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Chopper shot down, crew executed....

Stirling N6123

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I am at a complete loss for words today after viewing the video of the chopper shot down over the skies of Iraq. The aftermath of which is the most disturbing. I regret that morbid curiosity has caught the best of me and I am very upset at the way the surviving  crewmember was put to death. Again, my being upset will at some point turn to anger as the thought of these animals conducting these types of executions are becoming the norm.

I know there is allot of discussion on the reasons for the conflict, should the US have gone in, should they not have. Have the US opened Pandora's box sorta speak with the removal of Saddam. Who knows, hindsight is 20/20, and who am I to criticize.

All I know is that my earlier comment of calling these people animals is indicating some sort of respect on some low level. The  :-X that comes out of my dogs arse has more respect than those who execute a person in that fashion.

Just my 2 cents, and I needed to vent.
Not entirely sure what your talking about but I hope given the chance if I have to go I take a whole lot of them with me and die terriorist suicide (similar to cop suicide) then to be tortured and executed.

BAGHDAD, Iraq â “ Insurgents brought down a Russian-made helicopter carrying 11 civilians with missile fire north of the capital Thursday and said they captured and shot to death the lone crew member who survived. The dead from the crash included six American bodyguards for U.S. diplomats.

The chartered flight was believed to be the first civilian aircraft shot down in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion two years ago.

An Internet statement by a group identifying itself as the Islamic Army in Iraq was accompanied by a video showing the repeated shooting of a man who was found in tall grass and forced to stand up and walk. The video showed burning wreckage just before the shooting.

"One of the crew members was captured and killed," the statement said.

The man who was shot to death in a grassy field spoke English with an accent and was wearing a blue flight suit, indicating he was one of the three Bulgarian crew members. Two Fijian helicopter security guards were also on board the flight.

The video also showed two charred bodies near the burning wreckage, about 12 miles north of Baghdad.

The authenticity of the video, posted on a Web forum often used by militant groups, could not be confirmed. A U.S. Embassy official in Baghdad said he had no knowledge that anyone on board survived the crash and was killed later.

The Mi-8 helicopter was shot out of the air as growing numbers of contractors, diplomats and other civilian officials are turning to aircraft to avoid insurgent attacks on Iraq's roads.

Elsewhere in Iraq, two U.S. Marines were killed Wednesday by a roadside bomb in Ramadi, west of the capital, the military said. The attack was followed by more explosions and gunfire Thursday in Ramadi and Baghdad that killed at least five people, including two foreign civilians.

The six Americans on board the downed helicpter were employed by Blackwater Security Consulting â “ a subsidiary of North Carolina-based security contractor Blackwater USA, which had four employees slain and mutilated by insurgents in Fallujah a year ago.

The Americans were assisting the Bureau of Diplomatic Security in protecting U.S. diplomats in Iraq.

"They played a critical role in our effort to bring a better way of life to the people of a country who have not experienced freedom and opportunity for many years," State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said.

The Islamic Army statement said it killed the survivor "in revenge for the Muslims who have been killed in cold blood in the mosques of tireless Fallujah before the eyes of the world and on television screens, without anyone condemning them." It was apparently referring to the shooting by an American soldier of a wounded Iraqi in a Fallujah mosque on Nov. 13 during a U.S. offensive in the city.

In the video, militants come across the injured man in the flight suit. "Stand up! Stand up!" an insurgent orders the man, who reaches out and says "Give me a hand."

Then, apparently referring to a fractured leg, he says "It's broken."

The militants â “ unseen except in brief glances â “ tell him to stand up. "Weapons? Weapons?" the gunmen ask him in Arabic as he stands uneasily.

They tell him, "Go!", and he starts to hobble away with his back to the camera. Then there are voices and he turns to the side, holding up a hand. Then the shooting began, bullets hitting his body as he fell backward into the grass. The insurgents can be heard shouting "Allahu akbar," or "God is great," as he went down. More bursts of gunfire then hit the body.

Ereli, who spoke before the video was posted, said he could not confirm the cause of the crash.

However, the Bulgarian Defense Ministry said the helicopter was struck by missile fire.

The aircraft was owned by Heli Air of Bulgaria and chartered by Toronto-based SkyLink Aviation Inc. It was flying to Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit from Baghdad's heavily guarded Green Zone, home to Iraq's parliament and many diplomats.

Ereli said the U.S. government routinely hires contractors to provide security for diplomats, facilities or the activities of people connected with the government.

"There is a need for security that goes beyond what employees of the U.S. government can provide and we go to private companies to offer that," Ereli said. "That's a common practice. It's not unique to Iraq. We do it around the world."

Thursday's helicopter crash was thought to be the first shootdown of a civilian aircraft in Iraq since the invasion in March 2003.

On Nov. 22, 2003, a plane operated by the global delivery service DHL was struck by a shoulder-fired missile near Baghdad and forced to make an emergency landing with its wing aflame. The three crew members were unhurt.

It was not the first time Blackwater workers have died in Iraq.

On March 13, two American security contractors working for Blackwater Security â “ a subsidiary of Blackwater USA â “ were killed and a third was wounded in a roadside bombing south of Baghdad on the main road to Hillah.

Last year, four Blackwater employees were killed in Fallujah, 40 miles west of Baghdad, and their bodies were burned and mutilated. Two of the corpses were hanged from a bridge over the Euphrates River. The deaths touched off a U.S. Marine assault on insurgents in the city.

This week has seen an increase in insurgent attacks, especially in the capital.

On Thursday, a roadside bomb exploded on the highway leading to Baghdad's airport, severely damaging three SUVs carrying civilians. Police Capt. Hamid Ali said two foreigners were killed and three were wounded. U.S. Embassy and military officials could not confirm the casualties.

In Ramadi, a roadside bomb wounded one soldier in a U.S. convoy. Another American soldier fired his machine gun at a suspected Iraqi ambush site, killing a female Iraqi civilian, U.S. officials said in a statement. Soldiers found an electronic device near the woman that may have been used to trigger the explosion, the statement said.

Hours later, gunfire erupted downtown, and an Associated Press photographer saw the body of a young boy in a street near three smoldering cars.

Sporadic gunfire continued for about two hours, said the photographer, Bilal Hussein. When it subsided, Iraqis pulled the charred body of an adult from one of the burned cars, Hussein said. It was not clear how the two were killed.
I saw that video, it's brutal. They didn't air the actual shooting of the wounded, guy stopping the tape right before it, but it was still sad.

All i can say is pussies.


The People you call animals are Humans just like us. BUT its the The Type of Training they received in Military or Civil Life . .  & Religious Belief.

The Reason we are in there is because to try to Change there Attitude But First I must say i don't agree the way the U.S.A did it there are many other ways to take over a country especially in the Middle East & Africa.

insofar as the Killing well thats all part & parcel of what they believe in.

I was in The WW2 & seen a lot of action Covert & you name it i don't never admit how we had to Kill people but i don't need no lessons to & how to Kill as If i had to get to a destination or Eliminate some one well it was crude but nobody talks about it but i have to live with the past & i Will;l tell you it not very good. Yes i have Post Traumatic Stress . Yes i am being Treated in fact i help a few people from the Present Conflicts & passed one . But i tell you its not easy .

So what i am saying is done get to Exited about these type of Killings is almost Normal. But i think its Bad taste to show it on Public Broadcasting But again its not worse then some of these Electronic games around . :rage:

I don't think we will ever stop all the violence in this war as the politics is to involved in Religious Belief & HATE>

                                            My 2 cents & Change


Why the big toothed grin?   I'd say thats just as tasteless as airing these things which in another war were called propaganda.
Lady From Hell said:
i don't agree the way the U.S.A did it there are many other ways to take over a country especially in the Middle East & Africa.

Got any other suggestions?

Lady From Hell said:
I was in The WW2 & seen a lot of action Covert & you name it i don't never admit how we had to Kill people but i don't need no lessons to & how to Kill as If i had to get to a destination or Eliminate some one well it was crude but nobody talks about it but i have to live with the past & i Will;l tell you it not very good. Yes i have Post Traumatic Stress . Yes i am being Treated in fact i help a few people from the Present Conflicts & passed one . But i tell you its not easy .

I don't think any one thinks it would be easy, just out of curiousity where did you serve and with whom, or is the covert info classified? You must be a very elderly lady from hell.
killing military personelle is one thing. Civilians is another.

I've seen the copter video and i have seen some beheading videos.

Anybody who can cut an innocent civilians head off with a pocket knife and not think twice about it is not a human being.

Karma will come to them

So what i am saying is done get to Exited about these type of Killings is almost Normal.

With respect to your experience, i still couldn't disagree more.

Don't get excited about an unarmed, wounded civilian who just survived a helicopter crash being murdered for show?  
It's almost normal?
Maybe for a cold blooded murderer.

Showing real life human beings being killed on TV is less gruesome than violence on video games?

No way.
With all condolences to his family, any death is senseless so naturally that goes without saying.

What I actually found to be sickest about this was how they told him to run and shot him in the back as he probably thought he was being given a reprieve. Apart from that....

I see people saying things like "Total wars a B" when we're talking about Iraqi Civilian Casualties. The fact that insurgents are hitting us with a total war should condition us to expect civilian casulties on our side, after all we are probably inflicting the same to them.

As I said, what is sick about this is the way he was executed (in the back, thinking he was getting away) the fact that he was executed at all should be something we should start getting used to because it's going to happen again and again but to pretend that we are any better, or were any better is funny at best..
With my very limited historical knowledge this is something that has happened in all wars to this point in all times and is something that has happened on both sides, so why should we expect to be treated any differently when it happens to us?

I think I'm coming across alot more callous and cold then I actually am, but every time one of these movies comes out the whole world goes into an uproar but when you think about how many civilians over there are probably dying alone in a basement at the hands of insurgents it's hard to tremble indignation at this and serves only to make good soldiers act on impulse and make silly mistakes...like videotaping or photographing things.
I was in The WW2 & seen a lot of action Covert & you name it

Lady From Hell

I'm having a real hard time with the background you say you have...Would you care to give us some proof please. You can PM me if you don't want it posted for all to see.

There is a BIG difference between killing unarmed noncombatants (the flight crew) and killing armed enemies - but these worthless POS have no honour and know no code other than BS Hatred in the name of perverted religion.   The fact that is goes on day in and day out does nothing to mitigate this.  

LFH, I would understand that someone of your professed background and age should not write, or at least not type like a 16yr old school child so...


If Im wrong sue me.
Che said:
I see people saying things like "Total wars a B" when we're talking about Iraqi Civilian Casualties. The fact that insurgents are hitting us with a total war should condition us to expect civilian casulties on our side, after all we are probably inflicting the same to them.

I have to agree. With all sincere condolences to the victims and families, acts like this are the nature of beast. I'm not sure flying private security personnel around Iraq makes the flight crew 'noncombatant' - civilian maybe, but they're definitely involved.

That said, the perpetrators and their comrades should be hunted down and treated to whatever form of justice seems appropriate.

What I find most remarkable is the coverage that this is receiving and the way the insurgents seem to be playing this up. A Bulgarian civilian helicopter was shot down - how is that a dramatic tactical victory? Little Big Horn was a tactical victory for the Natives. The Argentinians sinking the 'Atlantic Conveyor' in the Falklands was a tactical victory. Bringing down Blackhawks in Mogadishu was a serious blow. Shooting down a civilian Bulgarian helicopter? That was simply the softest target available. Was it front page news everytime the Vietnamese brought down a US Huey?

If anything, I think this demonstrates (1) how weak the insurgents actually are and (2) the power and importance of playing the media.

I suppose, in somuch as the goal of the insurgents is the cessation of ALL western involvement in Iraq, it is tangible progress. Whether this goal will garner much support from the Iraqi populace is another question entirely.
Enfield, I have to agree.

It does demonstrate how week they are. Democracy has gone ahead despite best efforts to railroad it. It would seem the only weapon the insurgents have is the video camera. Not to take away from the pain and anguish of the victims families. In some way, I think it works against the insurgents. Me as a Canadian, I have no interest in that country as far as family or financial, but it sure as heck makes me want the US to stay the coarse. It makes me want the Iraqi government to stand up and become free and strong.

It makes me want these murderers to be brought to justice, whatever form that justice takes. You can draw your own conclusion to that.
Enfield said:
(2) the power and importance of playing the media.

I think that's an especially important factor. As much as we may not see how this helps the insurgents, PR wise, I can't help but think that there's a segment of the Iraqi population (probably primarily Sunni in persuasion) that receives this type of news well.

Above all else, it's a focoist insurgency and as such it employs the tactics appropriate thereto - that means committing acts of terror to influence the populous and provoke over-reactions from the enemy (thus further influencing the population), attacking any personnel or resources in aid of the enemy (civilian or not), and avoiding pitched battles until the very last stages (amongst other things). While I don't mean to sound cold because I do, honestly, deplore such acts as this, it's the nature of the beast - insurgency can't operate on the same moral, Geneva-Convention-type level as traditional warfare and so wherever you have insurgency, you're going to have acts such as this as par for the course - be it in France, Algeria, Cuba, S.Vietnam, N.Ireland, or wherever.
Lady From heck said:

The People you call animals are Humans just like us. BUT its the The Type of Training they received in Military or Civil Life . .    & Religious Belief.

The Reason we are in there is because to try to Change there Attitude But First I must say i don't agree the way the U.S.A did it there are many other ways to take over a country especially in the Middle East & Africa.

insofar as the Killing well thats all part & parcel of what they believe in.

I was in The WW2 & seen a lot of action Covert & you name it i don't never admit how we had to Kill people but i don't need no lessons to & how to Kill as If i had to get to a destination or Eliminate some one well it was crude but nobody talks about it but i have to live with the past & i Will;l tell you it not very good. Yes i have Post Traumatic Stress . Yes i am being Treated in fact i help a few people from the Present Conflicts & passed one . But i tell you its not easy .

So what i am saying is done get to Exited about these type of Killings is almost Normal. But i think its Bad taste to show it on Public Broadcasting But again its not worse then some of these Electronic games around . :rage:

I don't think we will ever stop all the violence in this war as the politics is to involved in Religious Belief & HATE>

                                            My 2 cents & Change


:boring: :boring: :boring: :boring: :boring: :boring: :boring: :boring: :boring: :boring: :boring: :boring: :boring:

Aren't they cute?

I would love to see some of these misunderstood insurgent arseholes shot and killed on TV on a regular basis.
Apollo13 said:
The People you call animals are Humans just like us

:o That's a real intelligent statement.

psstt...umm, it's kinda true, really....they were homo sapiens....

With respect to the other posts, is there really anything to "debate" here?
I figured it to be an animal with a small amount of intelligence. Not an intelligent human acting like an animal.

True, no debate.