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Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

For anyone who is still checking this thread, Psyche evals are done, BPSO interview is on Tuesday morning. One step closer to selection.
Feet :cdn:
For anyone who might have read my last post, especially painswessex, disregard. Had a temporary lapse in good judgement. My apologies to all. Thanks to AM for bringing it to my attention.
Feet. I owe you 25. :pushup:
Too bad thats just the DIN site, no action yet on the public site.
Two stories in the Ottawa Citizen today--second lengthy.

Creating Canada's new Commandos: Elite fighting regiment will soon be ready for 'all sorts of scenarios'

Riding with Canada's Commandos: At an undisclosed location in southern British Columbia, members of the Canadian Special Operations Regiment are about to take flight -- literally. In less than a month, the unit, based in Petawawa, will be ready for its initial operations as part of Canada's plan to boost the size of its special forces. But not everyone is convinced we can do it.


I am not sure where to post this, However if it is in the wrong thread please move it and if it has been posted before, I am sorry.
I found this article very interesting and thought I would share.

Can't pick it up on the internet, must go to the DIN to read it. Sounds like they're recruiting now for the next course now that the first serial is complete. Perhaps they will use some of thier newly minted "operators" as recruiting personnel.
I was talking to one of the guys in Pet via the phone number in the CANFORGEN and he told me that messages for the next serial will be out before x-mas and the next serial will run FEB/MAR 2007. So people should know if they are going soon. Also a good chance that the next course will not be held in Pet, but the SGT could not give me any details. You know how it is.  Just a reminder to anyone who has applied that the express test for the CSOR is only valid for 6 months. So if you need to redo it, do so before the 24 of November. That's all I have for now. Good luck to any one who is waiting for a message. Hope to see you there.
Feet :cdn:
Hey there, just finished my PT tests last week for CSOR. Next up BPSO stuff. I'm off to Wainwright for a month ex, bringing my kettlebells with me for training, anyone got any suggestions for training between now and February? Guess I'm just going to do a lot of cardio, body weight stuff, but if anyone has an idea of what we should be training, please pass it on, as due to Operational Tempo, I really have to use my time left wisely. I got 9 on the run, 45 pushups, 50+ situps, 9 pullups, and did the march in 2h 12min. So any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Diverchick  >:D
Hey looking for someone to PM me the sheet with up to level 4 for the CSOR PT testing.I had a copy but seemed to misplace it.
I think that there is a copy of that PT Testing booklet at the base gym in G'town.
Ask the PSP people, they should be able to help
Army News article: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/6_1_1_1.asp?id=1298
After reading right through this tread I actually thought up questions that was somehow not asked.If say a naval tradesman applies for cat 1 and passes.After 3 years he/she wants to go into the regular infantry.Would this member have to do infantry battle school?

Also from a leadership perspective would a CSS tradesman be promoted from Cpl to Mcpl in the unit with only a PLQ land qualification? Where infantry do a different MOD 6. I understand that the unit is different in some aspects but I thought I put it out there for discussion.

Also to get promoted would you still have to go do your trade specific courses I.E armd mcpl would have to go do his patrol commanders course with the rest of his armoured peers to get promoted within CSOR.

099* said:
After reading right through this tread I actually thought up questions that was somehow not asked.If say a naval tradesman applies for cat 1 and passes.After 3 years he/she wants to go into the regular infantry.Would this member have to do infantry battle school?

Also from a leadership perspective would a CSS tradesman be promoted from Cpl to Mcpl in the unit with only a PLQ land qualification? Where infantry do a different MOD 6. I understand that the unit is different in some aspects but I thought I put it out there for discussion.

Also to get promoted would you still have to go do your trade specific courses I.E armd mcpl would have to go do his patrol commanders course with the rest of his armoured peers to get promoted within CSOR.


questions along this vein were asked at the info session I attended. The basic answer to these sorts of question were, there are no definetive answers yet as they are still sorting things out, and that they would cross that bridge if and when those situation arose.
My best guesses on what I hear about the unit...
099* said:
After reading right through this tread I actually thought up questions that was somehow not asked.If say a naval tradesman applies for cat 1 and passes.After 3 years he/she wants to go into the regular infantry.Would this member have to do infantry battle school?
Yes, but he'd have a breeze doing it.
Also from a leadership perspective would a CSS tradesman be promoted from Cpl to Mcpl in the unit with only a PLQ land qualification? Where infantry do a different MOD 6. I understand that the unit is different in some aspects but I thought I put it out there for discussion.
Like any other trade as long as you have your trade qualification for MCpl, you do not absolutely need a PLQ to be promoted to MCpl. Remember acting lacking...?
Also to get promoted would you still have to go do your trade specific courses I.E armd mcpl would have to go do his patrol commanders course with the rest of his armoured peers to get promoted within CSOR.
So far all career courses for your specific trade need to be complete before you are promoted to the next rank level. So to answer your question Yes, an Armour MCpl would need to complete his 6A (or DP3A, or whatever it is...) to be promoted to Sgt in the unit. Same as the infantry need to do thier DP3B to be promoted to WO.
I heard that the upcoming CSOR course is possibly being post-poned. Apparently Ottawa is thinking of re-evaluating the 'role' of CSOR. Has anyone else heard anything to this extent?