Hey now I didn't say it was all lies
I am saying don't swallow it hole and expect it to be all true
What the managing authorities write could be true in a perfect world but we are steering off topic I believe
My main point is this as far as what I have seen and know to be truth is there are allot of people with there fingers in the pie when it comes to Network stuff.
Wiring , Techs set up network wiring and such, Linemen say it is their job
Sigops act a system admins, techs say it is their job
Some Network shops depending on who is in charge only want ATIS Techs stating let the LCIS guys handle the green stuff
And So on and So on
There is no clear line on who handles what when it comes to Network Admin side of things
There in-lies the issue, it all depends where you end up
Take at 2EW who handles the 291's equipment repair etc etc LCIS techs.
I am sure there are places where the security level is such that they handle administration locally I am saying it isn't the "norm" .
that is all
Hey guys,
Both of you are right, tech stuff isn't normally a Comm Rsch job, but when you get into a high security environment like Leitrim, their are several jobs that are manned by 291ers that are normally SigOp jobs or other tech jobs. CFNOC is a perfect example. It's not that other trades aren't perfectly capable of manning the position, but you'd need to clear the Operator to a higher level (which can take a long time), and we have 291ers kicking around who are already cleared.