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Comm Research

If you're interested in Military Arts and Science look into the Bachelor of Military Arts and Science from continuing education at RMC. You can do all of the courses distance and they're pretty cheap, half the price of a Athabasca course.

I know the wait is a morale killer, I've been waiting close to two years myself. I wish the trade would at least give some sort of info on what's waiting for the guys and gals who have been waiting for a while to keep them interested. It's too easy to lose interest in something when you don't have anything to expect.
Here's PAT schedule:

0730: Rollcall
0800-0900: Mon-Wed-Fri Dress Insp, Tues-Thurs Room Insp
0900-1000: Lectures
1000-1200: PT @ Gym (Fridays are on your own)
1200-1300: Lunch & Rollcall
1300-1400: Lectures
1400-1415: Break
1415-1530: Lectures
1530: Dismissed

Lectures include: Stress mgmt, cf grievance ppl, healthy eating, student-made briefs?, safety brief, student help services brief, safety refresher ppt, com sec brief, history brief, top fuel

Although, based on past experience, lectures probably mean wait in the PAT room.

No clue on the whole shipping out ppl, haven't heard much of it, I know a lot of people have been shipped to units, especially 21EW, but not sure EVERYONE on PAT or arriving gets redirected. (I'll update once I get back on PAT... yay..)
How much is Comm Rsch about listening and processing, at the same time, to signals? For example, morse code. Equivalent tasks.

I was just diagnosed with esophobia, which prevents me from doing morse code (among other things). It is a condition triggered by intense stress (like having to process morse while typing at the same time).

Can I still do this trade? I would ask my staff, but I don't trust them, plain and simple. Been lied to enough.
You should disclose any change in your medical status to your medical staff.  They are the ones that can tell you for sure.  Also, if you don't there is the possibility of being discharged in the future for not disclosing this type of information.
freakerz said:
but I don't trust them, plain and simple. Been lied to enough.

Based on your post, i would be seriously re-evaluating your trustworthiness.......i mean, if we're going to throw accusations around and all......
freakerz said:
Can I still do this trade? I would ask my staff, but I don't trust them, plain and simple. Been lied to enough.

Wow. I'm sure you'll get hammered more for the attitude, but that's just.... wow.

Now, did the CF diagnose you? If they did, the med staff is probably already initiating a med review if its warranted. If not, you're fine. However, there is a lot of times you will be transcribing things, so I'd be looking at a new trade so you can keep your health intact.
freakerz said:
How much is Comm Rsch about listening and processing, at the same time, to signals? For example, morse code. Equivalent tasks.

I was just diagnosed with esophobia, which prevents me from doing morse code (among other things). It is a condition triggered by intense stress (like having to process morse while typing at the same time).

Can I still do this trade? I would ask my staff, but I don't trust them, plain and simple. Been lied to enough.

How the hell does having a fear of dawn or daylight affect how you learn Morse Code. Unless you're a friggin' vampire ::) Go get your terms straight before you start asking for advise.

Definition: Fear of dawn or daylight (also known as Esophobia)
Grammar: Noun 

If that's truly your phobia, the only trade option I see is 'all weather night fighter'.

The military being as small as it is, I have more of a phobia about my staff finding out I called them untrustworthy liars.

edit = spelling
Guys, my staff did not respect MO's opinion, even after he called them. I had to raise my hand when the MWO said "Who doesn't want to be here", and that's when things moved.

I know people can figure out my identity. My reputation is clean as a whistle.
I had to fight with my staff for a month going to the MIR different chit because they didn't get the point that I was getting migraines from the Morse code.

Anyways, I don't want to bring this story on the forums. The course is still going on.

As for the yes, it's esophoRia, typo.

I have to go back to the MIR tomorrow, the Dr didn't make it explicit if I have to OT. The eye tech will handle that tomorrow (give me a chit for my staff to review I guess)
freakerz said:
I had to raise my hand when the MWO said "Who doesn't want to be here", and that's when things moved.

So why even post here in the first place? Its clear to me that you either have a medical condition that precludes you from being a 291er, or you just don't want to be in the trade. Fine on both accounts, the CF will find you a new trade or 3B release you.
PuckChaser said:
So why even post here in the first place? Its clear to me that you either have a medical condition that precludes you from being a 291er, or you just don't want to be in the trade. Fine on both accounts, the CF will find you a new trade or 3B release you.

I'm trying to confirm that such condition would preclude me from being a 291er (morse code is a specialty, as far as we've been told). I'm asking you guys since you're in the trade right now, not "been" in the trade.
I'm still... hoping... that this trade is worth it, but its training system is obviously questionable. That's what keeps pushing me to look around.

It's probably hard for you guys to get how it is as a student, you've been here, either you put up with it, or it wasn't as bad or as long to endure.
As a friend puts it, St-Jean for 4-5 months is one thing, but being treated as such for 1-4 years, it's not motivating at all.

That's another thing I can't believe, everyone around the school knows about CPGear, but nobody seems to come here. Maybe more opinions would change your minds, or make me realize it's not as bad.

On the good side, I've been fortunate so far, can't really complain about my situation beside this recent event.
And I don't want to be released, that's why I'm asking here if the trade relies around tasks similar to Morse code (listening, copying, focusing visually, all at the same time basically).
I can use a computer just fine, it's simply having to listen while I'm focus on the screen and processing a sound.

And like I said, I trust this forum so much more because it has refuted so many things we're told as recruits/unhooked.

Edit: Also, I'm not hiding my condition from my staff, they've known via MO chit and personal memo citing such chit. They know I had an appointment, etc. A lot of people know by now.. like I said.. I worked hard to be heard and understood.

Edit 2: I've told the MO during recruitment that I had this lazy eye, never been diagnosed civy... CF never prevented me from joining for it.. obviously I can work for the CF, I'm trying to figure out if I need to really invest time into a VOR.
You can't listen and type at the same time?  Well that precludes you from doing a a lot of things as a 291er that I can't begin to tell you here.  "Listening, copying, focusing visually, all at the same time basically" as you put is pretty much the bread and butter of our trade.  You need to get that either sorted our or starting think of another trade.
Anyone know when they will start to load people on the next course? From what I heard they got more people than slots so I guess they will start to load pretty soon.
MITE loads people 30 days before a course starts, or thats when the messages come out. If you know the next course dates, just count back 30 days, mark a x and cross your fingers.
Starting on the 26 Apr 11 at 0700 hrs. All PATs working in the CFSCE line will have a daily inspection.  This will include the leaving OUT personal.

Are the pers tasked to 21 EW and such affected by the massive PAT recall? 

It's all well and good for the other pers that are here for two months, what about the Comm Rsch that have a minimum of 18 months on PAT left?

Has anyone else received this?  It's odd that it comes a few days after I volunteer myself for a parade.  I feel that I might have shot myself in the foot.
PuckChaser said:
Your post doesn't make a lot of sense....

I work at CFSCE HQ and received an email through my civilian supervisor, originating from 4 Sqn stating that inspections will be every morning at 0700, effective 26 April, 2011 and apparently concerning ALL 4 Sqn personnel.

I had not seen or heard from 4 Sqn since I started working here.  I asked to be placed on the Change of Command parade coming up, for the sake of pride and drill practice.  Three days later I get ordered to inspections five days per week until further notice.

The last time they ran inspections five days per week it did little aside from shatter morale and interrupt the ability to get work done.  Sorry for not clarifying, it's just that the idea of daily inspections until my contract is done(or clearance comes through) rattled my day a bit.

I didn't want to turn it into a rant, I just wanted to see who was affected by it; namely 21 EW and other taskings around the base.  I guess you could say that I'm looking for an "out." 
I haven't seen the order, but if it says all PAT pers working in CFSCE lines, and you're not working in CFSCE lines...

Best solution, ask your chain of command.
All PAT and living out pers are having inspections? Is that room inspections or personal inspections?
meni0n said:
All PAT and living out pers are having inspections? Is that room inspections or personal inspections?

Sorry, I didn't want to derail the topic(if we had one), but the email is as follows:


Starting on the 26 Apr 11 at 0700 hrs. All PATs working in the CFSCE line will have a daily inspection. This will include the leaving OUT personal.

Leaving IN Pers will be an open locker inspection. All lockers, kit bags and barrack boxes will be unlock. As per CFSCE SOP room inspection.

Leaving OUT Pers will be inspected in BB-6 First Floor East Wing. Daily, they will have to bring a piece of equipment to be inspected.

Week of 26 - 29 Apr:

Tuesday; DEU Ankle boots
Wednesday; DEU shoes
Thursday; DEU Jacket and pants
Friday; DEU shirts (2 long sleeves and 2 short sleeves)

The only personal exempted to the inspection will be the canteen Pers. Those individual will rotate thought out the week.

Questions or concerns plse contact undersigned

I just wanted to know if the good PATs tasked to 21 EW were affected, I would assume that they're considered outside the CFSCE lines.  I had packed everything to move on the 30th, so I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow.
To get closer to topic, has anyone heard of progress on clearances?  I just passed two years in(raise!) with no interview of any kind, but supposedly everything is okay.  There were a few people trying to raise the issue, but I've tried to keep a low profile.