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Canadian Military Slang

Billy~Bob said:
I'm surprised no one's brought up the 12th Rubber Boot Company yet. I've heard most of these from my old man but my Grand-dad had a few not-so-nice names about the PPCLI. The soemthing Cowboys Learning Italian with regards to them not being involved w/ D-Day.

There was something going on in Italy that need our attention at that time  ;)
Some I have picked up in my limited experience.

RTFQ - Read the F***ing question
PPCLI - Piss poor canadians lacking intelligence
RCR - Rocking chair rangers
Milverauto - Olive Drab milcots
toons - Reservists
Shart- when a fart goes bad
Dropped his a** - particular bad smelling flatulence
Sh*tBird - Slack individual
Piglets, Bacon, Ham, Oink -MP's
When they hand you your new posting orders you are FIGMO, F***  IT GOT MY ORDERS.
PMOAIG - Piss me off and I'm gone - The terms of service immediately following a 20 or 25 year contract.  ;D
adc said:
To be violently ill: "Screaming in technicolour"

I've screamed in technicolour many times

see also;
technicolour yawn, bowing to the porcelain queen, using the porcelain phone, calling Ralph, the visible hiccup
AMcLeod said:
I've screamed in technicolour many times

see also;
technicolour yawn, bowing to the porcelain queen, using the porcelain phone, calling Ralph, the visible hiccup

None of which are really considered "Forces Slang".

Many have had Dry Heaves, and asked the Cabbie if he had room for Six Beer and a Pizza, but those are just more of many 'generic' terms.
BCD - Better Class Drinker
BCD - Better Class Drunk
BCD - Been Caught Drinking

BCD 53 - British Canteen Depot 53, also Unit Number Designation during WW2. Apparently liquor destined for the British canteen was mistakenly delivered to our unit and subsequently vanished overnight. (ie. British Soldier: Is this BCD 53?  BCD Soldier: Why yes it is.) Long stood believed reasons for the above names. (I did pay some attention during those unit history lectures)

Mo' Tank - Iltis, MILCOTS or AVGP
MILCOTS - Military Commercial Off The Shelf
Crunchie - Infantry (Sound they make being run over)
Axle Grease - See Crunchie
Blue Rocket - Port o' Potty (Surprised I haven't seen that one yet)
Rubber Lady - Old Issue Inflatable Air Mattress

GIB - Guy in Back - Usually the FNG that no one knows the name to. Example of Usage: "Release the GIB"
MTSC - Militia Training Support Centre (Now TSC (or TSS depending on who you talk to))
MTSC - Must Train Some Candidates
MTSC - Man This Sucks Centre
TSC - Training Support Company
TSC - This Sucks Centre
TSS - Training Support Squadron
TSS - This Sucks Squadron
WATC NAZI - Standards
WATC NAZI HQ - Standards Cell Office
PAT Platoon - Personnel Awaiting Training Platoon
PAT Platoon - Party and Tardy Platoon
PAT Battalion - PAT Platoon over Platoon Strength
PAR Platoon - Personnel Awaiting Release Platoon
PAR Platoon - Party and Retirement Platoon

And the new one thanks to the relaxed entrance requirements for physical fitness.

FAT Platoon - Fitness and Training Platoon - Personnel not able to complete CF Express Test on start of BMQ. Paid $2300 +/ month to get in shape.
FAT Platoon - Fat Ass Trainee Platoon

I knew all this UFI would come in useful sometime.
Reccesoldier said:
PMOAIG - Piss me off and I'm gone - The terms of service immediately following a 20 or 25 year contract.  ;D

Also Refered to as the 30-30 Plan. 30 minutes to Piss me off 30 days to release. (or something to that effect)
I refer to that as the 1 & 30 plan.  One person to piss you off and 30 days to freedom.
Maclimius said:
Crunchie - Infantry (Sound they make being run over)

Waaaaay back when the term gravel cruncher or gravel crusher (used interchangeably) referred to the infantry in general.  It was based on the infantry's proclivity to do drill when there was nothing much else to occupy the time.

Little known factoid: there are words to The RCR regimental march which include: "We're chrushing the gravel again today ..."

Maclimius said:
I knew all this UFI would come in useful sometime.

Ditto; I just didn't know how long I would have to keep it all hidden away!
SWAT- Some weekends and Thursdays- Reserve work schedule
SAS- Saturdays and Sundays- see above
Rentals- reserves
Tango Hotel-  Tim Hortons- Used on the radio to throw off higher ups as in " we will be making a personal drop to tango hotel"
BOHICA- bend over here it comes again.
DND- delegate and disappear
SNAFU: Situation Normal All F*#@!ed Up

Baby Doc: Newly enrolled medical officer

Duff: Navy term for dessert

Sangies:  Sandwiches

Black Cadillacs: Combat boots

Birth control glasses: Gas mask glasses  AKA Granny glasses

Turtling: Troop that starts to lean forward on ruckmarch
After 15 pages and all the REPEATS, no one has mentioned:

SALY - Same As Last Year

We have also missed:

Disneyland on the Rideau - NDHQ
rmacqueen said:
SSF - Saturdays and Sundays F***ed

If I remember correctly, you posted that back on page 9.

That would mean that you have "Aluminium Mess Tin Syndrome" - AMTS
George Wallace said:
If I remember correctly, you posted that back on page 9.

That would mean that you have "Aluminium Mess Tin Syndrome" - AMTS
Mmmm, especially when you warm up the pre-cooked bacon in them.

Did I mention what SSF stands for?
How about  'the passion killers' ; referring to old army green nylon like boxer shorts with the +1 inch waist band? Usually had to be worn (if worn) up to your naval and came just above your knees. Try wearing just those when trying to get some from your better half: hence the name 'passion killers'  ;D .
Surprised no one mentioned "Bloggins"...

...the generic last name of a troop, usually the butt of an embarrassing story, joke, training analogy, or any other time you need a generic name for something.


"gong" = medal