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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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The sheet you recieve back will say All Trades, or Everything or the like.

And hey, you don't need 100% to see it on your page.  I did and I sure didn't get 100%
R.Jacquel said:
Ok I just got back from my recruiting centre and was given all the packages for being Infantry Reserve. This test seems WAY to easy, me and my friend actually laughed because it's way to easy. I mean is that really what the test is like or is this just like a lead down the wrong road, making people think its simple so they don't study, then get there and the test is a beast. I'm working out every day and running every day and my test won't be for another year because I'm finishing college then entering, so I know I can do the physical section of it. I'm just worried about bombing the CFAT test. So can anyone tell me if this test example is even close?

I generally over prepare myself for everything in life, and when it came time to take the CFAT, I was very glad that I had over prepared myself for this test. The sample questions on your sheets are nowhere near as difficult as the ones on the CFAT. Do not listen to the many people around here saying how the CFAT was a breeze, I qualified all trades, but I can tell you right now there was some sweat on my brow after finishing the test.

Over prepare yourself for the CFAT. What's the worst that can happen? You breeze through the test, qualifying all trades, and maybe you missed going out with your friends for a few fridays. The alternative is much worse.

I highly recommend you read the CFAT sticky thread at the top of this page, it will give you practice tests and advice that will help you pass the CFAT. I was very glad that I had done this when it came time for my test.

Best of luck!!
This may seem like dumb question but still Im curious. Can you use a calculator on the CFAT?

Well I just wondering because like you still have to know the sequence and equations and all that in order to use the calculator so you if you can use the calculator then you know how to do the math with out it. Just so I don't have to keep wrighting it out to figure them out.
Assuming your addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and problem solving are all  up to snuff  (as they should be if you graduated grade 8)

the dirty word you need to learn is

As someone who has not attended a math class in over ten years (I'm 34).  I can honestly say that this site saved my aptitude ass ;D


go get'em recruit :warstory:
Thanks alot guys I really appreciate the help and encouragement. Right now I am preping for the physical and then when I am about 2 months away from taking CFAT I will start to study for that. Again thanks alot. :cdn:

When you went to the recrutement center didn't they give you a sheet with all the internet adress, with exemple of tests??  Cause when I went they gave me a sheet with all the exemple of aptitude test given by the federal gouvement.

Here are a couple...







with all of this it schould help you through your studies for the tests...

Good luck  ;)
Today i took both the CFAT and Physical fitness test. I passed both, probably because i reviewed my math quite a bit before hand, and worked on my physical fitness. Some others on this thread have mentioned that they were told there was no need to study, and they didn't. Now some got the trade they wanted, and some didn't. I was talking to one guy that i wrote the test with before we wrote it, and i asked him if he studied. His reply, "Pff, of course not, its only an aptitude test, how hard could it be". Well just as i thought, he was the first one to get called in, and the only one to leave. All I'm trying to say, is that if you want to be a little bit ahead of the game, you might want to refresh you mind, with things such as long division, and basic math skills. Sure you might do fine if you dint....but on the other hand, you might not.

Hey gregorydewolfe ... why the hurry to join?  If your CFAT did not go well and you were deemed inexperienced and you still want to be a Log O, why not get some experience on civvy street while taking some refresher elementary math courses.  Also, I believe that besides local high schools, universities offer math upgrading to pre-year one university level.  From what I have heard from the recruiters and some Log O's in the regs, you do need some experience and a healthy CFAT score.  After a couple years with some management experience, you might have a better shot.  Also, have you tried accounting outside of an academic setting?  Maybe you should give it a chance ... I know of those who struggled mightily in university only to become CAs, CMAs, etc.  Anyway, just a thought.  I don't think there is a time restriction on getting more qualified ... if you want it bad enough, it should work, just work hard and stay positive (by the way, ever thought about seeing a career counsellor?). ;)
I read over this thread quite a bit before taking my Aptitude test.
I took some online tests mentioned in this thread and from my recruiter.

I then borrowed the 922 page GED Study guide that my sister owns to make sure i was ready for it.
I ended up not using it at all. I flipped through a few pages but got so lost and frustrated i just said forget it.

On September 1st i went into the CFRC to do my aptitude test without studying. I found it kind of hard, and wished i had gone over the study guide.

I passed the test, but not as well as i could of if i studied better. You should be sure you are going to pass with flying colours.

We then got to look at the print out of the trades that we were suitable for after taking the CFAT. I only had like 30 some odd trades available to me. I knew if i studied i could of had a larger choice available to me.
Nonetheless I got the trades i wanted so i was real happy.

One thing i should mention to anyone whos going to take it is; we had 8 guys who went into the aptitude test. After it was over 4 of those guys i never saw again. The rest of us went on to do our PT. Only half of us made it.

Be sure you are ready for the test and don't think "oh it's going to be super easy".

I was talking to 2 of the guys who failed before the test and what did they say? "Oh this will be a piece of cake". They were the first to leave.

Be sure to study!

[Just wanted to post this so others could view my own personal story and experience and also add to the support to study and be ready]

- Alex
I am just waiting to get the paperwork back from my second reference before submitting my application. However I am very nervous about the aptitude test. I did the practice test on-line http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ppc/gct_test_e.htm I only managed a 57%. Now I understand you never actually see your final test mark, just a list of possible occupations. However I need to know, should I be worried.

I recommend the practice ASVABs you can find online, I did them a few times and I qualified for all the CF trades when I did my CFAT.

Went in this morning for my CFAT, medical and interview. Well so far I have 2 out of the 3 done. I bite some hard azz when I took the CFAT (even after studying every possible aptitude test online I could find) and therefore didn't get the choice I wanted for the reserves. So now I am "stuck" with the decision of re-writing the test and probably doing just as bad on it. Or joining in as Cook or Steward. My husband doesn't want me to go navy as he is an NCIop and he's worried we wouldn't see much of one another. I guess I will end up decided on one or another after speaking with him some more and the recruiter and after I have had some time to sleep on it, as right now I am pretty bummed that I didn't get in as RMS CLK. I refuse to give up now and take that silly test again.

On the other hand, I had my medical and now sitting on my counter top is a bunch of paperwork to go to my family doctor to be signed. I have asthma (not enough to worry about but they have to cover their azzes) and the occasional headache. Other than that, I'm good to go. However my interview was delayed until he gets the paperwork back because he doesn't want me to go to the PT without this note from my doc. Apparently they ask you on the PT form if you have asthma and if checked "yes", your sent out the door and have to repay to take the test. He doesn't want me to have to repay. I know I can get a good note from my doctor.

Anyway, so I'm kinda bummed right now and pretty tired from being up since 5 am. Its now 1:15 pm and I need to find some lunch. Maybe this is when I need to be a cook so I stop burning all my food (LOL) Take care 'til next time

I just had an interesting phone call ...

From what I am told my CFAT mark meant nothing. I knew I wouldn't see my mark and I knew it doesn't really "count" towards me getting in ... just getting into the my choice selection. Well, I was informed that no matter how good or bad you do on your test, they will tell you otherwise so they can fit you into a position that needs more people. (EX:  If someone applied for artillery and had a 100% on their test, they still may not get it as they may need more people as stewards. So they will tell them that they didn't pass and this is what is provided to them.) I sure hope this is a load of sh*t! I know I didn't do very well on my test so I thought nothing of it. So now, I feel I have to take what they are offering me (which I don't mind either choice - don't get me wrong) or I have to wait it out 3 months and try again. And what happens then if I don't get in as an RMS CLK. How many times would I have to try before I can finally get in?

Does anyone know some truths to this? Thank you in advance

S. Bradbury
Island Ryhno said:
You call back whoever told you that and tell them "Yank your head out of your a$$"

I would like to think he is telling me the truth (to some degree). I don't want to think that I did suck that bad on the test that I am unfit for the one trade that I have been after for so long now. He is a good friend of mine so I am hoping he wouldn't lie to me. But I do know, that everything is only hear-say.

I'm in such a bind and I don't know what I should do? Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance

NavyGirl280 said:

I would like to think he is telling me the truth (to some degree). I don't want to think that I did suck that bad on the test that I am unfit for the one trade that I have been after for so long now. He is a good friend of mine so I am hoping he wouldn't lie to me. But I do know, that everything is only hear-say.

I'm in such a bind and I don't know what I should do? Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance


And this good friend does he work in recruiting?  If you only attained the CFAT minimum for Cook and Steward then you only made Cook and Steward, end of story.
No he doesn't work in recruiting. He has some very close friends in the office though. I'm not sure what my test marks were so I don't know if I only made "grade" for cook/steward or not. I'm thinking I am going to forfeit right now and try again in 3 months.

NavyGirl280 said:
No he doesn't work in recruiting. He has some very close friends in the office though. I'm not sure what my test marks were so I don't know if I only made "grade" for cook/steward or not. I'm thinking I am going to forfeit right now and try again in 3 months.
One more time.  If they told you that you only made Cook and Steward then you only made Cook and Steward. Good luck on your rewrite.
Hi all, I just did my CFAT this morning and got my choice of any NCM trade for Reg Force. I think the best suggestion in this thread so far would be to go to the library and get a GED book or something similar to brush up, especially if you've been out of school for a while.
Did my CFAT this morning and qualified for 2 pages worth of trades... didn't study for the test, worked the night shift before I went in, ate a couple pizza pockets for breakfast... showed up feeling like turd.

Blew the test away.

Now I'm not saying to not study, but I'm not the only one on this thread who has this sort of story... so really, all you people out there sweating bullets over this test, try to relax about it. Prepare yourself, but don't freak out.