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Canadian Decoration: C.D. [Merged]

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Without the benefit of a ref to include, I believe the CD is not supposed to be worn, or undress ribbon, until officially presented.

IIRC you are allowed to wear certain ribbons prior to the medal being presented.  But not the CD.  I waited close to 1.5 years for my clasp & bar, like most seem to be.
Been out for a year, and I was 1 yr past due for my last clasp when I punched out.... Figure I'll get it in the mail sometime in the next 8 years....
i did hear that the press that makes the CD was broken for some time, which caused a huge back log in production.
TN935 said:
i did hear that the press that makes the CD was broken for some time, which caused a huge back log in production.

To begin with, most things like medals are stamped out from a die. It's the die that goes into the press. The press itself is seldom unique and the die would fit many different presses. One breaks, you move the die to another press. Otherwise, you'd have a press for each medal in our Canadian Honours chart.

The explanation given by you does not explain why the backlog of clasps is the same as the medal.

I challenge you to go back to your source and ask them where they got their info. You'll likely find it's pure conjecture.

There is also a complete discussion thread available on this site as to the reason(s).


Threads merged
Wondering if anyone has a more current link for this reference? The libnk below is no longer valid and I am having no luck finding its replacement.  Thanks

Shamrock said:
Found it (edit: apparently, well after aerobicrunner had, so I should just call it a night):

APM-245 chapter 18 (viewable at http://cmp-cpm.forces.mil.ca/DHRIM/mhrrp/Ch18/engraph/ch18_e.pdf)

7.0 Current Non-Creditable Service Days (CNCSD)

The number of CNCSD is the cumulated sum of service days that the member cannot count as qualifying time for the CD. Non-creditable service days shall include days described in the sections below entitled “Forfeiture” and “Non-Creditable Service”. Total CNCSD are added to the CD Base Date to calculate the eligibility date.

9.0  Forfeiture

9.1  Every day of forfeiture shall be added to the member’s CNCSD.

9.2  One day’s forfeiture shall be imposed IAW QR&Os 208.30 and 208.31 for each day the member is:
  a. Absent Without Leave (AWOL) when the member has been found guilty of being absent without authority;
  b. absent as a deserter when the member has been found guilty of desertion;
  c. undergoing a punishment of imprisonment or detention imposed by a service or civil tribunal;
  d. in civil custody, while not on leave with pay and allowances and awaiting trial by a civil tribunal if the civil tribunal subsequently finds the member guilty of an offence;
  e. in hospital awaiting trial by a service or civil tribunal if:
    (1) the tribunal subsequently finds the member guilty of an offence;
    (2) in the opinion of the medical offr attending the member, the period of hospitalization is a direct result of the commission of the offence for which the member was convicted; and
    (3) the offr commanding the command or formation concurs with the opinion of the medical offr; and
  f. deemed to have rendered no military service for any other period not previously described.

9.  3 In addition to any forfeiture imposed above, the member shall forfeit one calendar year (365 days) of qualifying service for each 12-month period in which a punishment, other than a fine or minor punishment, is awarded by a service tribunal.

10.0 Non-Creditable Service

10.1 Every day of non-creditable service shall be added to the member’s CNCSD.
10.2 One day of non-creditable service shall accrue for each day:
  a. the Reg F member is:
    (1) absent on Leave Without Pay (LWOP), except for maternity or parental purposes; and
    (2) on imposed Limitation Of Payments (LOP) IAW QR&O 203.20; and
  b. the Res F member is:
    (1) on authorized Exempt Duty and Training (ED&T), except for maternity or parental purposes;
    (2) declared Non-Effective Strength (NES);
    (3) on annuitant break IAW CF Mil Pers Instr 20/04; and/or
    (4) on the Supp Res list.
dangerboy said:
Wondering if anyone has a more current link for this reference? The libnk below is no longer valid and I am having no luck finding its replacement.  Thanks



Every day of forfeiture shall be added to the member’s CNCSD.

One day’s forfeiture shall be imposed IAW QR&Os 208.30 and 208.31 for each day the member is:
•Absent Without Leave (AWOL) when the member has been found guilty of being absent without authority;
•absent as a deserter when the member has been found guilty of desertion;
•undergoing a punishment of imprisonment or detention imposed by a service or civil tribunal;
•in civil custody, while not on leave with pay and allowances and awaiting trial by a civil tribunal if the civil tribunal subsequently finds the member guilty of an offence;
•in hospital awaiting trial by a service or civil tribunal if: ◦the tribunal subsequently finds the member guilty of an offence;
◦in the opinion of the medical offr attending the member, the period of hospitalization is a direct result of the commission of the offence for which the member was convicted; and
◦the offr commanding the command or formation concurs with the opinion of the medical offr; and

•deemed to have rendered no military service for any other period not previously described.

In addition to any forfeiture imposed above, the member shall forfeit one year (365 days) of qualifying service for each 12-month period in which a punishment, other than a fine or minor punishment, is awarded by a service tribunal. The forfeited year begins from the date of award of the punishment. Any new punishment awarded within that year will not trigger an additional forfeiture; however, for any subsequent punishment awarded after the forfeited year has ended, the member shall forfeit another year (365 days) of qualifying service starting from the date of award of the new punishment.
Does anyone have any idea of the wait time to receive their CD 1 or CD 2 ?  It's been almost 2 years since qualifying...just wondering.
I waited about 1.5 for a bar.  Have you verified with your medals clerk that it has been indented for in MAPS?
MAPS is correct and if it was sent last year I suggest going to see your clerk and ask for an update.  We had a handful that were requested but never filled until I queried why we hadn't received them yet.  They were sitting in the system still waiting for someone to action.  Within a month or two of each query I received the CDs for the members.  The clasp shouldn't even take that long as there is no printing involved.
CountDC said:
MAPS is correct and if it was sent last year I suggest going to see your clerk and ask for an update.  We had a handful that were requested but never filled until I queried why we hadn't received them yet.  They were sitting in the system still waiting for someone to action.  Within a month or two of each query I received the CDs for the members.  The clasp shouldn't even take that long as there is no printing involved.

Is this same for all medals ?  I mean timeline wise...  Just wondering if I should expect my SSM in time for Nov 11th...
NavalMoose said:
I did talk to a clerk last year and he sent something off.  MAPS?

MAPS is the program Medals...HR Admins (are they still called Medals Clerks?) use to put requests for medals in and track them.

I was also told that they had to wait until a certain amount were requested before they would do them....but it's only a bar and rosette, so I think that is baloney.  The fact remains though it's almost two years...I will enquire to see if there is any progress.
When requested they are processed reasonably quickly.  When the request is initiated in MAPS and not completed by the requesting unit, then it takes a long time.

EDIT to add:

The process, as I understand it:

1. Clerk initiates request in MAPS;
2. CO signs off, certifying entitlement;
3. Clerk inputs CO's certification;

4. Some level of verification of above;
5. Medal / Bar etc prepped and sent to unit;

6. Medal / Bar etc sits in filing cabinet for several months waiting for parade;
7. APS occurs;
8. Two years later, someone cleans out filing cabinet and asks "Anyone remember who this Bloggins character was"?

(Steps 6-8 may not be exactly as described).
I’m releasing before I’m being given my CD. I was originally eligible for it in August. I was wondering how I would go about getting it mailed to me?

Maybe a "medals clerk" can answer this. Where is the information gathered from to confirm eligibility for the CD2. I ask because recently I asked my OR if there was any info on my CD2 which was due in Dec 2015(I know it takes forever, but after 2 years I thought I would just ask) I was told there was a problem because my "hire" date was April 1990. I was granted 6 years 135 days of PFTPS because of RN time and that is on my MPRR as is the base date for CD of Nov 1983 and Dec 2005 for CD1 which were both received with no problem.  Why is there a problem now when the relevant information is already on my MPRR? My OR said I should have a Res F MPRR for those 6 years.  I was never in any Reserve Force but even if I was that 6 years is in my Monitor MASS (as Res F for some reason)so the time is there. Is someone just reading a part of my MPRR and ignoring the other parts, makes me wonder.
My Militia time counted straight time towards the CD.  Not so with the pension calculations, that took a serious boot to the guts.  My Militia time doesn't appear on my MPRR, just the CD calculations which take it into account.

Maybe they're misreading or not reading your MPRR correctly. 
CD's are straight time from enrolment plus (as in NavalMoose case's) any "granted" anterior time. Regular or primary reserve service is irrelevant: They both count as full time towards the CD. The only exception is any time spent of the supplementary reserve does not accrue. But that's it.