Good old talk about PMQ's. In Kingston, we had a 1050 sq ft 2bdrm duplex. We paid $650/month, plus hydro was about $60-70 per month, plus the water of $15 (I think?)... then there came the gas bill :

If it werent for the Equal Billing Payment plan, in the winter we would have been paying $230-$290 for heat for our tiny duplex. All because of the lovely 1/2" gap between the door in our backyard, and the doorframe, and the gaps from the window's as well. Needless to say in the summer, we got spiders, mosquitos,ants, earwigs, everything coming in from back there. The draft was terrible as well. Not to mention we had a closet that was growing mould very quicly a few months after we moved in, and it took 2 months for CFHA to come in and look at it.Within those two months they just told us to wash the walls with bleach, they refused to come over and look at it. They never did until we called Ottawa about it, then the next day an inspector showed up and he was horrified that we had more mould on the wall, then the white paint. They had to tear down the jiprock and all, and Preventive Medicine said it was due to poor insulation. Yet, cfha had the nerve to try to make us pay for this (almost $1000) when the PMed Officer said it was not our fault. The bill went up the chain of command, only to come back down saying we were not responsible due to what PMed said. Then the day of our move, our housing manager came to our door yet again, and told us to give us the money or she would not seize our rent. So, after talking to the CO the day our movers were there, we paid it and filed a greivance (still waiting to get the $$ back).
So, needless to say we will never move back into a PMQ. Its not worth the hassle of what they try to make you responsible for, plus the price of a house that hasnt been maintained , plus the utilities that suffer because of the lack of maintnance, it wasnt worth the $900+ we were paying in total per month. We would have moved, but on a Ocdt pay the $$ dont just pop out of nowhere to pay all the costs for moving.
Just thought Id put in our horrid CFHA experience here.