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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

You have to wonder where the whole "hey lets go vandalize stuff" enters the thought process...let alone "hey lets go vandalize war vets graves!"

I hate people slimy beings.
Honestly, wtf is wrong with some people?
I literally cannot comprehend why people would do something like that. I mean sure hey every now and then people get into destructive moods, right, but what gives them the idea to go and smash up stuff like that? Grrr, I hope they understand the significance of what they have done and get their comeuppance sometime soon.
While not mentioned in the story, the cemetery is off a secondary road in a grove of trees and is not much larger than a section position. It would be relatively easy for some scum suckers to enjoy themselves desecrating graves with little chance of being caught. Let's hope one of them dropped a wallet or a credit card receipt.

On another issue, the story has the most accurate description of the Queen's Scarf I have read in the Citizen. Hopefully the days of the breathless, VC and Bar story are over.
R933ex said:
Bunch of Freaking A$%#$  >:( 

Where can I send my $2 to help the  folks who are going to have to repair this.

Gatineau Valley Historical Society:

Gatineau Valley Historical Society
Box 1803
Chelsea, QC
J9B 1A1.

Tel: (819) 827-4432.

Their website is here:  http://outaouais.quebecheritageweb.com/societies_details.aspx?societyId=23 or here: http://www.gvhs.ca/

I haven't contacted them yet, but I intend to.

Unfortunately, it's an example of how much "respect" there is in our society. And also, even the price it will cost to repair everything, will never truly replace the original resting place. It's also unfortunate, that no matter what people like this will never truly be sorry for thier actions and they will never change.

If the things that done this are found, charge and found guity ( we must follow the law)  a good public flogging!!  Then they go to Stan where they can example to the troops why they did it! ( then you can find a ditch  for them to sit in)! Just one thing get the cat o'nine tails in the bag of salt now! The line forms on the right  behind me to use the cat!!!
What I would like to say about this is not aloud to be said on here, you all can probally guess what it is.  >:(
Sorry to bring back a old tread.However I searched the site and found nothing in reference to the follow up on this story.


Charge dropped for man who urinated on National War Memorial.

A Quebec man who relieved himself on the National War Memorial last Canada Day got a reprieve Tuesday after the Crown withdrew the mischief charge against him.

Stephen Fernandes wrote a public letter of apology, did more than 50 hours of community service at the Veteran's Hospital in Montreal, donated $200 to charity and is very remorseful, his lawyer, Steven Greenberg, said later.

"He was extremely intoxicated at the time this happened and in fact he just didn't even know where he was," Greenberg said. "So the message it [the Crown decision] sends is that I guess everybody is entitled to a second chance."

Veterans were outraged after a retired Canadian Forces major photographed the 23-year-old from Dorval, Que., urinating on the National War Memorial last year.

Fernandes turned himself in after his photograph was posted on the Ottawa Police website. Two teens caught committing a similar offence were not charged.

A Winnipeg man was sentenced last August to 60 days in jail for urinating on the war memorial in Sudbury, Ont.

I personally think this man has paid for his crime. I hope this has proved a good lesson for him and perhaps put him in touch with vetarans and others whom he previously had no regard for. Hopefully this has made a better citizen out of him :cdn:
I personally think this man has paid for his crime. I hope this has proved a good lesson for him and perhaps put him in touch with vetarans and others whom he previously had no regard for. Hopefully this has made a better citizen out of him :cdn:
+1 there.
NOW, the NDP get upset!  Cough-cough-( political opportunism )-cough-cough...

Shared with the usual disclaimer...

Ont. politician calls for AG's apology over alleged war memorial urination
Canadian Press, via Canada.com, 14 Feb 07
Article link

TORONTO (CP) - Ontario's attorney general should be ashamed that a man accused of urinating on the National War Memorial had a mischief charge dropped, a provincial opposition politician said Wednesday in calling for a public apology.

The decision to drop a charge against Stephen Fernandes, a Montreal resident who was 23 years old when he was photographed along with two teens urinating on the memorial in Ottawa, is outrageous and has angered Canadians, said New Democrat Peter Kormos.

The pictures caused a national uproar, leading to calls from the Royal Canadian Legion and other veterans' groups for the government to post a military guard at the monument.

"The Crown attorney should've been asking for jail time, instead the attorney general's ministry gives this guy a free ticket out of jail," Kormos said. "The attorney general should be ashamed of himself."

Kormos is demanding a public apology from Ontario Attorney General Michael Bryant.

Fernandes's claim that he was too drunk to know what he was doing is ridiculous, added Kormos.

"I've been to the war memorial in Ottawa (and) I'm sorry, I don't care how drunk you are, you can't fail to understand that this is a very significant place for Canadians," he said.

"Drunk or not, you don't desecrate public monuments."

Fernandes's lawyer, Steven Greenberg, said Tuesday that his client is "extremely happy" to put the incident behind him.

Fernandes has completed 50 hours of community service at a veterans' home and has expressed his remorse in writing, Greenberg added.

The two teens did not face criminal charges because they agreed to formally apologize and to participate in community service.

While its good that he made apologies, both written and in address made, he's worked with a Vets hospital and donate $200 to charity, it still doesn't excuse him from his crime and disgusting behavior.  Now was a chance to set a well publicized precedent that the monument is not a gutter or a pile of trash.  I'm from Ottawa so I see people all the time drop cigarette butts around it, spit their gum out, and when I saw the photo of that got waving while he peed I was very angry. 

This guy should have a criminal charge against him.
Law & Order said:
While its good that he made apologies, both written and in address made, he's worked with a Vets hospital and donate $200 to charity, it still doesn't excuse him from his crime and disgusting behavior.  Now was a chance to set a well publicized precedent that the monument is not a gutter or a pile of trash.  I'm from Ottawa so I see people all the time drop cigarette butts around it, spit their gum out, and when I saw the photo of that got waving while he peed I was very angry. 

This guy should have a criminal charge against him.

....and that would teach him what that he hasn't already learned?
....and that would teach him what that he hasn't already learned?

What has he really learned?That 50 hours of volunteer work,a donation,and a apology letter gets you out of jail.I have to say I am not surprised.I was charged with mischief as a teenager and got away with an apology letter and probation under the young offenders act.

Kind of pointless to argue what he should have gotten,what you would make him do.What he got is just that.Hopefully if nothing else no one would EVEN THINK of doing this again due to the high media coverage of the case.No one wants to be known for something like this IMHO.
FWIW, I think that the whole incident should be treated as a wake up call to look after our monument & tomb of the unknown soldier ,  FOREVER MORE.

What is done is done (and can't be undone)

Now..... what are they / we going to do to make sure this does not happen in the future?  Have heard a lot of talk - but as of yet, no action....
Now was a chance to set a well publicized precedent that the monument is not a gutter or a pile of trash.

Too much publicity and fan fare over it and every dumbass with some kinda point to prove against war will (mistakenly) stop up to our monuments and take it out on them.
I'm with IHS et al on this one.

Anyone else want their intoxicated activities documented on the 11 O'Clock news?  I'm sure the padre can recall a line or two about throwing stones.
Funny how the NDP feels that urinating on the monument is unacceptable but holding a left leaning political demonstration on the another monument is ok. Thank God they aren't running this country.

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