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Comm Research

Hey all, I got put on the competition list for Comm Research just before xmas and hopefully will be picked up this January selection and if not Feb. Question, what sort of deployments could one go on with this trade? I would love to take up a deployment but its not the end of the world if not.

Also, chances of getting to Ottawa after QL3's?

Thanks in advance
Bbmoveup said:
Also, chances of getting to Ottawa after QL3's?

Really good.

Deployments are few and far between right now. Don't count on going anywhere unless we stand up a large deployment like Afghanistan, unless you get a ship posting (which are also very limited).
PuckChaser said:
Really good.

Deployments are few and far between right now. Don't count on going anywhere unless we stand up a large deployment like Afghanistan, unless you get a ship posting (which are also very limited).

Ok, thanks. Right on, I am hoping for Ottawa anyway but I do know that is a ways away with the wait for security clearance after BMQ. Unless that wait is not a year or more now.
Bbmoveup said:
Ok, thanks. Right on, I am hoping for Ottawa anyway but I do know that is a ways away with the wait for security clearance after BMQ. Unless that wait is not a year or more now.

There is always a long clearance wait for Comms Rsch because of the clearance required to actually do the job. You'll get part of your training done, and then wait on PAT Platoon (or be tasked somewhere) until your higher clearance is approved, then you get put on the next course.
PuckChaser said:
There is always a long clearance wait for Comms Rsch because of the clearance required to actually do the job. You'll get part of your training done, and then wait on PAT Platoon (or be tasked somewhere) until your higher clearance is approved, then you get put on the next course.

Thanks Puck. One more question, for comms when is one typically granted to go for QL5's? Two years after 3's?
Thank you, that is much quicker then I thought.
One more question, due to there being no officer trade for comms is there a greater need for SR NCM's and faster promotions then the usual? or do they just take direction from another branch? If a pm is required to answer feel free. Thanks again in advance.
Signal Officers and some CELE are responsible for leading Comm Rsch troops. Promotions are no more faster than any other trade.
sailorprivateer said:
Are there any positions at the NDHQ?

I’m off to basic March 5th for comms, I noticed your timeline. My question to you is how long did it take you for security clearance?
Bbmoveup said:
I’m off to basic March 5th for comms, I noticed your timeline. My question to you is how long did it take you for security clearance?
Still waiting...  ;D that cuz I had to do it all over again, something came up.

sailorprivateer said:
Still waiting...  ;D that cuz I had to do it all over again, something came up.

oh dang that sucks. So your on PAT somewhere? I figured hopefully within the first year after basic but i see that might not be the case.
Bbmoveup said:
oh dang that sucks. So your on PAT somewhere? I figured hopefully within the first year after basic but i see that might not be the case.
Yep, I'm on a tasking tho, so it's not like I'm in a classroom doing nothing right now. But if the military wants me to get paid just to sit in a classroom, I'll do it, I don't care really.

Make sure you have a precise list of your employment and address history. Even if you only had a few days of unemployment or lived there for a few days, they need to know. Also, you don't have to put your previous work's manager or owner as a contact in your employment history. I had put the manager as the contact for that factory I used to work 10 years ago and he didn't know about me offhand and he doesn't have any list of labourers who used to work there. You can put co-workers - thank god I have them on my Facebook - cuz they only want someone who can verify your employment. If you work in a place through a temp agency, put the recruiter's number not someone from the company. Also, as for references, make sure you pick those people who are easy to get hold of. I had put a Member of Parliament, Broadway actor, and nobody picked up when guys from Ottawa called.

So yeah, I had to those all over again. Make sure you have precise list especially if you're someone who had various odd jobs along the way. Uni/College res are considered as your address too, even CFLRS!
sailorprivateer said:
Yep, I'm on a tasking tho, so it's not like I'm in a classroom doing nothing right now. But if the military wants me to get paid just to sit in a classroom, I'll do it, I don't care really.

Make sure you have a precise list of your employment and address history. Even if you only had a few days of unemployment or lived there for a few days, they need to know. Also, you don't have to put your previous work's manager or owner as a contact in your employment history. I had put the manager as the contact for that factory I used to work 10 years ago and he didn't know about me offhand and he doesn't have any list of labourers who used to work there. You can put co-workers - thank god I have them on my Facebook - cuz they only want someone who can verify your employment. If you work in a place through a temp agency, put the recruiter's number not someone from the company. Also, as for references, make sure you pick those people who are easy to get hold of. I had put a Member of Parliament, Broadway actor, and nobody picked up when guys from Ottawa called.

So yeah, I had to those all over again. Make sure you have precise list especially if you're someone who had various odd jobs along the way. Uni/College res are considered as your address too, even CFLRS!

Oh jeeze! Yeah I have a detailed list
Of all that (past Policing application) I tended to use some generic Human Resources numbers because hothead turn over in most of the oilfield companies I worked for in Alberta. I already know I’ll run into a couple employment verification problems... a few have closed up shop etc.

All part of it I guess, thanks for that advice though, appreciated.
Hello Everyone!

Had my final interview 2 days ago, I was offered and accepted the position of Comms Research (21EW)! Looking forward to being part of the team!

First parade this Thursday, first weekend 24-25. Swearing in last part of April, and BMQ May 1? for FTSE.
Bbmoveup said:
Any idea why comm research is now strictly army as of 2018/2019 year?

Could be that there aren't any vacancies in the other element positions this year, or that someone finally realized that its stupid to have a purple trade that basically has 2 major posting areas, one as an Army unit and one in a headquarters.
PuckChaser said:
Could be that there aren't any vacancies in the other element positions this year, or that someone finally realized that its stupid to have a purple trade that basically has 2 major posting areas, one as an Army unit and one in a headquarters.

Figured as much.
Bbmoveup said:
Any idea why comm research is now strictly army as of 2018/2019 year?
Is that just based on the recruiting page?  00120 is low on Air Force and Navy, and have been for years.  The CM won't even entertain Navy or Air Force to Army DEU changes.