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Canadian Police Memorial in Ottawa/ Pub night

I'm only 18!!!  :'(
Can it be on the other side of the river?  ;)
Maybe next year gentlemen!!! Have fun!  :cheers:
Poppa said:
You really don't want a Lt messing about with maps now do you?  ;D

I'll get someone to read it for me.  ;)  As long as there is no drill..... :-X
Was talking to a buddy of mine here in Ottawa last night.  He is restaurant/bar owner here in Ottawa  - Grace O'Malley's East & West, and Pier 21 down in the market (as well as Grace O'Malley's in Toronto). 

He says he will be happy to give a discount to any military or police types who are going to arrange a get-together in Ottawa.  I think it might be somewhere around 15% on food & drinks.  Pier 21 is down in the Byward market, good maritime bands, and smokin'-hot waitresses.

As for me I think I'm going to be in the field that weekend which is a bit of a bummer - I think it would be really awesome to meet you guys.

Anyhow, just some food for thought and for future reference.  If you guys are interested in switching venues (or for the next time there is going to be a pub night), let me know the details and I can make the arrangements.

Hunter out.

Edited because of my big fat fingers mashing multiple keys at the same time
Need the address to this place guys (if were still going to the original location).  Are there reservations??  Im not wearing a freakin "hi, my name is" sticker! 
Darcy MacGee's is at the Spark's Street mall and Confederation Square.  There will be reservations.
Takin care of it tomorrow..
It will be for 1900. It will be at darcy's.
Corner of Sparks st and Elgin, right across from the National War Memorial.
Jeez, then this comes up just a bit too early in the day to get to it.  >:(


I'd love to be at something like that!
ya, that would be something to see for sure!  T minus 3 days and counting!!!...................

Man, this will be my first memorial on the hill and already, im being warned about the dead brain cells due to alcohol consumption!!!

At least i'll know some people there.  Couple guys from Chatham Kent Police and a few meatheads.....oh, and you guys too......... :salute:
Go hard on Friday.  Saturday is a bit more low key, since we have to be on parade and be "respectable" for Sunday morning.
I just heard this morning on CFRA that the Ottawa Police Association has purchased over 1000 red t-shirts and golf shirts from the Support the Troops people, and they have another singificant quantity on order.  The Police Associations will be selling them at events Friday and Saturday if you guys are interested in picking some.

It looks like a bit of rain is forecast for the weekend, but rain or shine Ottawa is a great city and I hope you all have a great time here.
We got dumped on last year too.  Being cold and wet is the least that we can endure to pay our respects. 
As long as the bloody Police Choir doesn't take advantage of the captive audience like they did last year.  They had plastic poncho's on and were under a canopy.  We were in the middle of the field in 8 degree steady rain. 
If it was bagpipes?  No problem.  I could be out there all day.  Even some good Baptist gospel-style music would have been nice.  But seven dreary-ass choral songs in a row gets a bit tedious, especially when you are holding a flag. 

FYI, if anyone is going to the memorial, look for the Sûreté du Québec colour party.  For three years in a row they have refused to fly the Candian flag, and only bring the Quebec flag and their departmental flag.  :threat:

So here's the 411. D'arcy's will not accept reservations for a Friday night...no pub will. D'arcy's is also pretty busy with it's free mussel feed and all of the political/news hacks drinking their worries away at the time we (I) proposed 1830ish.
So being the clever guy I am I have an alternate COA.

Lieutenants Pump on Elgin.

Good beer, food, waitresses, no reservations accepted either but after a quick phone call and personal experience it's not that crowded at that time. It will get busy later on with all sorts of comely lasses. And if we have no luck with the ladies BBJ will still be wearing his kilt right?  ;)

So let me know what everyone thinks.
Keep it clean please
Poppa said:
And if we have no luck with the ladies BBJ will still be wearing his kilt right?  ;)

Ummm, if it gets that bad I reckon the Palm sisters will be available.  No offense, BBJ.  I'm sure your sporran is like no other.  ;D
Ok..the masses have spoken. Kinda. The Pump it is.
And to prove what a swell guy I am I volunteer to go right after work at the Q get a seat and personally test all the Stella in the place to make sure it's fit for human consumption. That being said, I'll meet everyone who's anyone there at 1830ish.
Will I need to come up with some sort of recognition signal?
Maybe a small CF ensign on the table?...Kinda lame ???

Open to ideas