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Combat Engineer or Infantry

  • Thread starter Thread starter mellow_minded
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That's right,
Because it's all about the bling on the uniform...(please don't open that can of worms).
You might be better served by actually speaking to a real live infanteer or engineer, or whatever trade you might think will get you the most bling in shortest time.
BTW, I hope you're in great shape cuz it's a long road to hump...
bdave said:
I've searched and i've even read all these links: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html
If i misunderstand things, you can tell me...but ease off on the sarcasm, people.
This forum is here for a reason.

I know combat engineers can take the course(s) but they are still combat engineers as opposed to recce or para, who do this "full time". Right?

We are even Heavy Equipment Operators, Water Supply Operators, BBE (Bridge, Boat, Errector) Operators.

You got to remember that not every trade ends with "Team, team, team" (no offense to my Infantry brothers).
hey i' d like to know witch would be better for me. I'd like the challenge of being an infantry soldier but I also like construction. I want some action in my career, that's why I'm joining the CF. Combat engineer as the construction side, but does an infantry? The infantry as the action and the close combat but does a combat engineer? I'm currently waiting for a phone call or an answer to see if I'm accepted so any help would be appreciated. thx
Have you looked at the CFRC site and read the job descriptions for these two Trades?  Perhaps you should.  Then it may help if you read some of the topics and posts that have been made in both the Infantry Forum and the Engineer Forum.  After all that; perhaps then you may have a much better idea of what you are getting into.

Right now your question shows that you have done absolutely no research, and you have provided us with little to qualify your question.  Are you very muscular?  Do you like hiking and camping out?  Do you like building things?  Do you like to dig?  Do you like to fire guns or/and are you a hunter?  Do you seek adventure?  Do you like the outdoors?  Do you want cammaradarie?  Do you like to blow things up?  What are your interests and what do they have to do in relation to whatever Trade you would like to do in the CF?  Without a lot more information, we can't make up your mind for you.............but then again, it is you who should be able to do that.

And seeing as this topic has been merged with a previous one....we can see you haven't done any of the above. 


Ufm101 : From your previous post you have already applied. Did you not talk these trades over with a recruiter?
ufm101 said:
hey i' d like to know witch would be better for me. I'd like the challenge of being an infantry soldier but I also like construction. I want some action in my career, that's why I'm joining the CF. Combat engineer as the construction side, but does an infantry? The infantry as the action and the close combat but does a combat engineer? I'm currently waiting for a phone call or an answer to see if I'm accepted so any help would be appreciated. thx

I had the same questions (as you can see from my multiple posts - several are in this thread).

Infantry is there to fight. They go, kick the doors down and do all the "dirty work". They are the front line in terms of combat.
Infantry excels in combat. It is their purpose. They find a threat, and destroy it. In that sense, they keep the peace. They are there to fight. Period.
Infantry can be varied(sniper, heavy machine gunner, etc) but the task at hand is usually very specific: Kill and destroy.

Combat engineers have several roles. Their definition is somewhat different than that of infantry. They destroy...sometimes they kill too, but they mostly build. Combat engineers have very general tasks to accomplish.

Combat engineers focus on construction (set up water systems, housing and so forth) and deconstruction (defusing IEDs, bombs, mines, various booby traps and detonation of certain structures such as bridges and buildings).
However, since combat engineers are a "combat arm", that means that there might be situations where they are required to engage in combat.

Some examples:

If an area needs to be patrolled, then an infantry unit will most likely do that.
If an area needs to be attacked, infantry will do that.
If someone needs to be escorted, infantry will do that.
If a bomb needs to be defused, combat engineers will do that.
If a well, house or other such structure needs to be set up in an area, the combat engineers will do that.
If an area under the control of combat engineers is being attacked, then the combat engineers revert to their role as soldiers and must fight back as infantry.
If an area is under the control of infantry and is attacked, then infantry will fight back.
If an area or unit is in need of support fire or assistance, then infantry will be called in.
If mines need to be set or defused, then combat engineers are called in.
If a structure needs to be demolished with some high explosives, then the combat engineers are called in.

Even though combat engineers might be called upon to fight, it is not something that will necessarily happen. Keep this in mind.

I have decided infantry is for me. I was more interested in the combat aspect than the (de)construction aspect. I'm a very outdoors person. I'm well built and i love physical and mental challenges.

If you are too, then infantry is for you.

If (de)construction and explosives demolition is your thing, then combat engineer is for you.

One of the reasons i have decided infantry is because in my mind (and i don't know this yet) fighting an enemy that is somewhat predictable (other people) is something i think i could handle. That guy has a gun, let's flank him, etc. You can somewhat react to it.

Defusing a bomb which could go at any time is something i definitely could not handle. I'll be man enough to admit it. That scares the hell out of me.
Whichever path you take, both need tons of commitment and brass balls.

Good luck in your decision.

(I am still somewhat of a beginner when it comes to this knowledge, so anyone please feel free to correct me.)

bdave said:
Combat engineers have several rolls.


And you have very, very limited knowledge of what those roles are. Your post on what engineers do only covers about 10 percent of it. Those constructions and demolitions are done during phases of war where then engineers carrying them out are very much under fire and often taking care of themselves. They often are "the front line in terms of combat" with everyone else (including the infantry) behind them.

yup.  Rolls of det cord, rolls of time fuse, rolls of demo cable, rolls of barbed wire....
CDN Aviator said:

And you have very, very limited knowledge of what those roles are. Your post on what engineers do only covers about 10 percent of it. Those constructions and demolitions are done during phases of war where then engineers carrying them out are very much under fire and often taking care of themselves. They often are "the front line in terms of combat" with everyone else (including the infantry) behind them.

Damn, i even proof read the damn thing.

Well, that's why i'm here. To learn about this.
I know that the engineers are the first ones in and the last ones out.
However, do they conduct most of the fighting?
I didn't mean that engineers never fight. I meant when it comes to kicking down the doors and engaging in combat, the infantry is generally the one who takes the role (roll?).
Am i wrong?
bdave said:
Damn, i even proof read the damn thing.

Well, that's why i'm here. To learn about this.
I know that the engineers are the first ones in and the last ones out.
However, do they conduct most of the fighting?
I didn't mean that engineers never fight. I meant when it comes to kicking down the doors and engaging in combat, the infantry is generally the one who takes the role (roll?).
Am i wrong?

Actually I believe the engineers are the ones who break down the doors.
I posted this video before on another thread, but I might as well post it here again.

It is a cool video, just so you know there are other trades besides Engineers that are trained to do breaches.  Anyone that goes on the Urban Operation Instructors course learns those skills.  I personally have done shotgun breaching overseas with an Infantry section.
Balistic Breaching IIRC can be done by anyone but Explosive Tactical Breaching must be done by either a Basic Dml Instructor (AGRS) or a 00339 Cbt Engr 2I/C (AIRE). But for targets not listed on the breaching table only a 00339 Cbt Engr 2I/C (AIRE) can do it.
To put it simply the Engineers are Jacks of all trades and masters of none (or so goes the saying).

Over there we are being employed as infanteers right up to the point when our knowledge of explosvies are needed. So not only do we have to up on the latest and greatest infantry tactics we must also be up on the latest and greatest explosives and accessories and other items like that.

Also thats why there are volumes and volumes of books that we must have in our battle box inorder to complete our tasks because there is no way we could memorize all that information.
Sappers are like the army's little pitbull, we're small (in numbers), mistreated, ignored, and abused.... and every once in a while we get let out to attack someone.
Dog said:
Sappers are like the army's little pitbull, we're small (in numbers), mistreated, ignored, and abused.... and every once in a while we get let out to attack someone.

:rofl: :cheers:, +1 (oops, internet speak...)

Dog said:
Sappers are like the army's little pitbull, we're small (in numbers), mistreated, ignored, and abused.... and every once in a while we get let out to attack someone.

Big CHIMO there brother Dog!

bdave said:
(I am still somewhat of a beginner when it comes to this knowledge, so anyone please feel free to correct me.)
Your description of Cbt Engr is not so great.  Try some research here:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/22088.0.html

I'd also suggest you might re-visit your conclusion that the enemy is predictable. 
Larkvall said:
Actually I believe the engineers are the ones who break down the doors.
I posted this video before on another thread, but I might as well post it here again.


Right. :P

And i didn't mean the enemy is completely predictable. What i mean is that the human threat that you are facing is infront of you (generally) and you can react to him.
My teachings an infanteer is that the Engineers are there to enable our movement and to impede the enemy's.

In training, we call up the engineers for explosive breaches, but we clear up that point before they get there, and we're still the ones that go in and clear the room.

Also, to my knowledge, overseas, Echos don't go anywhere without Infantry escorting them.

I envy your work with explosives, but not building level 4 Concertina barriers.