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Class Action Suit against NVC & "Govt has no obligation to soldiers"

Interesting article:

The Veterans: What happened to the honour of the parliamentarians?

Posted by Ujjal Dosanjh on Thursday, 16 June 2016

Veterans! we sent them to wars and they happily risked their lives for us. As I write these lines some of our soldiers, veterans of tomorrow, are in the battlefield in Iraq, in harms' way. There they are doing what we have asked them to do: help destroy the genocidal ISIS.

As our soldiers stand on guard for us in Iraq and the government is considering despatching more of them to Europe, their comrades are being forced to do battle by our newly elected government in a court of law. Unfortunately the new government has resumed the fight the previous government had started with them but from which it had later retreated prior to the last election.

More at LINK
milnews.ca said:
If "the team" says "go ahead with don't stop the litigation, and don't crank out the pensions yet", no individual player would be able to say different publicly (no matter what colour the team jerseys are) unless they were prepared to leave the team.

If a cabinet minister was upset enough over the issue to resign in protest, that WOULD send a significant signal - but what are the chances of that happening? 

"Those in cabinet who publicly disagree with cabinet-government's direction, one pace forward - MARCH."  :crickets:
Not really looking for a public response but if they can't be forced to remember the responsibility they were entrusted with as Officers and that some of these people were friends, subordinates, and members of the same family,  they might have a little more fire in their bellies at the next caucus meeting.
Somewhat off topic but correct me if I'm wrong.  It was under the conservatives that Vet pension when from monthly payments to a lump sum correct?
I ask because I got a letter from Cheryl Gallant saying I need to support the conservatives in order to change the single pension payout that the liberals are responsible for.
Jarnhamar said:
Somewhat off topic but correct me if I'm wrong.  It was under the conservatives that Vet pension when from monthly payments to a lump sum correct?
I ask because I got a letter from Cheryl Gallant saying I need to support the conservatives in order to change the single pension payout that the liberals are responsible for.

All parties voted for the NVC but it was tabled and passed under the Martin (liberal) government. It was a liberal initiative, nobody elses.
Jarnhamar said:
Somewhat off topic but correct me if I'm wrong.  It was under the conservatives that Vet pension when from monthly payments to a lump sum correct?
I ask because I got a letter from Cheryl Gallant saying I need to support the conservatives in order to change the single pension payout that the liberals are responsible for.

It was the perfect poison pill. The Liberals had a good idea that their government was stale dated. They managed this legislation in such a way as to trap both opposition parties prior to a general election. It was also offside, in that the rules changed while we had CF members getting shot at. That the Conservatives didn't change things for the better during their tenure is certainly their albatross.
recceguy said:
All parties voted for the NVC but it was tabled and passed under the Martin (liberal) government. It was a liberal initiative, nobody elses.
And it didn't get fixed when it could have, did it?  ;)
ModlrMike said:
That the Conservatives didn't change things for the better during their tenure is certainly their albatross.
Jarnhamar said:
Somewhat off topic but correct me if I'm wrong.  It was under the conservatives that Vet pension when from monthly payments to a lump sum correct?
I ask because I got a letter from Cheryl Gallant saying I need to support the conservatives in order to change the single pension payout that the liberals are responsible for.

Is that just the MP saying that or the Conservative party saying it? Either way I don't buy a pension payment from any party. Sure the liberals will probably bring something that might look like a pension but I somehow think it will be something that still saves money.
Legal documents that have been submitted.

milnews.ca said:
Also keep in mind the Member for Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke has a ... less-than-stellar track record of grasping details about how things work - more examples here.
AhAh,  so she was kind of being honest.  Still I have zero faith that what she was saying would happen (Conservatives reversing the ruling).  If it wasn't for the liberals take on guns I probably would have voted for my local liberal or NDP MP to spite her.  Or even a pineapple.

But ya little late in the game for those reelection tricks.
Wonder how all this (lawsuit stuff)  makes the ABC crowd feel.
I'm hearing the vets scored a victory in court today just waiting on an official source.

This makes me scratch my head tho. Sacred obligation when there fighting there isn't one?

OTTAWA, June 17, 2016 /CNW/ - The Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement:

"In last year's election campaign, we promised Canadians a government that would uphold our sacred obligation to Veterans. That promise was reiterated in my mandate letter and I remain committed to it.

"We have a mandate to serve Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans and their families, and I can tell you in no uncertain terms that I believe it is my responsibility as Canada's Minister of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of all Canadians, to make sure their service to Canada is recognized and honoured.

"To me, that means we work to provide Veterans and their families with the best benefits and services we can. We have made great strides in doing just that. You need look no further than what our Government has done to increase the Disability Award, expand access to the Permanent Impairment Allowance, provide injured Veterans with 90 percent of their pre-release salary, and the list goes on.

"It means that we treat each and every Veteran with care, compassion and respect. It means that we help every Veteran and his or her family make the sometimes difficult transition from military to civilian life. It means that we honour every Veteran's service in a meaningful way. That is my job. And, make no mistake, I consider the work we do to be part of a sacred obligation to Canada's Veterans and their families. We clearly recognize that obligation to Veterans and the Prime Minister said exactly that in his mandate letter.

"We delivered on $5.6 billion in financial security in Budget 2016 and will continue delivering on each item outlined by the Prime Minister in his mandate letter, including the option for lifelong pensions for injured Veterans."

VANCOUVER – A group of severely wounded military veterans has notched a victory in its years-long battle for better benefits from the Canadian government.

A British Columbia Appeal Court judge says the court will consider whether to take into account contradictions between the Liberal government’s current position on what it owes modern-day veterans and promises the party made during last year’s election.

The court will also consider whether to look at the Trudeau government’s decision to adopt a stance against the veterans that was initially held by the Conservative government, before it was dropped in response to a public backlash.

Don Sorochan, the lawyer representing the veterans, said outside the court that politicians can’t go around making promises they don’t keep when it comes to constitutional obligations around its so-called sacred covenant with soldiers.

Sorochan also noted that the federal government shouldn’t be allowed to adopt a position it previously discarded, especially after passing a unanimous resolution affirming Canada’s duty to its veterans.

The class-action lawsuit argues that modern-day soldiers are discriminated against compared with those who fought in earlier wars and that they should receive comparable compensation.

Bit more info..

June 17, 2016 Legal Update-Donald J. Sorochan, QC, Counsel, Miller Thomson
Veteran Class Action Case - Update on the Court of Appeal Case Management Conference [MTDMS-Legal.FID4863103]
By way of an update as to what happened at the Court of Appeal Case Management Conference that took place this morning before Mr. Justice Groberman, the presiding justice of the Court of Appeal panel hearing the appeal.
I would point out that the Minister frequently states that the Veterans are taking him to court on long-standing litigation. In fact, this appeal is the appeal of the Government from their loss before the Supreme Court of British Columbia on their motion to dismiss.
The Court did not agree with the submissions of counsel for the Attorney General that judgment should be rendered by the Court of Appeal based upon the arguments raised in December of 2014.
The Court ordered that all of the materials and that the Respondent Veterans and the Attorney General have put before the Court for the purposed of the Case Management Conference will be considered by the full panel of the Court. The submissions of the Respondents that the Government ought not be permitted to resile from its commitments in the settlement (Abeyance Agreement) and as raised in our materials was characterized by Mr. Justice Groberman as an abuse of process argument, although we had not used that term in our materials.
Mr. Justice Groberman advised the parties that the panel will consider all of the materials filed (e. g. recent statements of politicians) and will deliver a reserved judgment. He advised the parties that because there are a number of judgments currently on reserve, judgment should not be expected until after the summer recess.
Donald J. Sorochan, QC
Miller Thomson LLP

Teager said:
I'm hearing the vets scored a victory in court today just waiting on an official source.

This makes me scratch my head tho. Sacred obligation when there fighting there isn't one?

And here's the Minister's statement attached, in case the previous link doesn't work for you - or in case the statement eventually disappears.


“To me, that means we work to provide Veterans and their families with the best benefits and services we can. We have made great strides in doing just that. You need look no further than what our Government has done to increase the Disability Award, expand access to the Permanent Impairment Allowance, provide injured Veterans with 90 percent of their pre-release salary, and the list goes on.

All things he's saying they've done. Has anyone seen any proof of it?

Blowing smoke up everyone's ass since lying in the election.
Hehr is playing pretty desperate damage control on this, but without enough alacrity that anyone's really buying it.

I've been saying from the start and will maintain that expecting a pension option restoration for budget 2016 was not realistic. But that would have been easy to articulate if they came out and said, simply, "yup, absolutely it's gotta happen and we're working on it. We could not do a proper job in our first four months of government; we will have a real proposal in time for next year's budget and will let the veterans community decide if we have it right for budget 2017." Instead they've stepped on their crank with golf shoes on and are badly on the defensive. All the same familiar chattering heads are turning on them, and it's a mess.
But not unexpected by me.  I fully expected all those veterans whom bought into the Ponzi scheme of ABC to bring the Lieberals into 24 Sussex, to find themselves with their hands held out expectantly with the repayment of zip, zero, zilch for joining in the pitchfork brigades that booted out the CPC and anointed the Golden people into their majority. 

"There's a sucker born every minute"- PT Barnum
Brihard said:
... that would have been easy to articulate if they came out and said, simply, "yup, absolutely it's gotta happen and we're working on it. We could not do a proper job in our first four months of government; we will have a real proposal in time for next year's budget and will let the veterans community decide if we have it right for budget 2017." ...
You know more about the inner machinations of talks & discussions, but from the outside looking in, they could only get away with saying that out loud if they knew they could find the money needed - and I think the size of the bill will make any government of any party soil their silks.
milnews.ca said:
You know more about the inner machinations of talks & discussions, but from the outside looking in, they could only get away with saying that out loud if they knew they could find the money needed - and I think the size of the bill will make any government of any party soil their silks.

Won't argue with you there... But they had to have at last napkined those numbers before making the promise; in coarse terms it would be easy to figure out "total NVA DAs, at an average of x%, = $y per month per pension act numbers". I have to think they at least did that much basic recce.
Brihard said:
Won't argue with you there... But they had to have at last napkined those numbers before making the promise; in coarse terms it would be easy to figure out "total NVA DAs, at an average of x%, = $y per month per pension act numbers". I have to think they at least did that much basic recce.

But remember their 'napkined' numbers told our Supreme Leader that 'The Budget will balance itself'