribute to the war on ‘terrorism‘)

States have obligations to make sure that attacks against other nations do not originate on their soil under international customs and laws, and that‘s why we went into Afghanistan. As a nation, and as Canadians, we have an obligation to make sure ‘terrorists‘ do not operate within our own borders to attack targets at home, or anywhere else in the world, not just the US. But invading countries, upsetting populations already filled with at the very least, a strong, distrust of western countries, only helps feed their (terrorist groups) ranks. They have to get here to perpetrate their disgusting deeds, and I think that we should make that as difficult for them as possible.


Re: "America does not have free health care" In their defence, YES they do. If you are below a certain poverty level there is medicaide. However, there are still roughly 40 million people how make just enough to be uneligible for medicaide, but don‘t make enough to afford private health care insurance. But that is way WAY off topic. The answer to your question about how they do it is in their economy. Now it might not be the best at the moment, but they have roughly 300 million people that SPEND their money and take more credit than any other country in the world to continue to SPEND. Tax revenue for them is FAR greater than us, and many other countries in the world. That is how they do it.

Last Friday I had a short conversation with the Minister of National Defence David Pratt and his top notch Davide Price at a mess dinner here, and also heard them speak and respond to questions. They had also discussed training the reserves to deal with responding to terrorist attacks (re:NBC in particular) as it was one of the only national institutions available to do so. At least that is the way that they are looking at it.

Now although Mr. Pratt doesn‘t have military experience, he does have a strong background in parliamentary committees to know mroe about what he is talking about than many other politicians and former ministers. Mr. Price, who has been working with Mr. Pratt for a LONG time, on the contrary DOES have military experience from the reserve regiment that I am volunteering with, to the regular force as well. (If I heard him correctly - my french abilities are limited but improving but he definitely worked in the reserves, and I am 90% sure he was in the reg force.) So to quench your thirst for a ‘military politician‘, there‘s some information.

Sorry for the long post gents but I think it was worth it.
Well this thread has been collecting dust but it seems a valid place to plop this tidbit of news. Anyways without further adieu.



Toronto terror video posted on US website

Isabel Teotonio
Torstar News Service

A video that shows members of the Toronto 18 carrying out alleged terrorist training exercises has been posted on an American website just days before a verdict is expected in the case of one of the men.
The video includes footage of the men in camouflage allegedly receiving instruction on the use of handguns and sniper tactics at a 12-day camp they attended in December 2005, near the town of Washago, Ont.
The two-and-a-half minute video is similar to others that have been shown during court proceedings for the 14 adults and four youths, who were charged in the summer of 2006 with belonging to a cell plotting an attack in Canada.
Since then, charges have been stayed against three youths and four adults.
Most recently, a similar video of the camp, where attendees allegedly practised military-style exercises, was shown at the trial of the remaining youth, who is now 20. A verdict in that trial is expected next Thursday in a Brampton court.
The judge presiding over that trial issued a publication ban on any evidence that might identify the adult co-accused, in an effort to ensure their right to a fair trial. Consequently, he prohibited the public release of exhibits that had been entered as evidence, such as wiretap intercepts or videos.
Similarly, a judge who presided over the preliminary hearing for the adults issued a publication ban on the evidence in those proceedings. The online video is similar to what was shown in court, but not identical.
In addition to firearms training, the online video also shows a nighttime campfire and a van skidding around a darkened Canadian Tire parking lot.
In the youth trial, the Crown must prove a terror group existed and that the youth knowingly participated in it.
Mubin Shaikh, 32, a police agent who infiltrated the group and who is one of the only men clearly identified in the video, has testified there was an "overt military context to the training" at the December camp.
However, he also said the youths were told it was a "religious" outing and were never told details about a terror plot in the works.
The group was allegedly scheming to attack power grids, Parliament buildings, CBC headquarters and the Toronto offices of the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

See the video at Nine Eleven Finding Answers Foundation.
Ok, well that was rather informative. So now do we post all non-roto reserve units on active duty at all of the potential targets of opportunity? Or do we stop the immigration and visa admittance of all foreigners in an attempt to stop possible terror cells from forming? This is called ISOLATIONISM, and doesn't help at all. If there are cells at work in the country, we will get them before they get us. Our forces of detection are not fools or idiots. " If you wait by the river long enough, you will see the bodies of your enemies float past you" TSUN TSU. Ubique