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Carrying non military issue knives

I spent 26 yrs in the CF, the first 15 in the Infantry. I always carried a knife but I found that as I grew older and wiser the knife got smaller and more practical.  ;)
I finally settled on my Gerber and a Spyderco Endura for all of my related cutting tasks and carried both for the last 11 years of my CF career and still do when I'm stomping around in the bush.
Jim Seggie said:
This is the one knife I carry.

If Seggie carries that M-16 knife (be it in combat or prying dashboards out in car fires) then its good enough for you...who ever the OP was.
Rogo said:
If Seggie carries that M-16 knife (be it in combat or prying dashboards out in car fires) then its good enough for you...who ever the OP was.

The Berber multi tool did that. I didn't have that knife at the time.
Ah, well point still stands in a way.  If you carry it now then it must be worth its weight.
0ttoDestruct carries one of these, a Morakniv Clipper. It's a phenomenal blade. I have a Grohman #4 but I've switched to carrying this, and plan to pick up a good folder (CRKT likely) at some point, just haven't gotten around to it, as something just to keep in my pocket. I have a classic Swiss Army knife that I've had since I was 13, I may just stick with that too.

I first started using a CRKT as my rope wrench almost ten years ago. I still have that knife and it goes everywhere with me. Good kit from CRKT.
We didn't get to use a knife in BMQ in St. Jean, had to cut string to tie hoochies with bic razors...actually kind of reminded me of the Cadet Leader Course where the same thing happened...only we were children then.

I used a marlin spike generally more than any knife (other than a kitchen knife) works better than using an old fork for untying knots

Mine was blue and black, it really is a great knife comes with folding marlin spike and shackel key.

The Victorinox Swiss Army Rescue tool has a very solid blade, seatbelt cutter and wind shield breaker

The standard issue sea knife looks like this but crappyer http://www.ragweedforge.com/bushcraft-signal.jpg

These blades are popular on board ship, even harder to find are the issued versions kicking around (issued knives have a stock code or some kind of number on it).

For those that were crazy enough to jump out of a perfectly good airplane
Actually one of the most useful knives I ever owned is like the Marlin Spike. It was ancient when my dad had it. It is a spike but one side has an edge ground into it. It is just a little pocket knife with most of the blade ground off. We used to call them bokers. I think my dad told me it was a really popular design at the turn of the century. Holds and edge better than many of the high tech looking crap that gets sold now. I think it was made in Solingen before any of us were born. It looks like it wouldn't be useful but if I'm not thinking self defense or needing to slice bread(MRE pb and j, yum) it is my most used and versatile knife .

I like an overthick, slightly oversized tactical folder. I like knives that feel like they have pry bar sturdyness. I tend to mistreat them like a red headed stepchild.
Get Nautical said:
We didn't get to use a knife in BMQ in St. Jean, had to cut string to tie hoochies with bic razors...actually kind of reminded me of the Cadet Leader Course where the same thing happened...only we were children then.

I used a marlin spike generally more than any knife (other than a kitchen knife) works better than using an old fork for untying knots

Mine was blue and black, it really is a great knife comes with folding marlin spike and shackel key.

The Victorinox Swiss Army Rescue tool has a very solid blade, seatbelt cutter and wind shield breaker

The standard issue sea knife looks like this but crappyer http://www.ragweedforge.com/bushcraft-signal.jpg

These blades are popular on board ship, even harder to find are the issued versions kicking around (issued knives have a stock code or some kind of number on it).

For those that were crazy enough to jump out of a perfectly good airplane

I rarely get pedantic, but windshields need a saw, it would take some effort just to break one. You're likely thinking of a carbide flail or spring loaded punch for taking out tempered glass. The way we take windshields is to ram a small hole and then saw it out. This is due to the construction of the windshield.

In my cargo pockets I carry an all in one tool: hose spanner, storz key, gas cock wrench, med gas cock wrench, doorstop, seatbelt cutter, window breaker. Folds into something about the size of brass knuckles, maybe a little bigger. Best 40 bucks I have ever spent and it's been used hundreds of times.
Scott said:
In my cargo pockets I carry an all in one tool: hose spanner, storz key, gas **** wrench, med gas **** wrench, doorstop, seatbelt cutter, window breaker. Folds into something about the size of brass knuckles, maybe a little bigger. Best 40 bucks I have ever spent and it's been used hundreds of times.
Sounds interesting.  What is the brand name and where did you get it from?

I've just purchased a CRKT Knife on ebay.  The price was far cheaper than it would cost me here in Canada. 
It's called a Res-Q-Rench and it's made by Task Force Tips (a personal favourite of mine)


It's more bulky than a brass folding spanner but it has all of the features listed plus it'll crank open foam containers in a big hurry if you know what you're doing. Mine has been in service since 2000 and has done just about everything it's designed for and quite a number of things it hasn't been designed for. It also managed to fix a pooched posh air shutoff on an Osh Kosh during the Kelowna fires, thus saving our truck from burning, and it's pried an educator apart when it became gummed up with FFFP.

20 bucks? Screaming deal for such a valuable tool.

I carry more tools on an off again/on again basis but I end up getting pissed off at them and drifting 'em in a corner.
I can't seem to find my Gerber, and Trail Shop in Halifax didn't have the CRKT knife I wanted in stock, but they did have the very nifty ZillaTool Jr.


So I picked one of those up. nice and light.
This is my CRKT. KISS is right. http://www.crkt.com/KISS A little bit of 550 cord and it just hangs off my harness or stays in a pocket.
recceguy said:
I was issued one of these. I have to admit, I don't use it much anymore.

This style of knife, found in my great uncles fishing kit, (was a Stoker Petty Officer in the RCN during the War) had his service number and name stamped or punched on it)



All BMQ students should buy this green beret knife


Grimaldus said:
All BMQ students should buy this green beret knife



And carry it exclusively between their teeth.