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Combat Hospital (ABC and Global) Premiere June 21st

A review.
"It's rather like "MASH" without the jokes but with much more blood and gore.":

Ho hum...found myself kind of confused watching it, some of it I think was the way the storyline progressed, as it was kind of I scattered and some I guess I just can't turn that part of my brain off separating military medical self from TV.  I certainly wasn't gripped by it.  Maybe I should start reading more novels to learn to suspend my disbelief more ;D.  It's not going to change my Tuesday night viewing if it conflicts with something else on TV or sleep.

For the record, I do understand it's TV/Hollywood and allegedly entertainment, however my concern, like other folks, is that it will make a mockery of the sacrifices made by the people going through there as patients and those that looked after them, some of whom are or were our friends, colleagues or family members. 

medicineman said:
For the record, I do understand it's TV/Hollywood and allegedly entertainment, however my concern, like other folks, is that it will make a mockery of the sacrifices made by the people going through there as patients and those that looked after them, some of whom are or were our friends, colleagues or family members. 


The same could be said of any drama production that tries to depict a real-life situation.
medicineman said:
For the record, I do understand it's TV/Hollywood and allegedly entertainment, however my concern, like other folks, is that it will make a mockery of the sacrifices made by the people going through there as patients and those that looked after them, some of whom are or were our friends, colleagues or family members. 


You mean like they did at the end of the show, when they saluted the flags and spoke of the dead soldier's loss? ;)
I wonder how many people slating this show thought "Hurt Locker" was an awesome movie?  I personally flinched every time they suited up, and the stunt of grabbing a handfull of det cord and yanking on it had me apoplectic.  I know some medics who thought it was cool.  HOLLYWOOD, people, hollywood.
i'll give it a moderate pass. I'll likely watch the next eps, but I won't be on the edge of my seat waiting for it.
Now you medical personnel know how to rest of us feel when they Hollywood our trade.  The opening scene with the C-17 was brutal....  almost as bad as all of Top Gun and the entire Ice Pilot series..
Strike said:
I had to chuckle at the little things - the standard bilingual signs on the door saying the area is restricted, the Khaki Bean (which seems to be a mix of Timmies and Green Beans.  Heck, even the main entrance to the Role 3 looks the same.  I can see the CO's clerk being a bit of a Radar character.  ;D

Sure, lots of Hollywood, but I'm pretty sure we all expected that.

I had to giggle to myself at the Khaki Bean as well, and the boards stating the dress and weapon states.  In general, the whole "dusty sea can" set looked pretty good; in some shots I thought it was lifted from the main road to the British DFAC area.

The big question I had the entire episode was how her Canadian civilian phone still had reception in KAF?
I don't know what it was like in 2006, but in December of 2008 my tent mate had reception.  Of course, she only ever used it to text her husband.  It saved the free phone minutes for use with the rest of her rather large family.
Dimsum said:
The big question I had the entire episode was how her Canadian civilian phone still had reception in KAF?

That artistic license everyone keeps going on about  ;D?

She is a surgeon who was trapped in Dubai for a short period of time, maybe she acquired a roaming Roshan capable cell phone!  ;D
Well, a couple of CF nurses were on TV tonight saying good things about the show. I guess it is just you 2 crusty old farts that complain about "realism".

Dimsum said:
The big question I had the entire episode was how her Canadian civilian phone still had reception in KAF?

Just need a quad-band GSM phone, and a provider that has a roaming agreement with Roshan/Areeba/AWCC. Definitely not outside the realm of possibilities, most new GSM phones now are quad-band capable.
CDN Aviator said:
Well, a couple of CF nurses were on TV tonight saying good things about the show. I guess it is just you 2 crusty old farts that complain about "realism".


Must be nice to get paid to say nice things  ;)
CDN Aviator said:
Well, a couple of CF nurses were on TV tonight saying good things about the show. I guess it is just you 2 crusty old farts that complain about "realism".



CDN Aviator said:
Well, a couple of CF nurses were on TV tonight saying good things about the show. I guess it is just you 2 crusty old farts that complain about "realism".  ;D

Yes, life through the eyes of a CF nurse - rose-colored glasses and fresh eyeliner.

If the Crusty, old fart comment is aimed at me - thanks for the complement, I am in good company on this site.
It was better than I expected to be frank.  If those in the know take it for what it is, entertainment for those who have not been and won't see the place it's do-able.  The set was pretty good in giving a feel for the physical presence of KAF if you have not seen it.  Fly shit in pepper aside, I hope they make a go of it.  It's nice to see something out there from my war, even if it's Hollywood.
Dimsum said:
The big question I had the entire episode was how her Canadian civilian phone still had reception in KAF?

Well my rogers phone had service in KAF (09), and I know someone who texted home from the FOB a few times on theirs. 
CDN Aviator said:
Well, a couple of CF nurses were on TV tonight saying good things about the show. I guess it is just you 2 crusty old farts that complain about "realism".


There is someone that lurks here that is a way, way more, umm, experienced and crusty medic/PA than I or some others here...but he hasn't taken the bait.
