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CFB Cold Lake Thread- Merged

Many civilians are of the opinion think or beleive military pers get "free" housing and don't pay taxes.
Made the front page of the Sun.  :nod:


Quirky said:
I don't even pay half that in the coldest months, something is seriously wrong with that Q if heating costs are that high. Either way, yes heating and overall PMQ costs are atrocious and the overall situation on base is affecting operation capability. But who cares this is the norm for Canada right?  ::)

I don't understand that either and assume he is talking both utilities combined. I just looked at my electric and gas bills for December, a very cold month, and they were $90 and $115 respectively. That is setting the heat at about 18 which I find is comfortable enough to wear shorts in my duplex Q up in Mackenzie.

However for the last 4 years I have utilized the budget equal payment plan and all year long the monthly bills for each have never been above $80. Makes it much easier to deal with. As far as Q rent, my 1 1/2 storey with garage was 695 when I arrived in May 2008. As of April 1 it will be 940. (992 with the water, sewer, and garbage fee)
Halifax Tar said:
I really don't know what can be done if his CoC wanted admin or discipline action. 

I know if I was him I would understand I just fired huge salvo at employer and have upped the ante.  If I was him I would continue to talk to the press, it's about the only thing he has.  He has to hope public compassion will keep him free from correcting measures.

Alas ERC is right... This will only last until The new news buds in.

He's not allowed to talk to the press anymore. His wife on the other hand...
I don't understand that either and assume he is talking both utilities combined. I just looked at my electric and gas bills for December, a very cold month, and they were $90 and $115 respectively. That is setting the heat at about 18 which I find is comfortable enough to wear shorts in my duplex Q up in Mackenzie.

I paid Enmax $311 for my last bill. I average $300 a month to them. 1234 sq ft house in Calgary.

Jan 12, 2014, Last Updated: 1:51 AM ET

CALGARY - Charges will likely result for an active soldier with a family who spoke up about his inability to keep up with his bills on base in Cold Lake, sources tell QMI Agency.

Cpl. Darenn Tremblay, a 25-year-old from Jonquière, Que., who’s been posted to CFB Cold Lake for the past 21/2 years, has been instructed by his commanders not to speak to media anymore.

There hasn’t been a penalty handed down yet but sources said he will likely be charged, although it is not yet known what charge he could face.
Halifax Tar said:
I really don't know what can be done if his CoC wanted admin or discipline action.

agc said:
Jan 12, 2014, Last Updated: 1:51 AM ET

CALGARY - Charges will likely result for an active soldier with a family who spoke up about his inability to keep up with his bills on base in Cold Lake, sources tell QMI Agency.

Cpl. Darenn Tremblay, a 25-year-old from Jonquière, Que., who’s been posted to CFB Cold Lake for the past 21/2 years, has been instructed by his commanders not to speak to media anymore.

There hasn’t been a penalty handed down yet but sources said he will likely be charged, although it is not yet known what charge he could face.

CAVEAT:  we only have the word of "unnamed sources" here.  That said, we'll see 1) if it happens, and if so, 2)  what charges are laid, and 3) whether it sticks.
This is the 'blood in the water' that always draws the MSM sharks into a feeding frenzy.

Hopefully, they'll drag this whole mess out into the daylight.
milnews.ca said:
..... 2) what charges are laid, and 3) whether it sticks.
2)  Busking. 
3)  He'll likely be let off with a caution because he wasn't at the more irritating end of the busking scale -- mime or making balloon animals.  ;D
Journeyman said:
2)  Busking. 
3)  He'll likely be let off with a caution because he wasn't at the more irritating end of the busking scale -- mime or making balloon animals.  ;D
Or, heaven forbid, a mime making balloon animals  :o
recceguy said:
This is the 'blood in the water' that always draws the MSM sharks into a feeding frenzy.

Hopefully, they'll drag this whole mess out into the daylight.

I agree, and I hope it works.
We have to remember here that the CF only has so much control over pay, allowances and PMQ rents. PLD is a Treasury Board governed item, and rent increases are managed through CFHA and mandated by TB to reflect fair market value. That being said, here's the rules regarding PMQ rents:

Based on a Treasury Board Secretariat directive, a charge of up to 25% of gross household income for DND housing (excluding costs for parking, fuel and utilities) is considered acceptable. Where the shelter charge exceeds 25% of gross household income (including the Post Living Differential (PLD)), the occupant may apply with CFHA to have the rent reduced to the 25% limit. Applications for rent reduction must be submitted annually and provide the necessary details to substantiate the gross household income level.

That seems pretty reasonable when you consider that most banks won't grant a mortgage that exceeds 33% of gross family income.

I don't know what the PMQ rent is for the member in question, but there's more to the story here I suspect.
Just like we can "apply" if you take a huge loss on your house, so whatever government entity can deny it.

DND is not solely at fault here, but there is a leadership failure at some higher levels for not putting pressure on TBS sooner before this hit critical mass in the form of some poor Cpl willing to make himself a martyr so the milking of CF pers at Cold Lake will stop.
PuckChaser said:
DND is not solely at fault here, but there is a leadership failure at some higher levels for not putting pressure on TBS sooner before this hit critical mass in the form of some poor Cpl willing to make himself a martyr

You must be that really rare Sigs Sgt who sits in on the various meetings between "senior leadership" and TBS to know that a) nothing is being done, b) the "senior leadership" doesn't care about Cpl Snuffy, and has said so, c) that there are no conflicting demands within the ongoing relationship between DND and TBS that demand a never ending series of compromises, d) that leaders at all levels are not doing their honest best to alleviate the situation in a rational, defensible and sustainable way that does not jeopardise a host of allowances, benefits, compensation, and even capability.

so the milking of CF pers at Cold Lake will stop.

Milking?  Really?  By whom, and to what end?  As you have already heard, CFHA loses money.  A Cpl makes more than the average Canadian salary, and makes budget choices every day, just the taxpayer who pays his salary (and makes less than the Cpl).  Explain this milking to me again?
Now Calgary has picked it up on their front page. Lets hope this gets trickled into the national scene.  :nod:


I would like to know what is parked in his driveway.

Anyone else want to know?
Jim Seggie said:
I would like to know what is parked in his driveway.

Anyone else want to know?

I have been wondering if he made enough busking in Edmonton to cover the cost of travel to and from there.
George Wallace said:
I have been wondering if he made enough busking in Edmonton to cover the cost of travel to and from there.

It made the Edmonton paper, but it happened here in Cold Lake.