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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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PMedMoe - I was just really shocked, as I didn't think I did THAT good. Nobody else who did the test at the same time did that well.
Jiminito said:
I had the pleasure of writing the CFAT at the Denison Armoury on August 2nd. But my medic recruiting officer is at Moss Park. He said has not yet received my file back yet and it's been 2 weeks since I had written the test. 
Is there a way to contact Denison Armoury to find out what's happening with my file? They were supposed to send it back to Moss Park for processing since they don't deal with medic recruits, I don't suppose it'll take more than 2 weeks, or does it?

I would reach out to CFRC Toronto, although you didn't do your test at that location they will have access to your file to see where your file is currently at and can help in following up as necessary.

m9322 said:
PMedMoe - I was just really shocked, as I didn't think I did THAT good. Nobody else who did the test at the same time did that well.

It's not all that shocking; I wrote the CFAT at Age 18 (20+ years ago now) and qualified for all occupations as well.  The CFAT is designed for Grade 10 education and it measures your ability to pass the first qualification level for an occupation.  There's a reason why the CAF does not require Doctors for example to do the test (traditionally they did not qualify for their own occupation, let alone many other occupations, because of the amount of time since they were in high school).  It doesn't mean that you can "do" the job necessarily, it means that you demonstrate the aptitude to have the ability to pass the training.

    Hello, my friends. It's my first post in here so, I am not even sure is it going to be right place or even right question to ask about. I apologise for that. 
    So, not too long time ago I did my aptitude test at on of the Ontario RCs, and after finishing it, I got the list of the jobs I eligible for. There were 36 jobs total, and the recruiter told me, if I would have university degree, it would be many more jobs as an officer. So I though I could calculate approximate mark that I got(not even mark, but at least to know that I did well), if I will compare to amount of jobs you, guys, were offered.
    And, finally, if anyone of you guys know how strong is an influence of aptitude test mark on your job preference? For example, If you have a good mark on aptitude, great high school marks, great  references, but have an issue with credit or ( like in my case, old DUI record), what is going to be decisive moment in calculation of "my pros and cons"?
    I , again, apologise if my questions were not appropriate, and thank you in advance for constructive answers. Have a wonderful day.
Raffy said:
    Hello, my friends. It's my first post in here so, I am not even sure is it going to be right place or even right question to ask about. I apologise for that. 
    So, not too long time ago I did my aptitude test at on of the Ontario RCs, and after finishing it, I got the list of the jobs I eligible for. There were 36 jobs total, and the recruiter told me, if I would have university degree, it would be many more jobs as an officer. So I though I could calculate approximate mark that I got(not even mark, but at least to know that I did well), if I will compare to amount of jobs you, guys, were offered.
    And, finally, if anyone of you guys know how strong is an influence of aptitude test mark on your job preference? For example, If you have a good mark on aptitude, great high school marks, great  references, but have an issue with credit or ( like in my case, old DUI record), what is going to be decisive moment in calculation of "my pros and cons"?
    I , again, apologise if my questions were not appropriate, and thank you in advance for constructive answers. Have a wonderful day.

I don't believe there is a way to really calculate the mark of the aptitude test, its all selective to each individual. They take into account the CFAT test, the interview, previous job experience.. when selecting people for an offer. Having an old DUI may affect your chances. Once your on the Competition List they look at all of that as a total and choose people so if someone else has every thing they meet and more they are more likely to get picked over someone who has a good mark on the CFAT and a DUI. But considering it is an old charge they may not reference to that. Who knows. Its a strange system.
cmpbllmchll said:
I don't believe. They take into account the CFAT test, the interview, previous job experience.. when selecting people for an offer. Recruiting looks at all of that as a total and select the best candidate at that time. Who knows. Its a strange system.

Buck_HRA works in recruiting and knows how the system works. Other members of the site have recent experience with the recruiting system as well.
Thank you, guys, for replay. Hopefully that good Sir will notice my post. Also I learned from one of Buck_HRA's posts that there is  60% shortage in AF for AVS techs. Is it  actually good for me if I  applied for the red trade?
You receive an overall score on the Selection List based on your CFAT/TSD and your interview (your education is embedded in the interview score). 
This is the only thing that bases you for competition on the "Selection List"

While there is a score assigned to the CFAT & TSD; although some recruiters inform the scores I'm not sure why they do as it's a percentile score.  What that means is although your base score could put you in the 90 percentile this year, the exact same base score could leave you in the 80 percentile next year.  The base scores themselves don't really mean anything in of themselves, and I wouldn't try to determine what your score was.

An old DUI will affect your background (CRNC) check; you will know long before the Selection List whether an old DUI will affect the ability to join or not.  As long as it is on your file it will come back in the CRNC, at that time a panel will sit to determine whether you should be allowed the chance to enrol in the CAF.  If the board determines that the situation surrounding your DUI is too much of a risk with the occupations you're wishing to join you will be informed of this.

Raffy said:
Thank you, guys, for replay. Hopefully that good Sir will notice my post. Also I learned from one of Buck_HRA's posts that there is  60% shortage in AF for AVS techs. Is it  actually good for me if I  applied for the red trade?

When I say what percentage is remaining for an occupation, that doesn't mean it's in a shortage, it just means that's how many are still to be recruited this year.
Buck_HRA said:
You receive an overall score on the Selection List based on your CFAT/TSD and your interview (your education is embedded in the interview score). 
This is the only thing that bases you for competition on the "Selection List"

While there is a score assigned to the CFAT & TSD; although some recruiters inform the scores I'm not sure why they do as it's a percentile score.  What that means is although your base score could put you in the 90 percentile this year, the exact same base score could leave you in the 80 percentile next year.  The base scores themselves don't really mean anything in of themselves, and I wouldn't try to determine what your score was.

An old DUI will affect your background (CRNC) check; you will know long before the Selection List whether an old DUI will affect the ability to join or not.  As long as it is on your file it will come back in the CRNC, at that time a panel will sit to determine whether you should be allowed the chance to enrol in the CAF.  If the board determines that the situation surrounding your DUI is too much of a risk with the occupations you're wishing to join you will be informed of this.

When I say what percentage is remaining for an occupation, that doesn't mean it's in a shortage, it just means that's how many are still to be recruited this year.
Your informative reply is Greatly appreciated!
Just wondering if anyone has any insight as to why the CFAT has a new 5-10 buisness day wait period for results.

My friend did his test a week before me, (he didn't pass sadly) but he got his results within 3hrs of the test. When I went to take my test, after they told us there was a new processing procedure and that we would get an email within 5-10 buisness days. Any info for why this is?

He took his test Oct 2nd, and I took mine on Oct 11th


Hello, I was filling out the application for the Canadian Forces and was stuck on the education part where it wants Degree/Diploma Received. I'm currently in Uni, would I put down the degree i'm aiming for? Or would i select something like non-degree? I assume since it asks if you have graduated or not I would just put down the degree i'm going for. Lastly for CFAT scheduling, do they work out the times with you and adjust them if you need or are you set into one time that you have to make?
steveT22 said:
I was filling out the application for the Canadian Forces and was stuck on the education part where it wants Degree/Diploma Received. I'm currently in Uni, would I put down the degree i'm aiming for? Or would i select something like non-degree? I assume since it asks if you have graduated or not I would just put down the degree i'm going for.

Most of the advice I have read on here over the years is similar to this,

PMedMoe said:
Put what education you have now and then update it when necessary.

See also,

Level of education?
OP: "I'm applying online right now, but when it asks for my level of education i'm unsure of what to put."


steveT22 said:
Lastly for CFAT scheduling, do they work out the times with you and adjust them if you need or are you set into one time that you have to make?

Questions and answers regarding CFAT,

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]
90 pages.

As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of official, up to date information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."

Buck_HRA said:
You receive an overall score on the Selection List based on your CFAT/TSD and your interview (your education is embedded in the interview score). 
This is the only thing that bases you for competition on the "Selection List"

While there is a score assigned to the CFAT & TSD; although some recruiters inform the scores I'm not sure why they do as it's a percentile score.  What that means is although your base score could put you in the 90 percentile this year, the exact same base score could leave you in the 80 percentile next year.  The base scores themselves don't really mean anything in of themselves, and I wouldn't try to determine what your score was.

An old DUI will affect your background (CRNC) check; you will know long before the Selection List whether an old DUI will affect the ability to join or not.  As long as it is on your file it will come back in the CRNC, at that time a panel will sit to determine whether you should be allowed the chance to enrol in the CAF.  If the board determines that the situation surrounding your DUI is too much of a risk with the occupations you're wishing to join you will be informed of this.

When I say what percentage is remaining for an occupation, that doesn't mean it's in a shortage, it just means that's how many are still to be recruited this year.

Hey Buck,

Can you shed some light on the new ACS selection and it’s relation to the CFAT? I was told that they select you to come take the test after based on how high your CFAT score is but others have said that their file managers mentioned the CAF is prioritizing ROTP applicants.

Additionally what do you consider a high CFAT score for pilot/acso/aec trades?

hello, everyone was wondering if anyone has some information on the score or anything in the matter of maybe something to focus on for the cfat. as i write my test on monday and am hoping to be able to get the med tech trade i applied for.

thanks in advance 
Can we retake our CFAT to get a higher score, even if we already qualified for our selected trades?

I qualified for Pilot but I feel my scores might not be high enough to get in.
Got selected for the CFAT for Jan. 31, coming up soon. checked out a grade 10 math textbook in the library and had a holy crap I don't remember anything moment so def. wanna study up for this. I hear it's supposed to be easy but no point taking it for granted and then having to wait another forever to retake it.

Would be a big help having a partner for the academic study and even to hit the gym with to get ready for the PT, just reply here. Much appreciated.
overwatch said:
Hey Buck,

Can you shed some light on the new ACS selection and it’s relation to the CFAT? I was told that they select you to come take the test after based on how high your CFAT score is but others have said that their file managers mentioned the CAF is prioritizing ROTP applicants.

Additionally what do you consider a high CFAT score for pilot/acso/aec trades?


Sorry I can not shed light on that query, it's outside my knowledge base.  Actual scores of the "targets" for the CFAT are considered Protected information and I cannot give you an answer as to what is a "high score".

Tennisball said:
Can we retake our CFAT to get a higher score, even if we already qualified for our selected trades?

I qualified for Pilot but I feel my scores might not be high enough to get in.

Asked & answered: https://navy.ca/forums/threads/107773/post-1556200.html#msg1556200
Please do not double post your queries.  While there could be a delay in my response time (much of my time away is due to being at recruiting events, being on course or simply being on leave) but I will always answer.
Hey guys hope all is well

I gave the CFAT earlier in January and was told that I passed and qualified for a DEO.

I applied for Pilot and ACSO and currently undergoing medical (needed a few things from my family doctor). When I went for the Interview the Officer doing the interview said that even though my CFAT score was 'Above Average' It was still on the lower end and that It would be hard for me to compete with other officers who would be applying for the same role as me.

He mentioned that ALL officer roles are extremely competitive whether I applied for Intelligence officer, logistics, ACSO or anything and that It would be close to impossible for me to become an officer with my current CFAT Score even though I passed for DEO. He said that I can get into any NCM role and told me to consider going the NCM route.

I just wanted to know from anyone that was in recruiting whether I should stick to DEO and apply for an officer anyways or take the recruiters word and apply NCM
durran3 said:
the Officer doing the interview

I ( a non-Recruiter ) would seriously consider his advice, as he is the one who knows you, and your file, better than anyone here.

I think you should do whatever you can see yourself doing in the long run because both options pose their own challenges. I don’t think the NCM trades are the easy way out and you should do whatever you see yourself taking pride in.