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Canadians in Kandahar fire shots in self-defence

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I'd rather go on court martial then be scrapped into a plastic bag any day of the week.
"I'd rather go on court martial then be scrapped into a plastic bag any day of the week"

Rather be Judged by 12 than be carried by 6. :salute:

I wouldn't be surprised if next time its 40 MG rounds into the drivers compartment, as apposed to 4 into the block

McTeer  :bullet:
Personnly i would of preferred the carl g,but hey that's just me. :bullet: ;)
B.McTeer said:
I wouldn't be surprised if next time its 40 MG rounds into the drivers compartment, as apposed to 4 into the block

bubba said:
Personnly i would of preferred the carl g,but hey that's just me. :bullet: ;)

That would be a violation of both the ROEs and the Law of Armed Conflict (use of "reasonable force")

Now here Gentlemen, are two prime example of the attitude trained out of us before we go overseas...

and hence, why we Canadian soldiers do this better then anyone else in the world.
They should have killed him, if they were within their ROEs to shoot the veh, they were within their ROEs to shoot the driver.

Now there is a guy out there who;

1) Knows the sequence of events that leads up to deadly force.
2) Has lost his cab (livelihood) and undoutedly bears some animosity towards the coalition.
3) Is sharing this info with ALOT of other people, not all of them good.

"If you must injure a man, do it brutally, so you need not fear his revenge" - Machiavelli
1)  "the sequence of events that leads up to deadly force" isn't exactly top-secret stuff.  The baddies already know it.
2)  Better a guy who's lost his cab than a mother who's lost a son, a wife who's lost a husband, and a child who's lost a father.
3)  See #1

I hope I never end up on a tour with you...
They should have killed him, if they were within their ROEs to shoot the veh, they were within their ROEs to shoot the driver.

How does this follow? From a purely practical standpoint, a moving vehicle with a dead driver is more of a danger to bystanders than a non-moving vehicle.

On the other hand, There does need to be due diligence done with this kind of thing. First, the local populace should have been made well aware  through the efforts of the CIMIC cell that following too closely to military vehicles is verbotten, there should be clear indications on the vehicle stating the same, in all reasonable local languages. If the driver was illiterate, then the soldier should know how to verbally indicate this fact to the driver. If all these steps have been taken and the driver still insists on approaching, then of course we go from there.

The Americans in Iraq establish, through propaganda posters, a common set of hand signals that a soldier can give to drivers, i.e. "stop" "move away" "you are too close" etc. So the soldier can make a reasonable effort to signal the dirver before opening fire. I hear it works most of the time.
Britney Spears said:
The Americans in Iraq establish, through propaganda posters, a common set of hand signals that a soldier can give to drivers, i.e. "stop" "move away" "you are too close" etc. So the soldier can make a reasonable effort to signal the dirver before opening fire. I hear it works most of the time.
they do the same in A-stan, which leads me to believe that this guy was deliberately testing us. Has a familiar feel to it.
bubba said:
HEY Armymedic it was a joke see the winking face.

Ah, the joys of written communications...

you mean in as a joke, I use it as an example of a statement not so uncommonly stated during training.

Now if I were a reporter who reported your statement as part of a related news story, how would it be percieved by the public?

(yes, I am being holier than thou)
4rds from a C6 is a very brief warning - if buddy pegged the throttle he woudl have gotten 40 to redecorate the cabs interior.

I fail to see why it made news though.

Secondly GO!!! is correct - they where within their right to tap the driver. 
I know other who feel the PC thing to do is:
1) Shots infront of the vehicle
2) Shots to the side
3) Shots into the engine

For whats its worth its the gunners call, I am not going to second guess him - its a moment in time that only he had access to. 

48 Highlander I would rather be on tour with Go or any other soldier who will engage the ENEMY without hesitation as opposed to you who seems to take offence to killing OUR enemies. Are you sure you're in the infantry? ;)
I don't aim for the legs. I don't aim for the tires. Center of visible mass in this case equals the vehicle's cab. If you're gonna shoot, shoot to kill. 
First things first:

1)  Let's not get into a discussion of ROE that can bring up OPSEC issues.

2)  Let's save the "I'm a bigger soldier than you" stuff for later guys, seriously.

Now, regarding the issue at hand - I agree with GO!!!, paracowboy and Kevin (especially the part about not second guessing).

Watch this to see what guys are playing with and why there may not be time to play the PC way (and dig Hadji's "Fuck America" tunes as well)

:o Wow. I stand by what i said about 40 MG rounds into the driver compartment
2 Cdo said:
48 Highlander I would rather be on tour with Go or any other soldier who will engage the ENEMY without hesitation as opposed to you who seems to take offence to killing OUR enemies. Are you sure you're in the infantry? ;)

I don't know man, I mean, yeah, Taxi drivers can be kinda annoying, but do we really wanna start thinking of them as our enemy?  Just because they drive like assholes and don't want to take Visa doesn't mean they're evil.

If you want to play the game that way, how 'bout giving our cops the right to empty a mag into any car that doesn't immediately pull over for them?
48th, I won't even get into the fact that you obviously don't know the area, don't know the ROE's, and don't know what some of these fanatics method of operation is. (Can you say car-bomb?) To compare them to cab drivers here only shows your ignorance of the situation over there.

By the way, I have been over there 2002 with 3 PPCLI, for what it's worth.
Going back to the original story, it was a van that tried to overtake the convoy.  Watching the link to the VBIED that I put up earlier, I'd say that the van driver got off lucky.  Don't bother throwing a "taxi driver" curve ball into the story.
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