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This thread isn't about Ron Paul. Put it back on track and answer the questions.
ArcadeFire said:
"*end motorcycle helment laws...a personal favorite.

Makes sense to me.

:o  What a load of crap that statement is.

Helmets save lives PERIOD!

Wesley  Down Under said:
:o  What a load of crap that statement is.

Helmets save lives PERIOD!


- I see this as a form of social darwinism.  Maybe, we just spend too much time and effort trying to save people from themselves.
TCBF said:
- I see this as a form of social darwinism.  Maybe, we just spend too much time and effort trying to save people from themselves.

Yep.  It's no longer survival of the fittest but survival of the smartest.  Of course, I'm all for anything that takes stupidity out of the gene pool.  ;)
ArcadeFire said:
Where to begin...

Your final question. "Why don't businesses pay a wage that Americans will work for?" Because they own Obama, and Hillary, and McCain and Bush and the Media and they have no need to pay more, since those handpicked politicians do all their dirty work for them. They introduce hairbrained ideas like "amnesty" for illegal immigrants (when did the illegal part lose its authority?) and free trade with China, ensuring that American workers are always undercut. A real government representative of the people would do everything in its power to prevent the integration of illegal immigrants into society in order to maintain the quality of life for Americans (and Canadians by default). Unfortunately there is no such thing as real reprasentative government anywhere in the world today. Money corrupts those that want it and for those with money, power is just as strong an addiction. Ron Paul, somehow, has remained uncorruptible for 30 years as a Texas congressman. I can't think of another person like him, let alone someone running for President. For many there he is the real Commander in Chief regardless of who is elected in November. I have a different idea of a whack job than you do. For me a whack job is someone that mindlessly obeys orders and never questions their most firmly held positions even in the light of evidence...

here's some evidence for you. Look at this money webb. It shows from where all the candidates for President in the US get their donations and how much they receive. Basically the chart shows who "owns" each contender. Note that McCain, Obama and Hillary are all sponsored by THE SAME BANKS. It's like aliens versus predator- whoever wins, we lose. So who has the real power in the US? Hint: not the individual. Also note that Ron Paul recieves most donations from active Army, Navy and Airforce. Think about it.

I'll turn your question around.  Why won't people work for a wage that business can pay for?  Consumers will not pay higher prices to subsidize others when they can pay less for the same product.  Capital and people are mobile, athough of course there are barriers.  For me, the greatest error of Marx was that he believed that labour had an intrinsic value.  Labour is as valuable as the people not providing the labour are prepared to pay for it. 

I'm not a fan of party politics, but it is better than the alternative.  Banks and big corporations pay to the major players on both sides to hedge their bets.  While it seems two-faced it also helps balance things out.

I'm not sure how somebody can be "the real commander in chief" in the US system who is not in a legal position to be that.  Anybody in uniform that believes otherwise had better read some of their fundamental documents. 


Still, I like when people use science fiction movies to argue their points and we should try to do more of that.  That being said, I recognize no Alien movies past "Aliens" and Predator without Arnie seemed empty somehow. 
recceguy said:

This thread isn't about Ron Paul. Put it back on track and answer the questions.

I thought this was a discussion...I didn't realize it was an inquisition...

I swear I'm not a heretic!
PMedMoe said:
Yep.  It's no longer survival of the fittest but survival of the smartest.  Of course, I'm all for anything that takes stupidity out of the gene pool.  ;)

Yes, and Ron Paul wants to do just that. If you feel the need to smoke, go ahead...if you wanna ride without a helmet-it's your risk- same goes for drugs....you do them you pay the price. I don't see where there's a problem with this? It's called individual freedom. We don't have much of that in Canada, since our Governmental "Mother" looks out for us and says that riding a motorcycles without a helmet is dangerous. Of course they still send you guys to Afghanistan and that's dangerous too.
ArcadeFire said:
If you feel the need to smoke, go ahead...if you wanna ride without a helmet-it's your risk- same goes for drugs....you do them you pay the price. I don't see where there's a problem with this? 

It becomes my problem when my tax dollars have to be spent repairing some moron's head who was too stupid to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. It becomes my problem when i get affected by second-hand smoke. It becomes my problem when the local ER is clogged because of people who are too stupid to protect themselves and it takes 10 hours for me to get seen by a doctor.
ArcadeFire said:
I thought this was a discussion...I didn't realize it was an inquisition...

I swear I'm not a heretic!

You're on the ramp bub. Keep being a smart ass, you'll be doing it somewhere else.

The thread was discussing, and I use the term loosely, the Can/US agreement. You refused to answer questions proving your POV and obsfucating by changing the subject and derailing the conversation when it got hot. We're not going to allow you to run hither and nigh, with no sense of direction, spewing your propoganda without proof. Get back and answer the questions you were asked pages ago that you have conveniently ignored.
" But please show me the last time the US went to war with another Democracy to further their goals.  ( and no I don't think CIA, big business involvement counts ) I want to hear about the boots on the ground.  And could you also please tie that in to the Agreement that started this whole topic.  really this naive service member wants to know"

LOL. How can you separate information warfare with "boots on the  ground" ? War is war whether conducted covertly or overtly.

Here are some lists for you....starting with Democracies the US directly subverted.....

- Syria Hosni Al-Zaim coup sponsored by the US in 1949
- The shah of Iran's coup in 1953
- Supporting the Bathists in Iraq in 1963

And how about the other side of the coin? Is it not the same thing morally to support a Dictator as to overthrow a Democracy?That one would be a big list.....shall we begin...

- China and Chinese torture
- Pakistan Musharraf
- Ayatollah Khomeini was on the CIA payroll in the 1970s
- Egypt Sadat Mubarak 1978-today
- Iraq Saddam Hussein
- Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza & sons 1937-1979
- Paraguay Stroessner. US supported throughout
- Bolivia Col. Hugo Banzer overthrew elected leftist president Juan Jose Torres 1970-  
- Saudi Arabia Saud family  
- Kuwait a monarchy  
- Morocco  
- Tunisia  
- Algeria  
- Jordan  
- Panama Noriega was US-supported for years  before they grew tired of him  
- Nepal monarchy since 1948
- Cuba Fulgencio Batista pre-Castro
- Brazil Gen. Branco overthrew elected president Goulart with US support  1965-67

They must have been "bad democracies". The fact is the US does what the US wants to increase its power regardless of whether it's dealing with a Democracy or not. If it's a democracy, then they do so covertly without boots on the ground since that would be too obviously hypocritical. People need to stop being so Naive about the nature of the US Foreign policy.

CDN Aviator said:
It becomes my problem when my tax dollars have to be spent repairing some moron's head who was too stupid to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. It becomes my problem when i get affected by second-hand smoke. It becomes my problem when the local ER is clogged because of people who are too stupid to protect themselves and it takes 10 hours for me to get seen by a doctor.

It is not your problem if:

1) people smoke outside (should we ban cars because some carbon monoxide might mingle with your sweet air?)
2) people who crash on motorcycles without helmets foot their own bills...

These are two of the fundamental aspects of individual freedom. There is no longer any socialized healthcare and you have to keep yourself healthy instead. With freedom comes responsability. Right now we're all about avoiding personal responsibility in Canada.
recceguy said:
You're on the ramp bub. Keep being a smart ***, you'll be doing it somewhere else.

The thread was discussing, and I use the term loosely, the Can/US agreement. You refused to answer questions proving your POV and obsfucating by changing the subject and derailing the conversation when it got hot. We're not going to allow you to run hither and nigh, with no sense of direction, spewing your propoganda without proof. Get back and answer the questions you were asked pages ago that you have conveniently ignored.

Oh boo hoo. How scared I am that I might be kicked off an intenet "chat" room for discussing topical issues. I have answered every question directed at me- where have you been?

Now answer mine.

What have you contributed to this conversation? I can even answer that for you if you'd like since I doubt that you're much of a conversationalist. Are you ready?. ..... NOTHING.
George Wallace said:
Well!  I think you are on the wrong forum then.  Perhaps you should have tried this one instead of coming here.

I highlight this in your tagline referring to comments that you make....

"Unless so stated, they are reflective of my opinion -- and my opinion only, A RIGHT I ENJOY ALONG WITH EVERY OTHER CANADIAN CITIZEN"

So every other Canadian has no freedom of speech on Mil.net. Hypocracy much?
ArcadeFire said:
Oh boo hoo. How scared I am that I might be kicked off an intenet "chat" room for discussing topical issues. I have answered every question directed at me- where have you been?

Now answer mine.

What have you contributed to this conversation? I can even answer that for you if you'd like since I doubt that you're much of a conversationalist. Are you ready?. ..... NOTHING.

I don't have to contribute. My job is to moderate and keep the red headed, short bus window lickers away from the sane people that spend time here. You're no different than a lot of the 'radical' thinkers ::) we get here. Before you continue you're little tirade, I suggest yo go read the forum guidelines. No more freebies.

Milnet.ca Staff
ArcadeFire said:
Yes, and Ron Paul wants to do just that. If you feel the need to smoke, go ahead...if you wanna ride without a helmet-it's your risk- same goes for drugs....you do them you pay the price. I don't see where there's a problem with this? It's called individual freedom. We don't have much of that in Canada, since our Governmental "Mother" looks out for us and says that riding a motorcycles without a helmet is dangerous. Of course they still send you guys to Afghanistan and that's dangerous too.

You're way out of line posting CRAP like this.

I beleive you are doing this for shock value to get a reaction.

Now you seem to be promoting drug use, and claiming driving a m'bike without a helmet is NOT dangerous. There is something called common sense, and you seem to be lacking it.

A good argument is based on being realistic, backing up facts with references, having some manners and respect. When a troll mentailty comes into it, thats the end of story.

Mods, time for the ramp for this wanker!

Wesley  Down Under said:
You're way out of line posting CRAP like this.

I beleive you are doing this for shock value to get a reaction.

Now you seem to be promoting drug use, and claiming driving a m'bike without a helmet is NOT dangerous. There is something called common sense, and you seem to be lacking it.

A good argument is based on being realistic, backing up facts with references, having some manners and respect. When a troll mentailty comes into it, thats the end of story.

Mods, time for the ramp for this wanker!


Honestly...how are any of those statements radical? People smoke everyday...I believe there are still states in the US where you don't need a helmet to ride. If it was up to me,  I would only wear a helmet for long rides or city riding and that would be my own risk. People go skydiving, are they radicals too? Don't they have an airborne unit? Taking risks should be up to the individual not the Government Nanny state. Do you think the Governemnt should be invading every aspect of our lives? I don't.
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