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Cbt Team Comd Handbook



Does anyone have an electronic copy of the Combat Team Commanders Handbook?


I don't, but it might be on the Tactics School Website on the DIN.

New, not the same thing, but might help.

Did an NDID search for B-GL-301-002/FP-002

Interim 1 Supp 1 CTC Handbook 13 Feb 87

No luck.

Sadly, the Cbt Tm Comd's Handbook (Interim) is no longer an "official" document.  It was superseded by a combination of 3 different publications, the primary one being the combined USOP/TAM (with arms-specific inserts).  The intent of the USOP/TAM was to standardize both unit and sub-unit level TTPs across the Army.  The Cbt Tm Comd's Handbook was deemed to be "outdated" as some of the content  was inconsistent with the information contained in the newer USOP/TAM. 

The amplifying publication which deals specifically with combat team TTPs is B-GL-321/006 "Combat Team Operations", as already pointed out.  This pam is merely a reformatted and "formalized" version of the Combat Team TTPs manual that was developed and refined by the Tactics School (based on direct feedback from field units) back in 1999.  Cbt Tm Ops remains extant as a pub, but its content is quite limited in contrast to the comprehensive nature of the former Cbt Tm Comd's Handbook.  Furthermore, Cbt Tm Ops was developed prior to fielding of the LAV 3 APC.  As a result, Cbt Tm Ops does not take into account the specific capabilities (eg. firepower, STANO) and limitations (eg. mobility) of the newer APC.  The general Cbt Tm drills remain valid (and are still taught), however they will continue to lose relevance as the last of the MBT-based direct-fire and obstacle-breaching capability is "replaced" by the MGS and missile-based DF "system of systems".  My understanding is that 321-006 will be retained as an extant pub in the event that future Canadian TFs find themselves working alongside coalition MBTs.  This would be a wise move.  There is no point "throwing the baby out with the bath water" and completely abandoning proven TTPs just because our nationally-unique flavour of the day is for an entirely wheeled and lightly-armoured fleet.....

The third extant pub that I referred to above is B-GL-321-007 "LAV Company Tactics".  This document is the most recent of the bunch, and details the recommended employment of the LAV 3 sub-unit in both combined-arms and stand-alone ops.  Unfortunately, it is a rather "LAV 3-centric" document, and does not provide much detail regarding the specifics of combined-arms TTPs.

Draft "Combined Arms Team" (CAT) TTPs are currently being developed by DAD and the LdSH(RC) DFSU to reflect emerging doctrine for combined-arms operations based on the LAV 3 APC, the DF "system of systems", Cbt Engineer LAV, and the associated capabilities and limitations of the wheeled fleet (eg. non-existent mechanical breaching capability).  These TTPs are being field-trialled and refined by the LdSH(RC) during a series of exercises extending into the Fall of 2005.  The CAT-level trial is either ongoing, or has just wrapped up in Wainwright.  I have an electronic copy of the Draft CAT TTPs that I have assisted in developing, but am reluctant to disseminate them to DIN recipients as they remain in the early stages and have yet to be validated/refined. 

As a aside, if you have DIN access and an interest in emerging doctrine you may find the following web address to be useful:  http://lfdts.army.mil.ca/dglcd/files/    These are "working files" where you will find the latest developments from the Light Forces Working Group, the DFS field trials, Force Structure Working Groups (eg. proposed CR/TF compositions), etc. 


Mark C