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CFMG and SQ courses

Any trades posted to Gagetown, an Army enviornment, are being sent on SQs here. Some of my Pte's/Cpls had it before reporting for work and some didn't. Those that haven't yet had it are currently on it (with Medics/RMS/Sigs/RCRs etc) and more are slated for SQs in the new year. This course is akin to the 'Air Force Indoctrination course' (which I did when posted to the AF) and the 'Sea Enviornmental' course that I did when I got posted to Halifax. The SQ course is not dependant upon your trade or the colour of uniform you wear, but rather is dependant upon whether you are/will serve on an Army base. It seems to be becoming the norm here in Gagetown, and the lists of pers on Base of any trade without the qual are rapidly shrinking. 
I have had a number of ptes posted in since I arrived here in Gagetown 2 years ago none have gone on SQ in Gagetown since arrival and few even have SQ from prior to getting here. 
Kirsten Luomala said:
I have had a number of ptes posted in since I arrived here in Gagetown 2 years ago none have gone on SQ in Gagetown since arrival and few even have SQ from prior to getting here.  
Well, if they're in Gagetown I'd wager it's coming. The zero trades have priority for the courses but for the past 2 that have been run, they have topped up with the other trades on base without the qual. There is at least one medic on the current SQ (not yet posted to a Base) who may be coming your way after completion. We have been advised at Supply to expect all our non-qualified pers to be departing on SQ courses over the next couple of years, as it is becoming the new "Land Enviornmental/LLQ" standard for anyone serving with the army. 2RCR also just ran an SQ on behalf of LFAA TC in an attempt to get more people out there this qualification. This course is quickly ramping up.
Actually, a couple of years ago, the policy came out that all personnel, regardless of Element, if Posted to a Land Base would do the Cbt Arms JLC and Jr NCO Crse.  I am not surprised to hear that it also pertains to the SQ Crse.
Armymedic said:
Med Techs are not Army...

Reg F Med Tech are not "required" to do SQ course. CFMSS send a number on courses over the last couple years to fill thier time during PAT.

This info is also confirmed first hand with 4 Ptes I have working with me last week. 1 did SQ while on PAT, the remainder did not.

Fair enough, i was not sure which command was  the managing authority for med tech .

That being said, the last breif i got from the sr nco's who went to AMOR was this:

All MOC's for which land force command was the managing authority were required to do SQ, regardless of individual DEU assignment.
All personel, regardless of DEU assignment, who were  going to be employed in LFC units were to get SQ
aesop081 said:
All MOC's for which land force command was the managing authority were required to do SQ, regardless of individual DEU assignment.
All personel, regardless of DEU assignment, who were  going to be employed in LFC units were to get SQ
This is also what I have been told, except that it was going to be a requirement for all personnel who are employed in a posn supporting Land Ops; therefore I assume it will also be applicaple to the Medics serving with Health Services in posns on Army Bases supporting Land Ops.
Oh the confusion of it all... ???

I have heard similar info ref the SQ courses here in Petawawa as well. Exact info: anyone who is posted into Pet after July 2002 regardless of element will have to do SQ. I have not yet heard any indication that Med Techs are required to do this training. But I will attempt to confirm with Tng later this week.

I will believe it all when there is 1 CFH pers on SQ here.

aesop081 said:
Fair enough, i was not sure which command was  the managing authority for med tech .
All personel, regardless of DEU assignment, who were  going to be employed in LFC units were to get SQ

We fall under ADM Hr-Mil, which means medical pers are not LFC, Navy or Air Force.
Armymedic said:
We fall under ADM Hr-Mil, which means medical pers are not LFC, Navy or Air Force.


now, since 2 FD Amb is an LFC unit, i can see being required to do SQ as a med tech.  Would this apply to 1 CFH ?  Is 1 CFH an LFC unit ?

If all pers posted to petawawa are to do SQ, what about 427 THS ?  Air force MOCs are neither managed by LFC or employed in LFC units .....
I suspect that with the new Command structure, ie Atlantic Command, this will all become very muddled. Possibly, an Army Base will actually be considered an Army base under whichever command, and all pers serving in it will be treated in the same manner/require the same pre-requisites/fitness tests/common standards without belonging to 'someone else.' I personally have found that the denigration of the CF into sub-commands of commands has done little to improve communication or standards. Perhaps the new command structure will address that and no-body will be left out in their own world, but rather bring back all elements of one Base into the large Team that it should be.
aesop081 said:
now, since 2 FD Amb is an LFC unit, i can see being required to do SQ as a med tech.   Would this apply to 1 CFH ?   Is 1 CFH an LFC unit ?

Ah, but as mentioned, we are not LFC, we are OPCOM (or is it OPCON, I am so confused   ???) to 2 Brigade.

But I can see that as well and IMHO more army training is not a bad thing, just will make us better at our job. As for 1 CFH, they support the army, they do very similar things (DART, Operations foriegn and domestic) as those in the Brigde med units...so are they under those same direction as well? I am just speculating. Perhaps someone like Gunner98 could clarify the C2 relationships.

Like I said earlier I am not 100% sure, and have not heard anything to the effect that we would have to put people on the course.

So it appears to me the answer to the title question is:


Armymedic said:
So it appears to me the answer to the title question is:
Ahhh. +1  The clearest answer yet, and probably the most accurate as well!!  :)
Armymedic said:
So it appears to me the answer to the title question is:



I know we have done this subject to death but the last few posts  create an interesting discussion on who should get the SQ course and when.

IMHO this isnt much of an issue for combat arms trades but on the "purple trade" side, you could, conceivably have someone never working for the army, get promoted to MWO and posted to an army field unit.  Will we send senior ranks to SQ ?  How well would it go over ?  In the same breath, is it time/resource effective putting someone trough SQ based soley on his/her MOC ?
aesop081 said:
IMHO this isnt much of an issue for combat arms trades but on the "purple trade" side, you could, conceivably have someone never working for the army, get promoted to MWO and posted to an army field unit.  Will we send senior ranks to SQ ?  How well would it go over ?  In the same breath, is it time/resource effective putting someone trough SQ based soley on his/her MOC ?
Sit: Early nineties Petawawa:
The LLQ course became the common standard. Those of us with the LET qual were not required to complete LLQ and were grandfathered. Pers lacking the LET qual had to attend LLQ.
Occurance: Us Cpl/MCpl with the LET qualification were instructing our SGT/WOs on their LLQs.  Imagine that. Can you see why the LLQ didn't last? :o
armyvern said:
Sit: Early nineties Petawawa:
The LLQ course became the common standard. Those of us with the LET qual were not required to complete LLQ and were grandfathered. Pers lacking the LET qual had to attend LLQ.
Occurance: Us Cpl/MCpl with the LET qualification were instructing our SGT/WOs on their LLQs.  Imagine that. :o


We mix juniors and very seniors on the aircrew side routinely as pers switch from one aircraft to another.  Having been in both the army and the airfroce, i found the attitudes/culture to be different when it comes to that.  In my MOC, a MCpl can be in charge of an MWO.  You will have course where there are 5 cpls and a CWO....Not sure if it would go over well in the army to have 32 privates and 1 CWO as students together on course ( living in the same shacks) ....thoughts ?
aesop081 said:

We mix juniors and very seniors on the aircrew side routinely as pers switch from one aircraft to another.   Having been in both the army and the airfroce, i found the attitudes/culture to be different when it comes to that.   In my MOC, a MCpl can be in charge of an MWO.   You will have course where there are 5 cpls and a CWO....Not sure if it would go over well in the army to have 32 privates and 1 CWO as students together on course ( living in the same shacks) ....thoughts ?
Don't see it happening on the Army side as that it one of the reasons the LLQ eventually fell by the way-side.

We also had regular 'Bosses Nights' in the Air Force (8 Wg Trenton) during my time there where everyone was crammed into the Jr ranks Mess for an evening of partying/socializing, but I've yet to see anything remotely similar occur here in Gagetown. I've heard that it would result in too much pokey chest being played, but had to laugh, as I witnessed enough of that occuring at the AF boss' nights to. Seems kind of funny that each enviornment thinks it's different, but when it gets right down to it...the same stuff occurs when all ranks are thrown together outside of regular working hours.  :)
Armymedic said:
Ah, but as mentioned, we are not LFC, we are OPCOM (or is it OPCON, I am so confused   ???)

I believe it is OPCON.

In OPCON they can ask us to suck eggs but not tell us how to do it.

In OPCOM they tell us how to suck the egg.

AAt leastthat is my understanding of the relationship.

We can take this further, they can ask us for field support but can not tell us what courses we need to provide that support. eg SQ.

I, like you, bleieve there is no such thing as too much training or eexperience. There is nothing that burns me more than someone turning down training because "I'm a (medic, airforce, navy, sup tec etc) and so I don't have to do that"

my .02

I have merged the two threads on Medics taking the SQ course into one new thread under a simplified subject.
I've also added the subject to the medical index.

